The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 339 The gluttonous feast

Chapter 339 The gluttonous feast
"Best Picture at this year's Oscars - The Silence of the Lambs!"

When the dust settled, everyone knew that this year's Oscars had become a one-man show for this film.

The Silence of the Lambs, this film adapted from Thomas's novel, initiated by Jonathan, and jointly released by Warner and Lotte Media, won the Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Film with a sweeping momentum. 5 heavyweight awards for the best adapted screenplay.

Backstage of the theater—Glory Passage!

A group of four, each with a statuette, Jonathan has two, one for Best Director, and one for Best Picture.

The so-called glory channel means that after winning the coveted Oscar, the lucky winners will go to the backstage and go directly through the "glory channel" to accept photos and media interviews.

The "Aisle of Glory" is full of photos of previous Oscar winners.

At this time, the winners will suddenly realize that their photos will also appear on this commemorative wall.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor, Cheng Feng looked at the photos of previous Oscar winners, and many familiar faces had left their shadows on them.

The people in these photos have different appearances, there are men and women, the only thing in common is that they are holding statuettes, happy like children.

Soon, Cheng Feng's photo will also appear on the wall of this corridor for future generations to admire.

The group of four, Jonathan, Thomas, Cheng Feng, and Jennifer, all had red faces.

The four of them chatted happily, talking nonsense, anyway, the four of them were very excited at this moment.

Jonathan handed in a satisfactory answer to his film career.

How could Thomas have made his career as an author more brilliant.

Jennifer needless to say, after more than ten years of waiting to win an Oscar again, this will be her craziest.

As for Cheng Feng, he created history and became the No.1 Asian actor who won the Oscar winner award. Behind his award is more far-reaching significance.

Walk through the corridor and come to the place where media reporters are entertained.

As soon as I set foot, the shutter sounded everywhere!


To be honest, it was also the first time for Cheng Feng to be served by so many cameras collectively.

China has not yet reached the point where the lights of media cameras make people's eyes dry.

After all, today's Dolby Theater has gathered media from more than 100 countries around the world, including American journalists.

This point, Cheng Feng has already realized it deeply since he walked the red carpet.

A group of four people held statuettes in their hands, and they cooperated very well to meet the needs of reporters to take pictures and let them pose for pictures.

"Hi Cheng Feng, I'm a reporter from the British Daily Mail, and I want to ask you, when will your next film start!"

Cheng Feng responded with a smile: "I just finished filming a Hannibal independent film. As for the follow-up film, if there is a good role, I will definitely try it. Now I am also waiting!"

The reporter from Huaguo was also there, and hurriedly asked: "Cheng Feng! Cheng Feng! When are you going back to China?"

"This depends on the recent work arrangement, and then make plans!"

Similarly, reporters from many countries kept asking various questions. After all, these four people are the absolute protagonists of this year's Oscars.

This year's Oscars, the five important awards, have been wrapped up by "The Silence of the Lambs". This kind of thing is generally very rare in previous Oscars in the United States.

As for the next group of people, the organizer's staff saw that the time was almost up, interrupted the interview, and hurriedly led a few people to the Oscar backstage staff to engrave their names.

Not because of anything else, just because there is no information about the name of the actor or the movie he starred in on the Oscar statuette.

This is all because of the good secrecy, no one knows who will win the Golden Statue Award until the last moment.

So after the awards are presented, the background staff will engrave the names on the spot.

Unlike in China, before the trophy is brought out, the winners are already engraved.

Moreover, the Oscar winner will also be given a few gold chains with the names of his relatives engraved on them, as a souvenir for his important people.

Of course Cheng Feng engraved his parents' names, intending to return to China and hand them over to the elders face to face, which also made them happy!

After the work is done, it's time to relax, and several people will be taken to the Governor's Dinner in the Dolby Ballroom for a dinner!
The so-called governor's dinner is a celebration banquet held specially for the Oscars in the Dolby Ballroom.

The banquet invited 1500 guests, including Hollywood's first-line celebrities, Oscar winners and nominees, award show hosts and other TV broadcasters.

The Dolby Ballroom has a space of approximately 25090 square feet and has hosted dozens of governors' dinners, including previous Oscars.

This tradition has lasted for more than half a century, and Cheng Feng is not sure exactly when it started. When it was held for the first time, Cheng Feng was probably still queuing up to be reincarnated.

Cheng Feng entered the banquet hall and found that people were chatting casually. The dinner was not in the form of everyone sitting down to eat, but more like a private party where they ate, drank and got high.

There are more than 60 dishes on top of the dinner, just looking at these names makes people dazzled.

According to official data, the annual Oscar dinner will consume 250 Maine lobsters, 60 servings of smoked salmon, 10 kilograms of American farmed caviar, 6000 servings of Wagyu mini burgers, 250 pounds of Parmesan cheese, and 500 pounds of chocolate...

Cheng Feng and the others were arranged at a dining table, and Jennifer had already disappeared, probably to greet her acquaintances.

Cheng Feng didn't care about anything else, he was completely attracted by the delicious food in front of him.

The first thing that catches the eye is the three Oscar dinner special dishes, which are salmon caviar in the shape of a statuette, macaroni with black truffle, and chicken truffle pie.

In addition to the hot dishes, Cheng Feng saw a huge ice sculpture of the Academy Awards not far away. After asking the staff, he found out that it was a raw food bar carved out of 2600 pounds of ice, serving fresh oysters, raw fish and Lobster and other food.

I saw that besides meat, there are many vegetarians in the banquet hall. After all, there are quite a lot of vegetarians in Hollywood.

Beetroot, hearts of palm, watercress, sorghum rice, citrus and more.

In terms of drinking, most of them are white snow champagne and red and white wine of Coppola winery. In addition, there are expensive brands of whiskey and special cocktails made of whiskey, as well as fruit juices of various flavors.

But what caught Cheng Feng's attention the most was the statuette made of chocolate at the banquet!

A large statuette chocolate taller than a real person was placed in the eye-catching position of the dinner.

At the same time, 7000 miniature chocolate statuettes are also available. These chocolate golden coats are all 24K gold!
And the dinner also provides exquisite boxes, allowing guests to take chocolates home.

In addition to chocolate, there are also various desserts, Cheng Feng couldn't help sighing: "Evil capitalism, let's have a fucking dozen!"

(End of this chapter)

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