The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 359 The Resonance of the Lonely

Chapter 359 The Resonance of the Lonely
To stay or to leave, at that moment, is not only Cheng Feng's own decision in 1900, but also a decision that all viewers want to make for it.

So, including Ouyang, the audience in the screening hall, a question that kept lingering in the minds of all movie viewers appeared:

Why don't you disembark?

Some people were puzzled, frowning and thinking.

Some people think that the character played by Cheng Feng is too cowardly and has been bound in one place for too long, so they don't want to leave.

At first, when Ouyang Xuxu saw this scene, apart from feeling lost in his heart, he also began to constantly put himself into the plot and think about it, murmuring in a low voice alone in his seat.

"For me, if I, Ouyang Xuxu, have both the girl's address and the record that I haven't given away in time, and I pursue love, wouldn't that be the best opportunity to choose to get off the ship at this moment?

Then why, 1900 played by Cheng Feng, didn't get off the boat? "

"Could it be that Cheng Feng's 1900 chose to stick to the cabin because he was afraid of the new world, because he was afraid of facing the unpredictable world and future?
Was it cowardice that stopped 1900 from disembarking? "

Suddenly a low voice responded: "It's not like this!"

With a strong Cantonese accent, Ouyang Xuxu's thoughts were interrupted. When Ouyang looked around, he saw only a gray-haired man in casual casual clothes and a peaked cap. Because of the dim light, he couldn't see clearly. Face, he responded as he watched the film.

"Why is that?" Ouyang Xuxu asked in a low voice.

"If I were a few decades ago, I might not be able to understand it, but now watching this movie in theaters, I think I can understand Cheng Feng 1900's choice." The man responded silently.

Then he paused for a moment, and then whispered softly: "This character has no official identity verification, and he has never belonged to a wandering person on land. From beginning to end, he is only accompanied by the sea and music...

Other than that, it's all redundant. "

"How much world does a man need? I think he was like me, and in 1900 he understood that this ship was enough to give him everything he wanted.

In this seemingly barren, even narrow space, we build up his complete spiritual and living world. "

Ouyang Xuxu couldn't help asking questions in his heart when he heard the words, he couldn't help asking himself in his mind: "What is finite? What is infinite?"

Acquaintances are all over the world, and there are friends you know wherever you go, can you bring enough sense of security?
Ouyang shook his head. The reality is that after crying bitterly, no matter how difficult it is, you have to digest it by yourself. Many people are silently enduring loneliness alone.

Traveling around the world and seeing customs and customs all over the world, does it mean spiritual abundance?
Ouyang Xuxu once again denied that the real appearance should be that the lattice room is probably the real belonging.

Does having a high enough monthly salary mean that anxiety no longer exists?

However, in life, people will find that no one feels that the money on hand is enough to spend, and no amount of money can always buy a sense of security!
At this moment, Ouyang Xuxu can't tell what is limited and what is infinite.

With doubts, Ouyang Xuxu continued to watch the film...

Until then in the movie, 1900 played by Cheng Feng said to Max: "It's not what I see that stops me, but what I can't see, do you understand?"

"The endless city has everything, but there is no end. I need to see the end of the world."

"Take the piano as an example. The keyboard has a beginning and an end. Everyone knows that there are 88 keys. The keyboard is limited, but the music is infinite. There can be infinite music played on the keys, but the keyboard in front of this ship..."

"There are countless keys, endless ... How can an infinite keyboard make music?

This is not for mortals, it is for God! "

At this time, the white-haired man said: "For 1900, an endless city is just an endless keyboard, how can it be possible to play the melody?

It's like putting a hundred roads in front of you, and no one knows where to go.

We always have to make choices among thousands of choices, and we always want to walk through thousands of paths.

It looks so vast, but in fact everyone has the same dream, to love a woman, live in a house, buy a piece of land, look at a scenery, and walk a dead end! "

Ouyang Xuxu seemed to understand, and murmured in response: "Infinite is desire, narrow is life, barren is ideal!
As Cheng Feng said in 1900, people on land waste too much time on why, winter is afraid of summer, and summer is afraid of winter.

And 1900, who never envies things outside of himself and others, always knows what he wants and how much he wants. "

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xuxu became curious about the man beside him, what kind of person would have such a penetrating understanding of this movie.

It is undeniable that he is first of all a lonely person. The white-haired man beside him, if the super-high piano skills are a spectacle that belongs to 1900 in the film, then aside from talent, in a sense, 1900 is different from himself. The core of the man in front of him is connected to a certain extent.

They are all in an extremely limited space, pursuing the infinity that they can create.

Ouyang Xuxu became more and more curious, he wanted to see the man's face clearly, but unfortunately the light was too dark, the man was still close to the plot of the film.

Looking at the silhouette of this person's profile reflected in the darkness, Ouyang Xuxu felt an inexplicably familiar feeling in his heart.

"Who is not a scavenger wandering in this world, but in 1900 he chose the most disgraceful way to embrace the eternal loneliness." The man spoke slowly, staring at the big screen, seemingly emotional, and suddenly said One sentence.

At this time, Ouyang Xuxu heard the words and looked at the big screen. At this time, there was a loud noise, accompanied by bright sparks all over the sky, and tongues of flame rising one by one. 1900 played by Cheng Feng disappeared with the fireworks of the day.

"Alas..." With a long sigh, the white-haired man murmured: "Time cannot go back. People seem to grow up, but in fact they just lose themselves time and time again."

Ouyang hurriedly asked in a low voice: "Then this gentleman, what do you think, the 1900 played by Cheng Feng won't get off the boat?"

"Because he can see clearly that compared with the life on the ship, the people who live on land are the ones who really drift in the wind and waves.

Our land is his ocean, and no one wants to be adrift all his life. "

As the plot of the movie progresses, until the end, Max disappears into the fog of urban red dust and continues his wandering, and the movie ends here.

The lights suddenly brightened, and the man beside Ouyang had already put on a mask, lowered his peaked cap and hurried away with the crowd.

Ouyang Xuxu hurriedly got up, at this moment he squeezed his fist, then let go suddenly, he wanted to catch up with that person, but at this moment he smiled lightly and murmured with relief: "Why bother, even if If you recognize who this person is, there is no need to bother him, after all, he is used to being alone..."

(End of this chapter)

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