The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 303 The Essentials of the Villain

Chapter 303 The Essentials of the Villain
Then Huang Lei talked eloquently: "I don't know if you students have ever had such an experience. One day, you sat in a movie theater or in front of the TV, or picked up your mobile phone and immersed yourself in the story of a hero's adventure.

Your heart fluctuates with the hero's journey, rejoicing at his success and worrying about his distress.

But when he finally reached the end of this adventure and confronted the biggest villain in the story, his mind began to be attracted by the villain.

From time to time, I think of what will happen if the hero fails and the villain wins? "

Many students in the classroom nodded and responded that most people have thought about such associations.

Huang Lei smiled and said, "Hannibal played by Cheng Feng is an extremely charming villain in this film.

I can't say much about the others, but one thing I can be sure of is that Cheng Feng's interpretation is enough to make a mediocre work a classic. "

A female classmate was puzzled: "It stands to reason that Hannibal is an ogre in this film, with very anti-human behavior. I really can't understand, including myself, why his Hannibal When it is born, will it attract so many people?"

"This is about to say, the reason why Cheng Feng's Hannibal is so charming is also the topic of my lecture today."

Then Huang Lei took a few sips from the teacup, moistened his throat slightly and said, "That's right, just like what the female classmate said just now, Cheng Feng played the role of Hannibal this time, he is extremely perverted and cruel , but anyone who has watched the movie The Silence of the Lambs can't help but be infatuated with this crazy character while being terrified."

"Then, why does this perverted ogre played by Cheng Feng have such a charming charm?"

Having said that, Huang Lei turned around and wrote two words on the blackboard: powerful!

As a classic villain, Hannibal's most basic trait is strength.

After Huang Lei wrote these two words, many people in the classroom nodded in agreement.

Huang Lei went on to explain: "Strength, this is an essential quality for all charming villains."

As Huang Lei said, a charming villain, they either have superior personal force, or powerful ruling forces.

A villain is, if not powerful enough, a buzzing, annoying fly at best.

To give a more vivid example, Naruto believes that this is an anime that grew up with many people in their childhood.

Among them, the most impressive is the Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Madara!
If you observe carefully, you will find that what this character does is not very noble, and the monthly reading he admires is a false beauty, and because of his actions, many people have brought tragic fate. .

But because of his unparalleled ninjutsu, gorgeous fighting, and unprecedented strength.

Many people have become diehard fans of this villain.

Even a large number of people do not agree that he is a villain, but the so-called different positions.

To put it simply, he is the villain in this anime.

If a weak character is used as the biggest obstacle to the conflict of the story, it may make the audience laugh out loud.

A villain must have advantages, the most indispensable of which is the trait of being strong.

There are also negative examples. This is the case in domestic anti-war dramas. The enemies are all mentally retarded. With such a setting, the screenwriter is nothing more than trying to highlight the strong image of the protagonist. Unfortunately, this is done, and the audience feels that the protagonist is not good enough.

"Then, where is Hannibal's strength?" A student subconsciously asked.

Huang Lei uttered eight words: "Great talent, extremely high IQ!"

Then he said: "If you want to play a person with high martial arts skills or superpowers, they are actually very easy to act. You only need to superimpose special effects and the action design is chic enough to do it.

But if a person is a villain with talent and a high IQ, then the actor who has to play the role has enough deductive ability to control it.

At this point, I have to feel the genius of Cheng Feng, who can interpret the strength of this character so vividly.

First of all, Cheng Feng used his exquisite body movements, expressions, eyes, and even the tone of speech to accurately interpret Hannibal's inscrutable.

Let's take a look at the setting of Hannibal first. The role of Hannibal is not only a top psychologist, but also an outstanding surgeon.

For internal medicine, I guess he is also proficient. He understands music, not only can play, but also compose, and can hear the slightest wrong notes in symphony performances.

He has a deep research on painting, and it can be seen from the paintings hanging in his cell that this person has very superb painting ability.

Of course, he is still a gourmet, and his cooking skills are no less than that of a three-star Michelin chef...

Hannibal is omnipotent, but also courageous, thoughtful, and has excellent action. After Huang Lei finished speaking, he couldn't help admiring that Cheng Feng really suppressed a villain with so many strong advantages with his own acting skills, it's unbelievable to think about it.

At this moment, a classmate asked: "Mr. Huang Lei, I really don't understand why people like a strong villain. I mean, why do the audience like him when the villain is strong!"

Huang Lei said: "Because we claim to be advanced animals, but we have never escaped our animal nature as nature.

In the final analysis, human beings are always social animals to put it bluntly, and social animals have a nature of worshiping the strong.

This can be seen from the treatment enjoyed by the monkey king of the monkey group in a monkey group.

Ordinary monkeys follow the Monkey King, combing his hair, and constantly showing courteousness, but they will bully the weak monkeys without hesitation.

If one day the monkey king is injured and weak, a young male monkey will replace him, and then the monkey king will be expelled from the monkey group, and a group of monkeys will bully the monkey king vigorously.

Does it look like the wall is falling and everyone is pushing?

The same is true of human society, but the form is different, but the essence is the same.

In the workplace, you will see that the animal nature of human society is exposed at a glance! "

Then Huang Lei said: "Humans have the instinct to worship the strong, which is the instinct of social animals.

Under normal circumstances, people tend to be unconvinced and even jealous when facing someone who is only a little stronger than themselves.

It's like a fight between monkey kings. When a strong monkey king meets another monkey who is similar, the two will only bite and fight each other.

But if a tiger stood in front of it, what would it do?

lie low!

The same is true for people. For a strong man like Hannibal who has an absolute crushing advantage, people will look up and worship him, even if he is extremely terrifying. "

When a student nodded in agreement, he also expressed his doubts: "Mr. Huang Lei, you are right, but I really don't understand. Hannibal, played by Cheng Feng, brings me fear and awe." At the same time, why am I obsessed with this character he played?"

"This character also has these elements, pathos, elegance, and principles. If we focus on movies here, we will only talk about Hannibal's elegance and principles.

Tragedy is more related to the background setting of the original novel, and today we talk about movies in terms of movies. "

(End of this chapter)

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