Chapter 391 A Rose

In Hollywood, Los Angeles, the east side of Gower Street extends to La Brea Avenue in the west, and then along Vine Street between Yucca Street and Sunset Boulevard, the sidewalk advances from north to south.

This sidewalk also has a famous name, the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

The Avenue of Stars is paved with gray terrazzo, and pink terrazzo five-pointed stars are inlaid equidistantly along the road. The stars are edged with bronze and embedded in dark gray squares.

Inside the pink star is the name of the award recipient engraved in bronze, and below it is a ring logo, with different patterns, representing the recipient's field.

The first star on the Avenue of Stars was placed in 1960, in order to reward the famous American movie, TV and drama stars, Joanna Woodward, the heroine of the movie "Three-Faced Eve", a very beautiful blonde beauty.

Since then, with the passage of time, celebrities have left their mark on this street.

Similarly, a week has passed since I finished drinking with Wen Ziren...

It's the weekend, the sun is shining, and the sidewalk is star-studded with 2400 stars.

A new five-pointed star is about to usher in, and the owner of this five-pointed star is Cheng Feng!

On the Hollywood Walk of Fame...

Cheng Feng was alone, wearing a mask, sunglasses, and a baseball cap, standing motionless on the sidewalk.

He held a rose in his hand, and this was the very beginning of the Avenue of Stars.

Cheng Feng lowered his head and stared at the ground, and what caught his sight was a star. Cheng Feng just watched quietly, without saying a word for a long time...

This is a star full of mottled scars, the years have made the floor tiles of this star look so fragile...

On the other side of the network, as soon as the news that Cheng Feng was about to leave his name on the Avenue of Stars appeared, it ignited the global network all at once.

Many fans of Cheng Feng's movies all over the world offered their blessings, and some fans planned to travel thousands of miles to support Cheng Feng.

And the news spread back to the country in an instant, and the major portals, news, and official accounts are constantly spreading the news.

On Cheng Feng's official Weibo, all the domestic movie fans fell into a carnival.

"That's amazing! I remember seeing Chen Long leaving his name on the Avenue of Stars on TV when I was a child, and I don't know how long it took to watch the star awarding ceremony on TV. I never imagined that I would be lucky enough to witness the second Huaguo in my lifetime." Actors leave their names on the Avenue of Stars!"

"Upstairs, there are four Chinese actors named on the Avenue of Stars. There were four in total before, Liushuang Huang, Bruce Lee, Chen Long, and Yuling Liu. Cheng Feng is the fifth actor to receive this honor after the four of them!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with what the first floor said. He was talking about Chinese actors. According to his nationality, Cheng Feng is indeed the second Chinese actor to be named on the Hollywood Walk of Fame after Chen Long."

"I know about Bruce Lee and Chen Long, and I know about Lucy Liu who played the actress who killed Bill, but who is this Huang Liushuang? I haven't heard of it anyway?"

"Yes! Who is Anna May Wong?"

Who is Anna May Wong?
Not to mention the general audience, even Cheng Feng heard of this actress for the first time.

If it weren't for Cheng Feng's upcoming star awarding ceremony, he deliberately learned about the relevant information, and about Huang Liushuang, a beautiful woman, he would probably put her in a corner of history, and no one cares about her.

She grew up in the harshest of racist environments.

In the second half of the 19th century, many Chinese came to North America to work, including Huang Liushuang's grandparents and maternal grandparents. Chinese laborers in North America mined mines, built roads, and repaired docks, doing the most humble and hardest jobs.

Things improved slightly in the generation of Anna May Wong's father, Sam Sing Wong, who opened a laundromat in Los Angeles' Chinatown.

In 1905, Anna May Wong was born. She was the second of eight children in her family. Like all the children of the lower-class Chinese, Anna May Wong helped out in her father's laundry since she was a child.

Once she got a tip from a guest and used it to watch her first movie, a black and white silent film, but it sparked the spark of acting in the heart of the young Anna May Wong.

At that time, many American movies came to Chinatown to shoot scenes. The lively and active Huang Liushuang often came to the set and asked the director to give her a role. The filmmakers called it "CCC", which means "Curious China Child".

