The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 253 Cheng Feng's Lover

Chapter 253 Cheng Feng's Lover

Jonathan chuckled and said, "I really appreciate this very talented Chinese actor.

But for the role of Hannibal alone, it doesn't matter if I say it alone, there must be someone who nods and agrees. "

"who is it?"

On the other side, the night is dark and the moon is hazy...

In a top-level hotel suite, a person paced alone in the living room, frowning.

This person is Cheng Feng, and the night is deep now, and normal people are nourishing their spirits in their dreams, recharging their batteries for the day.

But Cheng Feng didn't want to sleep, he kept pacing, this night was doomed to sleepless, just because of the character assigned to him by the system just now, once he knew the name of this character, Cheng Feng couldn't fall asleep anymore.

At this moment, his heart was like a beating drum that was constantly hammering, with a rapid frequency and tense.

Because of this role, his name is Hannibal!

Without going into too much detail, these three words have a charm that cannot be ignored. When he appears, anyone who loves acting will be deeply attracted by the innate magic power of these three words, unable to extricate themselves.

Cheng Feng has only been sincere in acting all his life, and he is good at acting. This is the promise he made during his whole life when he inherited another body of his own in the parallel plane after crossing, and he has never forgotten it.

The amount of money earned is the goal of businessmen, and the amount of power is the pursuit of politicians.

In a word, a person who wants to make money in a business should be his entrepreneur and build his great business empire.

He who wants to ascend to the pinnacle of power, be his statesman.

Painter, singer, dancer, writer... each perform their duties, Cheng Feng wants to be a performing artist, as long as this line of work can give him a bite to eat, then he can live without anything in this life, that's all. Road to go down.

He never aimed to become a businessman, a politician, etc. Those who want to be a star, a businessman, a politician, a sports star, have to be omnipotent to cross the predecessors, that is their own choice.

Cheng Feng just wants to be his actor, and he will go all the way to the dark!
In this life, if you are not crazy, you will not be able to survive. Allow me to live for dozens of years, and play a role in the world of mortals. In this life, this life is enough!
Perhaps in the process of going around in the first five years, I had the idea of ​​giving up and said some frustrating words.

But these are mostly complaints about reality due to helplessness. After all, all normal people need to self-regulate and vent. They are full of ambition, but they bury all their emotions in their hearts and do not release them. That is the most dangerous thing.

Because the former is the expression of self-emotion, even if it is low, it can be slowed down.

But for the latter, when the energy accumulated in the heart bursts, there will only be a collapse.

Cheng Feng's system can be regarded more as an opportunity. Whether he can get this role still depends on chance.

Cheng Feng fell asleep inadvertently, just like the moment before the results of the exam papers were announced, which made him full of anxiety.

Suddenly the phone rang!

Seeing the caller ID, it was Wang Ze!
Hastily picked up the phone and didn't care about anything else, Cheng Feng quickly asked: "My old brother Wang, my dear brother, how are you doing?"

"Not sure yet, but hopeful!"

"Is there hope?" Needless to say, it must have not been won yet, Cheng Feng put down his reserve regardless of other things, and said in a begging tone: "Brother! My dear brother! You must help me win this role , as long as it is done, I will kneel down for you when I come back."

This is Cheng Feng, who loves to the extreme and ignores everything, whoever made him love acting, for the love in his heart, he has no regrets!
His lover, named performance, she is the most beloved girl in his life!
To this deeply loved person, Cheng Feng has a love story that cannot be finished in a lifetime.

Perhaps Cheng Feng didn't realize that he had already unknowingly not regarded performance as a thing like others, but regarded her as an adult in his heart, the most beautiful person in the world.

"Don't worry, I'm more anxious than you, don't worry, I will try my best to get this role!" Said Wang Ze on the other end of the phone.

If Cheng Feng and Wang Ze are regarded as game players, then Cheng Feng is obsessed with role-playing games and cannot extricate himself.

Wang Ze was obsessed with simulated management regardless of his reasons, and the two complemented each other, achieving the same goal by different routes. Wang Ze's anxiety level of desire was no worse than that of Cheng Feng. This is true!
And just now, when Wang Ze was fighting for the role of Hannibal, he learned the name of a person from Jonathan.

This man is very important, and his name is Thomas Harris.

A few days later, Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, USA.

An old man, holding a small hoe in his hand, kept tidying up the garden in front of his wooden villa.

The community he lived in had a beautiful environment. The old man had eyes, a beard, a round face, and a fat and bloated body. He looked round and sensual.

The old man got up very early and started tidying up the garden in front of his door early in the morning.

And during this time period, some people are still sleeping, and some young people who love fitness wear sportswear and run with their pet dogs.

A blond beauty with a curvaceous figure and a protruding back is holding her own golden retriever, jogging and exercising. When passing by the villa where the old man lives, she warmly greets her: "Good morning! Mr. Thomas!"

"Hehe, good morning, beautiful girl!"

The two greeted each other with a smile, and parted ways with a quick glance at each other. The old man continued to tidy up the garden.

The full name of this round old man is Thomas Harris, born in 1940.

A native of Mississippi, USA, he was a reporter and editor for the Associated Press in New York, responsible for editing crimes in the United States and Mexico. He is a veteran journalist with a good reputation.

Now he has already retired and lives a leisurely life every day.

Thomas Harris was an affable fat bearded man who was a proficient cook and liked to cook for his friends.

In addition to reaching the retirement age of 65 years old, it is true that the retirement age in some developed countries in the United States is 65 years old, and it will be extended to 67 years old in two years.

Therefore, it is not impossible for people born in China in the 90s and 00s to reach the retirement age of 70 years old. It seems very feasible and has great potential.

After retiring, he devoted himself to his study all day, coupled with his career in writing and writing, he naturally became obsessed with writing.

So far, five novels have been published, making him a recognized master of suspense novels.

Among them, "The Silence of the Lambs", which was just completed some time ago, is particularly classic. This work also brought suspense novels into the hall of classic literature, and became an insurmountable peak in the history of suspense literature.

As for the unfathomable Doctor Hannibal, the old man felt that this character was created by himself as if with the help of God.

For the character of Hannibal, the old man took great care of him.

At this moment, suddenly, the voice of his wife came from inside the house: "Honey, your phone!"

(End of this chapter)

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