Chapter 393
Enthusiastic applause broke out, and people shouted Cheng Feng's name for a while!

As the excitement subsided, Wismula, chairman of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, continued: "Now is the time to listen to the winners' speeches, gentlemen and ladies!

Let us have a favor - Cheng Feng! "

At this moment, the whole street was shaken, the crowds were crowded, and the whole world was screaming!
The crowd was turbulent, and the world here was like layers of giant waves being rolled up by a strong wind. Cheng Feng's name was completely rolled over in the crowd, setting off a loud and deafening sound wave!

People shouted his name, as if everyone in the world was shouting out Cheng Feng's name.

Cheng Feng got up from the guest seats and kept walking towards the podium covered with red carpet.

At this meeting, Cheng Feng smiled from the bottom of his heart, looking confident!Generous!Sunlight!

He kept waving to the crowd, the shutter sounded crazily, and the flashes were dense. The whole person looked like a shining sculpture, giving people an inexplicable monumental texture.

Cheng Feng first came to the podium, shook hands with the chairman of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to thank him, then stood calmly on the podium, his figure was straight, his eyes were full of pride, and with a sunny smile, he spoke to the microphone with a loud and clear voice. : "Thank you! Thank you to my fans from all over the world!
thank you all!

First of all, I would like to thank the chairman of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Wismla, for his generous words!

For this star awarding ceremony, I really cherish it from the bottom of my heart. It seems to be just a simple five-pointed star, but in the eyes of us film practitioners, this is a symbol of appreciation from all audiences in the film industry. Love from the bottom of the heart!
Thanks also to the beautiful Jennifer, Kristen, Emma!The presence of three beautiful beauties, to be honest, you are the three best sweethearts I have ever seen in Hollywood!I like you from the bottom of my heart! "

The three beauties smiled one by one, Jennifer raised her head and laughed, Christine blew kisses directly, and Emma smiled sweetly.

"I would also like to thank the two gentlemen Christian Bale and Wen Ziren for their support, as well as my childhood idol, Mr. Chen Long. He is one of the reasons why I fell in love with movies since I was a child. His arrival is also unexpected for me. surprise.

And my important partner in life and work, Mr. Wang Ze, to be honest, without him, many things would give me a lot of headaches! "

Several male guests seemed calm, they just smiled and applauded!

On the other side, CCTV [-] is also broadcasting Cheng Feng's star awarding ceremony live, and it can also be seen on major platforms on the Internet.

Cheng Feng went on to say: "There are too many relatives and friends who came here this time, and I can't explain them one by one. Thank you for traveling to the scene and supporting me!"

"I thank the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, the Walk of Fame Committee, and the city of Los Angeles for giving me this eternal honor!"

Then Cheng Feng paused for a moment, and continued: "It is true that my name is engraved on this star, but it is actually the painstaking efforts of countless people!

There are so many talented screenwriters, directors, actors, and crew members, it is they who have supported me and made me the current Cheng Feng in the eyes of everyone! "

"Many people told me that it is a miracle that Cheng Feng, an actor from China and Asia, can achieve such success in Hollywood with three films!
First up is Hannibal!Then came 1900!Now it's the clown!

People are amazed that I can create two phenomenal villains in the film industry in a short period of time, as well as an image of an artist with a strong artistic atmosphere!
This is very exciting for minorities in the United States, especially Asians! "

Speaking of this, Cheng Feng paused, and continued: "Actually, native American Asian actors have been working hard for a long time, but they have not yet gained a place in Hollywood.

I think young European, American and native Asian actors should let go of their stereotypes and give them opportunities. I believe that there must be better people among them than me.

How lucky I am, Cheng Feng, to have rare people like Huang Liushuang, Bruce Lee, Chen Long, Liu Yuling, etc., who have opened up the territory for Chinese actors and smoothed the thorns for me, so I can go smoothly in the land of Hollywood!

I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to represent the Chinese ethnic group and the Asian ethnic group, and to become a representative of changing the stereotype of the yellow race after Liu Shuang, Bruce Lee, Chen Long, and Liu Yuling's predecessors.

Like my predecessors, I will use my whole life to bridge the gap between Asians and the world, and let people know what the real East is!What is a real yellow man!

We are by no means narrow-minded and selfish as our prejudices make us think.

I also despise from the bottom of my heart those films that deliberately discredit and humiliate a nation and people of the yellow race!I don't give any respect to the people who make this kind of movie!
In particular, Quentin lacks the minimum respect for Mr. Bruce Lee, who has passed away and brought great changes to the world's action movies, and wantsonly smeared. What I want to say is, Quentin, Cheng Feng, and I will fight you to the end!

It is true that there are dark corners in the world, but whether it is in the East, or the Asian groups in Europe and America, they are actually kind.

They are kind, kind, brave and hardworking!
They are all grateful for the world, while doing their best to take care of their families!
At the same time, I am also especially grateful to those people of insight. To be honest, in Hollywood, I have also seen those friends who put aside their prejudices, withstood the pressure, and treated the Asian ethnic group equally. Thank you! "

A speech from the bottom of my heart, which immediately attracted the applause of many people, especially the Asian group who arrived at the scene. Most of them are descendants of immigrants, and there are many Chinese among them.

Cheng Feng's words are also speaking for them. As a minority group in Europe and America, even within the territory of China, there will be regional discrimination.

Not to mention, the gap between race and race, and the so-called discrimination nowadays has become invisible from the past.

Only those who have lived abroad for a period of time can realize that Cheng Feng's words touched their hearts and made many Chinese and Asians shed tears.

Fans from other ethnic groups, regardless of skin color and race, gave applause without hesitation!
Cheng Feng's words were not so cadenced, not as loud and singing, but they were powerful, word by word, they seemed extremely confident.

From Cheng Feng's words, people heard Cheng Feng's pride as a Chinese and a yellow man!
Hearing the integrity of Cheng Feng, no matter what nationality or race, people all over the world who are proud of their skin color, race, and country are worthy of respect from the bottom of their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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