Chapter 404
The waves keep beating against the shore, and the evening sun shines on everything. This place seems to be a world of sunset, and everything seems to be dizzy.

The waves pushed a bearded man onto the wet sand, like a duckweed, thrown out of his arms by the current, abandoned by the sea, he lay motionless on the beach.

Suddenly, like a trance, or a fantasy in his heart, the man seemed to hear a certain voice, he slowly opened his eyes, and in his eyes were two children with their backs facing him, a boy and a girl, The two squatted on the beach, building a sandcastle, and the bearded man tried to call out to them.

This call caused the child with his back to run away. He didn't see the faces of the two children. He tried to get up, but he felt dizzy and lay helplessly on the beach.

Immediately afterwards, a security officer in charge of guarding a gun came to his side, looked down at him, and then called a colleague who was resting on the jeep on the beach, intending to take him away.

Looking from a distance, behind them is a cliff, and on the top of the cliff is a Soviet-style courtyard standing alone...


Cheng Feng closed the script.

After several months of preparation and hard work, the filming of "Inception" is finally about to officially start. At this moment, Cheng Feng is in the dressing room, with the help of a makeup artist, applying the makeup for the show.

The plot just mentioned in the script is the beginning of the movie, but this beginning needs to be filmed in the later stage. After all, according to the script, the beginning of the plot is already the plot at the end of the movie, and it will not be filmed in time.

The actors who played the role are:

Cheng Feng, who plays the role of the Dream Stealer in the play, the male number one Cobb, surnamed Ke Mingbu, is a professional dream stealer who steals and implants information in dreams to change a person's mind.

Guo Haifei plays Gao Lai, who is an outpost and Cheng Feng's assistant in the play. He is on the front line to help Cobb. unexpected difficulty.

Liang Jiahui plays the role of Yin Zhen, a pretender who can pretend to be any shape in the dream.

Responsible for disguising as a special person in the dream, in order to better influence the target person from the subconscious level, and replace the consciousness stolen by Cobb with other content.

Liyuan plays the nightmare in Cheng Feng's dream. She is married to Cobb played by Cheng Feng, but she is dead. Her name is Li Yuan. Because she studied dreams with Cobb during her lifetime and became a pioneer to go to the Lost Realm, plus Cheng Feng Cobb, played by Feng, has a deep sense of guilt for his wife's death, so his subconscious will occasionally appear in Lianmeng to interfere with his actions.

Liu Yan plays the dream architect Zhao Meng, who is responsible for designing the general environment framework of all levels of the building in the dream, so that the target person will believe that he is in his own dream after entering the dream. Hand it over to the dream owner of this layer to avoid subconscious confusion caused by others being too familiar with the dream. The dream owner can partially modify the details of the dream environment.

On the other side, Ma Yun was reading the script in his independent dressing room, and shook his head secretly when he understood the whole plot with familiarity.

Seeing this, the staff next to him asked, "What's wrong with Mr. Ma?"

"I read this script a few months ago, and I really admire Cheng Feng's imagination. Sure enough, professional things should be left to professional people."

"Then Mr. Ma, are you confident in acting?"

"Don't worry, I found a professional acting teacher for counseling, besides, I have nothing to be afraid of when I play myself this time!"

On the other hand, on the set, the so-called set, is built with green screens. Except for some real objects that need to be used, other scenes are built with special effects by Xuanyuan Special Effects. There are some bumps built by green screens. These bumps are responsible for Simulate a required environment for the actor.

This method is very common in Hollywood, just like in Avengers, many scenes are completed on the green screen, two American captains confront each other, a stuntman and an actor himself, the costumes and scenes are virtual, even the hands The Shield duo are both physical performances.

There are many behind-the-scenes videos of special effects like this on the Internet. It can only be said that the special effects have developed to the point where it is outrageous.

Of course, it depends on the actors performing on the green screen, but the screen in front of director Wang Yutang is another scene.

Guo Haifei had already prepared. At this moment, he was standing behind the director Wang Yutang, carefully referring to the script while looking down at his own performance method, while watching the special effects scene presented on the screen in front of the director. Control between scenes and environments.

It is reasonable to say that the special effects of the scene are usually built in the later stage. Like this performance, the special effects have already been set up, and the actors perform on the green screen with special effects. This experience is the first time for Guo Haifei.

It is not common in China, but it is the norm in Hollywood abroad. Chen Long once said that he visited Hollywood and witnessed such shooting scenes many times.

I can only say that it's not that I don't understand, but that the world is getting more and more perverted.

"Damn it! Where did Cheng Feng find the special effects team? They're so awesome!"

Looking at everything on the director's monitor screen, Guo Haifei was deeply shocked by the realistic scene, and he already understood in his heart that the script is already exciting enough, with such powerful special effects, this time, "Inception" " will really become a classic, and I am afraid that even Europe and the United States will be surprised when it is released.

Thinking of this, Guo Haifei understood that this was an opportunity, and for him it was the starting point for his career to take off, and he became more and more solemn in his heart.

The same is true for other actors, Cheng Feng specially ordered the crew to prepare a big monitoring screen for the director, so that the whole crew could see it.

After all, when the crew was first established, they heard that this film was a sci-fi film, and all of them were local film and television practitioners in Huaguo. The so-called family members knew their own affairs. They couldn't be more clear about this level.

In fact, there were mostly drums and doubts in their hearts, but when they saw the special effects scene that had been built on the screen, everyone was shocked, and a thought appeared in everyone's mind: "I'm afraid this time I will really go to heaven!"

Unknowingly, everyone's attitude changed from the previous doubts, and became more positive.

Just like Guo Haifei, holding the script in his hand at the moment, looking at the script and the screen at the same time, thinking about how to combine his performance with the virtual space to make his performance more suitable for the plot, so that more people will remember him , he already has a very strong idea that this movie will definitely hit the country, the more so, the more desperate he will be!

(End of this chapter)

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