The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 323 Someone Has to Talk

Chapter 323 Someone Has to Talk
"But according to what you said, these actors should have been in the entertainment industry since they were young, but why can't they perform wonderful performances." Dou Wutao was puzzled, and he didn't want Wenda to talk, so as to save the two of them from fighting.

"Because they don't have a life, just imagine, a descendant born in a family of actors must live a rich and superior life from childhood to adulthood. In this case, the children are good at school.

He went all the way to university and entered the entertainment industry in a stable manner, but let him play a role that has been bullied, can he play it?

He may have tried very hard to cry there, but often people who have been bullied for a long time are silent, and some even hold hatred secretly. can be solved. "

Cheng Feng didn't just talk about it casually. You can look at what those film stars who really have a place in the entertainment industry did before they became famous.

For example, let’s take a look at their growth experience in “Two Mondays”.

Zhou Xingxing came from a poor family when he was young, and he had many years of playing tricks. Cheng Feng once saw Zhou Xingxing knelt on the ground and rubbed his nose against a piece of paper on the ground when he played tricks. When others kicked him away, he would kneel down. He rubbed his nose, repeated several times, Cheng Feng was almost blown out of anger, although he knew it was acting, but the humiliation felt uncomfortable for Cheng Feng himself.

Zhou Rongfa, Brother Fa was born in a fishing village when he was a child. He used to work as a car washer. He couldn't help touching the steering wheel of his car. When the owner of the car saw it, he slapped him without saying a word, pointed at his nose and scolded: "You are such a bad boy!" , I can’t afford this car for the rest of my life!”

As for the last one, he was fostered in an opera troupe when he was a child, and he is skilled in Peking Opera. How did he come here?

That era was typed out, and then people were used as substitutes. When they were poor, they couldn't even afford food.

As for the country, Uncle Ge's generation, when they were children, the overall environment in the country was not good, what kind of era did they spend their childhood?

Cheng Feng's point, on the contrary, aroused Dou Wutao's approval, and he said immediately: "Indeed, people like the generation of Guoshi, you can see a bit of sadness from their early works."

Cheng Feng nodded. Childhood experiences will indeed accompany a person. The so-called relationship is born from the heart. A person's growth environment can affect a person's life.

A lot of people are making complaints about it. At that time, whether it was a domestic-born director or an actor, they had a lot of movies, all of which were very pessimistic and cruel. Can’t there be something good?

But Cheng Feng understands that the so-called appearance is born from the heart, which is caused by the environment in which a person grew up when he was a child.

"So it's very contradictory now. Many people want their children to be good, but the profession of an actor really needs to absorb nutrients from life.

If I were a viewer, after a busy day, I would go home to have some fun, watch some film and television dramas, and just want to watch a character who makes me feel mature to carry out his story there.

My time is also limited, and I don't have time to wait for an actor to mature. After all, it takes many years for a person to mature, and the audience's time is also time. " Cheng Feng paused for a moment, and then said: "What I want to say is that how to protect an actor is not just to let them develop smoothly, but not to let them lose their right to get opportunities.

When they first came into contact with this industry, they should be given room to survive and advance. "

This is also the reason why Cheng Feng wanted to propose TVB actor training class again.

Don't put the theory of capital in this circle. The so-called one screw and one hole, the theory of capital is only suitable for commercial activities. It is the thinking of businessmen to define everything with capital, not the thinking of literature and art.

A film, market announcement, and marketing strategy can apply the rules of capital.

But the creation of a story, a suitable actor role, and the strong intervention of capital are mostly messy. Today's domestic films are living examples.

Those works that have achieved important results in Chinese-language films, which ones were not made by the creators' persistence in the content.

Dou Wutao nodded and continued to ask: "Nowadays, many online novels have been adapted into film and television dramas. What do you think?"

hehe!Cheng Feng smiled inwardly, and then said: "The novel itself is very exciting, but the current film and television drama adaptations are really not flattering, such as..."

"Then what do you think is wrong?"

"There are many problems, the first is the overall tone, the plot is emotional, and then the casting of the actors.

Then there are special effects! "

"It seems that you also understand something, tell me your opinion!" Dou Wutao was curious.

"Okay, let me talk about it first. First of all, the overall tone. The first reason why most fantasy and cultivation novels fail to be adapted into film and television dramas is distortion.

First of all, the so-called cultivation world is an extremely cruel world, even if the protagonist of this novel is a humorous guy.

But the world he lives in is absolutely cruel, and the place built by cultivation and fantasy is where strength is the most important thing.

But practice requires resources, where resources come from, first of all they fight with each other, then they cultivate themselves, and then they exploit them.

But in that world, those who can cultivate are limited by their qualifications.

Just imagine a world where cultivators kill at will, what kind of life do the people at the bottom of them live?
In that world with strict levels of strength, where the first rank is over the first rank, where human life is regarded as nothing, killing people is like a child's play.

How is the TV show?All of them are fairy-tale, and the screen is full of singing and dancing, singing and dancing, giving people a feeling of living in a fairy tale until the time of battle.

Then the fighting moves are procrastinated, really very procrastinated, it looks like dancing, even if it is to express the moves in the novel, can you give me the whole bullet time first?

There are also special effects that have no results, the halos that are falling in the sky, but everything around is treading snow without traces. After the very huge halos are shot out, the surrounding objects are broken, and the sense of disobedience is too strong.

During the fight, they danced and danced there for a long time without being shot by a fairy, and the urban management could knock them out with a stick! "

Then Cheng Feng said: "Also, there is a problem with the casting of the actors. I just care about whether they look good or not, and use the standards of idol dramas to measure them. (The key actresses don't know who is who.)
In the fantasy world, in that world of killing and fighting, don't forget that killing is always an inescapable motif.

An actor's character must have brilliance and murderous intent in his eyes. Just imagine what his eyes look like in an environment where he is fighting against others, against the sky, and against himself.

Appearance conditions are also required, and the skin of each male lead is as firm as jade, which is too beautiful to behold.

But don't forget, whether it's the audience or the original party, what they want is heroism.

Handsome is not the same as feminine. The first thing a cultivator has to do is to temper his body. How can an actor play the leading role if he is not ruthless.

The story of fantasy cultivation is directly filmed as an idol drama, and the special effects will not be mentioned. "

"Hahaha! It seems that you have a lot of resentment." Dou Wutao laughed.

Cheng Feng said helplessly in his heart: "Actually, if you do a good job of comprehension and fantasy, it can be exported to the outside world. Cultivation and fantasy are very popular on the Internet.

It's a pity... These people knew that it would be an idol drama.

If this fantasy theme is filmed as Game of Thrones, not talking about fighting methods, but giving people a deep tone like Game of Thrones, it will be another scene.

There is a lot of resentment, not only me, but readers who have read the online article want to strangle these two hundred and five. "

Putting the theme of the story in front of your eyes, these people just don't care about it, and they have to make it into an idol drama with a fantasy coat, just like the national football team, what can you do!

(End of this chapter)

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