The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 385 In 1 language

Chapter 385 in one sentence

"David, did you see that?"

"Nonsense, I'm not blind, that sentence just now was really enjoyable!"

Holpes nodded in agreement with David's point of view, and said "Why so serious!" Cheng Feng's clown character is super amazing.

At this moment, on this plane, for the first time in the entire film history, a villain with no motive appeared, or the audience could not guess Cheng Feng's clown at all, his true thoughts.

Cheng Feng's superb acting skills gave the audience an unprecedented sense of mystery.

The sentence "why so serious" is very ironic, because the clown's duty is to make people laugh through funny performances, so that everyone is no longer serious and shows a relaxed smile.

However, Cheng Feng's clown makes the audience feel creepy. Coupled with "why so serious", the strong contrast between the front and the back is like a terrifying rag doll, which brings out the horror of Cheng Feng's character.

The shocking performances of the film are still going on.

Cheng Feng's clown raided the banquet, looking at Cheng Feng's clown like a king, wantonly venting his madness at the banquet full of guests and friends.

Looking at Emma's tangled and fearful reaction, even ordinary viewers can see the fear from her heart.

The characters played by Cheng Feng and Christian Bale compete with each other.

Burned greedy businessman with flames of money.

With wobbly steps, he walked in the hospital where flames were flying all over the sky. When the hospital didn't explode, he pressed the remote control vigorously, showing madness.

In the end, the clown played by Cheng Feng was hung upside down on the floor, with extremely crazy laughter. The clown in the film failed.

But in the hearts of the audience, they always felt that the clown played by Cheng Feng was tired of playing and didn't want to play anymore.

Until the last moment, everyone still couldn't calm down Cheng Feng's scene-by-scene interpretation in their minds.

A line of classic dialogue filled the minds of the audience...

Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a nudge.

Either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself driven into a villain.

Now I finally see the funny side of things and laugh a lot.

I'm just a dog chasing cars, I don't know what I'm doing, but once I catch up, I have something to do.

Our world is really funny. Speaking of which, do you want to know where the scars on my face come from?
Put a smile on your face!
I believe that what doesn't kill you, just makes you weirder.

Create a little commotion, disrupt the original order, and then everything becomes chaotic, and I am the representative of chaos, do you know the benefits of chaos?It brings justice!

Don't talk about benevolence and morality like them, you are not one of them!No matter what, you won't be able to get in!

To them, you're nothing more than a freak like me!They need you now, and when they don't want you, they will exclude you later, look at their moral code, their laws and regulations, it's just a bad joke!
Whenever there is danger, they will show their true colors. In peacetime, they live in peace. I will prove it to you. In times of crisis, these so-called civilized people will kill each other!

Who said I wanted to kill you?How can I live without you?Go ripping off those gangsters, no, no, no, no, it's you!It's you who complete me!

You, you just can't let me die, can you?

This is what happens when an unstoppable force is attached to an immovable object.

You really are mighty and unyielding, aren't you?Because of the so-called illusion of justice in your heart, you refused to kill me.

As for me, I am also reluctant to kill you because you are so interesting. I have a feeling that we are destined to fight for the rest of our lives.

When finally, Batman played by Christian Bale was charged with crimes and disappeared into the dark night of Gotham while fleeing, the movie called "The Dark Knight of Batman" was completely finished.

At this moment, everyone was shocked from the bottom of their hearts. Cheng Feng's clown, the evil that penetrated into the bone marrow and the weird smile that lingered after watching it, could not make people calm for a long time.

Through his own interpretation, Cheng Feng showed the audience something that can never be seen in other movies-extreme evil.

For the first time, Holpes saw an actor who interpreted the villain's evil so purely.

Cheng Feng's clown not only has a logically consistent worldview, but even makes Holpes vaguely realize that there seems to be nothing wrong with this worldview.

At this moment, Cheng Feng's clown is more like a crazy philosopher, only because he is out of tune with the world, it gives people a feeling of madness.

Especially the sentence "why so serious?" is actually the clown's outlook on life: absolute chaos, absolute disorder, and absolute nothingness can create true peace!

At this moment, everyone sighed from the bottom of their hearts, Cheng Feng successfully played a villain with no motivation, without him, this movie would lose more than half of its color.

Everyone unconsciously thought that Cheng Feng was not playing a clown, he turned himself into a clown.

A perfect role, met an actor who can perfectly interpret this role, the combination of the two produced a perfect chemical reaction.

Holps, showing an excited look, looked at the subtitles at the end of the film and said slowly: "SO...Why so serious?"

The next day, in the afternoon, July 7, Los Angeles...

Movie fans kept walking towards the cinema, and Holpes and David planned to watch "The Dark Knight of Batman" again.

Holps looked helpless at the moment, looked at everything around the theater, curled his lips and said: "This group of people know how to follow suit. Yesterday, everyone was dressed as Batman! Today, everyone is painted with white faces. !"

David sneered, and then said: "Hehe! Humans are animals that follow the trend blindly, what can you do!" At this point, David looked at Holpes, and then reminded: "Hi! Dude, your Makeup is gone!"

"I know, it's too hot today, I'm sweating all the time, who knew oil paint would melt so easily, if I knew it, I would have used foundation makeup like you!"

Looking at this time again, if the movie was released yesterday, and DC fans rushed to play Batman, then today, for some reason, everyone changed into the makeup of the clown overnight.

With big white faces, big red lips, and dark circles under the eyes, it seemed that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird.

Of course, there are also fans who play Batman. These people are watching this movie for the first time today. Seeing so many clowns around them, these Batmen feel baffled and wonder, isn’t it that Batman is the protagonist? What do you think? On the contrary, the villain clown in the movie seems to be the protagonist?
When did the clown become the main character?Say good justice will prevail?

(End of this chapter)

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