At the age of 14, Anna May won her first film role, playing the unnamed mistress of an Englishman in "Red Lantern".

At the age of 17, she starred in "The Passing of the Sea", playing the role of the Chinese girl Lianhua.

This was her first lead role, and the film was a huge success, but since then Anna May has continued to play humble roles like slaves and prostitutes.

Since her childhood in Chinatown, Huang Liushuang has been a girl unwilling to be ordinary. In 1928, Huang Liushuang decided to leave the discriminatory America and go to Europe where liberalism is more prosperous.

She has a very high talent for languages. When she grew up in the United States, she quickly learned an elegant London accent and even mastered fluent German. In two years, Anna May Wong starred in five British films. "Dream" became popular in London, and spread publicity in Shanghai and other Asian metropolises, which opened up word of mouth for her.

In that era full of discrimination, she even received a banquet invitation from the British royal family.

In the first half of the 20th century, American society was very enthusiastic about the cultures of old European countries such as the United Kingdom. Many wealthy American businessmen and the sons of declining British aristocrats took what they needed, which led to a wave of marriages.

Naturally, British pop culture also had a considerable influence on the United States, so that Anna May Wong's momentum in the United States quickly reversed.

In September of a certain year in history, Japan created the "September [-]th Incident" in China. Huang Liushuang immediately used her star influence to publish newspapers condemning Japanese atrocities. She also gradually became a representative of Chinese-American filmmakers, and often published articles discussing various She has publicly accused the Chinese Exclusion Act in the United States.

After the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Huang Liushuang called on people to pay attention to the Anti-Japanese War, and raised money through her influence, and all the money was eventually donated to China. The people of the country despise her.

The disdainful eyes of the Chinese are like a murderous sword, which is far more chilling than the discrimination of Europeans and Americans!

In 1942, Huang Liushuang starred in two anti-Japanese films "Myanmar Bomb" and "Ms. Chongqing", and donated her film remuneration to the China United Relief Society. After that, Huang Liushuang retired from the film industry.

In 1960, Huang Liushuang, as the first Chinese actress, left a star on the inauguration ceremony of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

This year, she guest-starred in two film and television productions, and received invitations to star in the films "Flower Drum Song" and "The World of Suzie Wong", but was unable to take up the role due to illness.

At the beginning of the second year, Huang Liushuang died of a heart attack at the age of 56. This was her whole life. Cheng Feng also learned a lot about her personal experience. Many tragedies happened to her, which were all caused by the weakness of the entire nation in the past. , even though Huang Liushuang resisted and tried to use her own efforts to change the image of the Chinese people, but it was still nothing serious, and her life was spent in the cracks.

She once said: "When I was welcomed by fans in Germany, as the only Chinese present, I was overwhelmed by a strong sense of loneliness!

I have been looking forward to being with my compatriots! "

"I wish I was born in China!"

On the eve of her only return to China, she wrote in a letter to her American friends: "Although China is a strange country to me.

However, I'm finally home! "

Perhaps when she passed away, she also kept unwillingness and regret.

She is beautiful, even if she is despised by narrow-minded people because of her role, but she has never forgotten her hometown.

She is brave, and she is the first woman to yell "No" loudly for the Chinese community on stage in front of the public.

She is kind, and she is using her meager strength to save her motherland, even if it is a drop in the bucket, even if she is rejected and despised by her compatriots who are self-styled.

She is in pain, and her life experience is like a cup of sour bitter wine, which makes people feel sad.

Looking back on her short life, living in the gap between race and age, she sang a weeping song of untimely birth.

However, no matter how noisy the voice of praise and reputation is, she still relies on a strong heart to support her, even though she is surrounded by enemies, she is still trying to be herself!

Avenue of Stars……

Caressed by the breeze, on a dilapidated star floor tile, a delicate rose is pressed with a piece of paper and placed on it!
The petals swayed with the breeze, and the piece of paper under the rose was written with a beautiful sentence, which seemed to be comforting and a sacrifice!

"May this prosperous world be as you wish!"

(End of this chapter)

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