Chapter 387 Symbol
Throughout the whole film, the clown is the only supreme principle in the film that penetrates the infinite universe and can operate - entropy!

What is entropy?That is, whether it is business, life, steel, politics, everything must decay and perish!

Everything will return to chaos and nothingness, the world itself is a super joke! ! !
In this joke, all living beings seeking knowledge, joy, survival, and death are all clowns, wearing new clothes called the meaning of life woven by self-hypnosis, waiting for the day when they must die, dancing a dance that they don’t even know. Lying in a coffin called death is nothing, oh... no!in the box!

When the clown played by Cheng Feng shouted out with an extremely shocking performance: "Why so serious?"

Isn't it a reminder to everyone that the world is worth taking seriously?
Cheng Feng's perfect combination of performance and plot makes his role as the clown far more appealing than Jack Nicholson's old version of the clown in the world.

And domestic movie fans ushered in a carnival!That domestic actor who was once unknown, who once played the role of Dongfang Bubai, has really contributed a classic swan song to the world film industry by virtue of his unique talent.

China, South Korea, Neon, Southeast Asia, Australia, America, and Europe all admire Cheng Feng, the Son of Chaos.

So far, the clown played by Cheng Feng has been promoted to the altar by himself!

In the movie, the gang camp is relatively simple. They believe in profit, not in justice, pro-chaos, hate order, but rely on order!
However, the essence of gangsters and clowns is different. In a sense, gangsters are more sinful groups. They are the eternal challengers of the system, and they will still be the main body of struggles by Batman, Gordon and others in the future.

But gangsters are also victims in this film, not because they are kind, but because they are normal.

Citizens, the foundation of all factions, are the factions that are most easily overlooked in previous comic book hero movies, but receive the most attention.

If we compare them to the vast ocean, then justice is the thin ice floating on the surface, and chaos is the theme under the ice!

First of all, citizens are the recipients of violence, but at the same time they are often the producers of violence.

Citizens are more destructive than gangsters, and more subversive than clowns.

Because they are the foundation of all other camps, as people often say, people can carry a boat, and they can also overturn it!
They are the support of all classes, the support of love such as Batman, and the support of interests such as gangsters.

Once the society chooses to collapse itself, the behavioral logic that Batman and others insist on collapses together, and the power boundary formed by the long-term game between gangsters and society disappears instantly.

The so-called "people's ocean", if not properly guided, will be a destructive force that swallows everything!
According to the clown's logic, if the clown wins in the end, it is not the clown who did it, but the whole society helped the clown to complete it.

So in the end, Batman would rather be charged with murder than let the fact that "Lighthouse" Harvey Dent has fallen become a fact in people's minds!
Especially the victory of the game between the common people and the prisoners in the "Prisoner's Dilemma".

It was the last ray of light in the endless darkness!
It is also the only motivation for Batman not to despair and self-sacrifice in the end!

In the ending, Batman is willing to bear the crime and has not fallen. In fact, the only remaining conscience of the citizens saved Batman.

This last glimmer of light saves Batman from staring at the abyss of darkness with the Joker played by Cheng Feng.

Balance, order, chaos, interests, and foundations are actually our world.

At the same time, Cheng Feng once again gained a lot of limelight by virtue of his incomparable interpretation of the clown.

Perhaps people can ignore the excellence of this movie, but they absolutely cannot ignore the clown played by Cheng Feng.

When it comes to comic book movies, the most unsatisfied audience group is comic book readers.

It's like the original party of domestic fantasy novels, but as far as the domestic adaptation and remake level is concerned, there is nothing wrong with the original party's criticism!
Needless to say, the clown villain plays a pivotal role in DC comics. The clown is also Batman's most powerful enemy.

In 1940, the authors of "Batman" Bill Finger, Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson jointly created the Joker. The Joker appeared in the first issue of "Batman". It can be said that Batman and the Joker grew up together. Even jokingly said that the two fell in love and killed each other.

Over the past few decades, crazy, perverted, abnormal clowns have gone through several periods of DC comics. The clown's character ranges from brutal to funny, to dark and disorderly with superior IQ. The clowns in each stage have their own characteristics.

What really makes the clown full of creepy and cult charm is that after the 80s, the character of the clown became more crazy and dark, and entered the dimension of social reflection.

The most classic of these is Alan Moore's "Deadly Joke", which describes the clown's transformation and spiritual world more completely.

In 1996 and 1997, DC Comics published "Batman: The Long Halloween" in the form of a monthly magazine, and the depiction of the Joker in it was also based on the dark madness.

Between Batman and the Joker in "The Dark Knight", the two achieve and destroy each other, and the poles of justice and evil intermingle with each other, allowing the audience to see the deeper spiritual world of the two entangled together.

Cheng Feng's success in portraying the role of the clown is inseparable from the uncomfortable image of the clown itself.

According to statistics, the childhood shadow of many Westerners is the clown. The key point is that Cheng Feng also felt that the image of the clown he saw when he was a child was inexplicably scary.

It looks like a big white face, big red lips, he thought it was not pleasing to the eye when he was a child, and the more he looked at it, the more awkward he became.

The most important reason why DC's clowns are scary is that they have shaped the clown's pessimistic insight into human nature. This insight accurately points to the darkest and weakest side of human nature, and the clown uses his own tricks to make use of it. Afterwards, it has become the most powerful weapon to destroy people's spiritual world.

Other villains basically hurt each other's body, and the more advanced ones are to destroy the one you love, making you miserable.

And a super villain like the clown will collapse the spiritual world that people understand, driving people into madness and falling into the abyss of chaos.

Finally, with this "The Dark Knight of Batman", in this plane, people realized for the first time that from now on, Hollywood will have another world-renowned villain IP—Joker!
Nowadays, among the most popular villain IPs in the world, Hannibal and the Joker are the two most representative characters.

And the person playing these two roles turned out to be the same person, Cheng Feng from Huaguo!
Time flies, after several months of publicity, Cheng Feng came to the last stop of his trip to the United States.

After completing this stop, he can also bid farewell to return to China and start his repayment plan...

(End of this chapter)

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