The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 287 Childhood=Life

Chapter 287 Childhood=Life
Cheng Feng stopped looking at Clarice, and turned his head inside again, staring at the wall in the cell, and slowly asked: "After your father died, what happened after you became an orphan?"

Clarice was a little embarrassed, unwilling to bring up the past, and lowered her head subconsciously.

Cheng Feng continued to ask with bewitching eyes, "I don't think the answer lies in your inferior shoes, Clarice!"

Knowing that she had to tell the truth, Clarice sighed helplessly and raised her head: "I went to the ranch and lived with my aunt and uncle."

"Do they raise cattle there?"

"Raising sheep and horses."

"How long have you lived there?"

"Two months."

"Why so short?"

"I escaped."

"Why? The farm master forced you to give him fellatio?"

Suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, Clarice played by Jennifer turned around, paused for a long time, and replied: "No, he is a very educated person.

Time to tell you what you know, doctor! "

Cheng Feng walked slowly behind Clarice, separated from her only by a glass, and told her word by word like a devil's seductive murmur: "Bill is not a real transgender, but he wants to change." , he was very eager for that."

Clarice didn't turn around: "You said I could catch him soon, why?"

"Because there are only three hospitals that can do sex reassignment surgery.

Johns Hopkins Hospital, University of Minnesota Hospital and Columbia Medical College.

Bill must have applied to these hospitals to change his gender, but they were all rejected. "

"Why did you reject him?"

"Buffalo Bill had a very unfortunate childhood, often traumatized by violence.

Bill wasn't born a criminal...

He suffered years of abuse from his stepmother, which made him loathe his identity and wanted to change gender because of it.

Behind this case lies extreme brutality and fear..."

In fact, Cheng Feng had studied this performance very meticulously when preparing in advance.

After reading the script and the original work several times in a row, and adding some memory fragments from watching the film in the previous life, it is not just the plot that needs to be figured out, so that the Hannibal I played in can be fully understood.

More importantly, every time I read the script, I will find new surprises, such as language, plot foreshadowing, echoes, and metaphors. These must be expressed very appropriately.

Especially for the third time, Hannibal played by Cheng Feng and Clarice played by Jennifer had a lot of professional psychoanalysis in their conversation.

If you don't understand the true meaning of these metaphor-filled lines, if you say them casually, the original flavor will be lost.

For this reason, Cheng Feng really took the time, like his character Hannibal, to seriously study the setting of the so-called "Buffalo Bill", and read a lot of psychological books and data on the analysis of human behavior patterns.

As mentioned in his lines, Buffalo Bill, this person was abused by his stepmother since he was a child, so he mentally believed that "women are the most powerful", so he wanted to be a woman, and began to hate his gender as a man .

Because of the long-term abuse in childhood, Buffalo Bill found that his identity as a man could not provide him with protection, but caused him to be hurt. On the other hand, his stepmother, as a woman, dominated everything and brought him a steady stream. pain.

The reason why Bill thought about becoming a woman until he became sick, the root cause, all stemmed from thinking about becoming stronger and finding the sense of security that he struggled with.

As mentioned in the line just now, Bill had already consulted whether he could have sex reassignment surgery, but he failed to do so due to many problems such as previous convictions and mental conditions.

So he can only use the extreme method of skinning and sewing, put on the skin of a woman, and hide his gender characteristics to complete the transformation in his eyes!

Similarly, Cheng Feng was on the set and specially watched the performance where Bill talked to the camera.

What he wears on his head is a human-skin wig.

The camera deliberately gave a close-up just to say that something was made with human skin, regardless of what to do.

When Clarice autopsyed the first victim, she could see that Bill only peeled off the back part of the skin, and only two diamond-shaped skins were peeled off. It is unlikely that it will be made into such a large piece of clothing.

The main reason why Buffalo Bill treats women so cruelly is that his mother abused him when he was a child. This gave birth to his strong obsession with women, and at the same time, he also had a deep love for women in his heart. It is filled with disgust, and this disgust accumulates with each passing day from childhood to adulthood.

Gradually, he has completely objectified women in his eyes!
The so-called objectification is a sentence we often hear: "Treat people as human beings!"

Those people who don’t regard people as human beings, in fact, there are many people who think about it carefully in real life. To some extent, they are like "Buffalo Bill" perverts, but the degree of perversion is different, so I met people who were far away. , if you find that they intend to hurt you, beat him hard!
This kind of people has long been humanized, and everything is just for the skin or to please themselves, just like we treat some insignificant items, and handle them at will.

Cheng Feng finally concluded that the reason why Buffalo Bill was sick was actually all due to the abuse of him by his stepmother, and Cheng Feng speculated that Bill started killing people because of the death of his stepmother.

When Cheng Feng watched this film in his previous life, he couldn't figure out where the large pile of liquefied carrion in the bathtub in Bill's basement came from. At first he thought it was another undiscovered victim.

Thinking about it now, it turned out that it was the crime caused by the eruption of the Elektra plot in his heart, and the corpse was his stepmother.

It can be seen that a person's childhood education is really important.

And during the three consecutive meetings with Clarice, the attitude of Hannibal played by Cheng Feng towards the heroine has also become different and gradually changed under his careful design.

When they met for the first time, Cheng Feng chose a posture of God imprisoned in a cage to confront him, which was full of aggression, in order to show Hannibal's evil and elegance under his bewitching scrutiny , creating a combination of good and evil, a dangerous and charming evil god.

Tell everyone, this is Hannibal!
One is to prove yourself, and the other is to tell the world that your demons will be molded out of my hands.

For the second time, when Cheng Feng created the image of an evil god, he also unknowingly showed this person's profound knowledge and hidden inner wisdom and calculations.

Tell everyone that Hannibal is not only an evil god, but also an expert who likes to play with human nature.

For the third time, Cheng Feng, who played Hannibal, knew in his heart that Hannibal was not helping Clarice, but using it to amuse her.

All his temptations are actually to please himself and play with human nature!
Until Clarice showed that the inner scenery seemed different, Hannibal had seen too many human hearts, played with many human natures, and they were all ugly!
But at this moment, the traits conveyed by the heroine made Hannibal find something different, which seemed to be the beautiful scenery he wanted to protect.

That's why Hannibal, played by Cheng Feng, just listened to Clarice's childhood experience, the indifferent evil god, but chose to close his eyes with compassion, and said at the same time: "You are very frank, I believe we met in private , it will be interesting."

The reason why the heroine is helped and even protected by Hannibal, all this will not be revealed until the fourth meeting.

At the same time, in the office of the hospital on the other side, Dr. Chiton was eavesdropping on the conversation through a tape recorder.

The corners of Cheng Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and a trace of bloodthirsty flashed in his eyes.

The fish is hooked!

(End of this chapter)

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