The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 247 is definitely not fiction?

Chapter 247 is definitely not fictional (seeking tickets)
This wind-calling child is the protagonist of our story.

When he was a child, he had a unique acting talent.

Immediately afterwards, a child performed on the stage. The eyes of the parents of the child in the audience were full of encouragement, and they continued to applaud enthusiastically.

"My child is a genius. He is a child with unparalleled acting talent. I must send him to the broad road of acting."

The young father, with a resolute look on his handsome face, made up his mind.

Then, under the guidance of his handsome father, the child called Huanfeng visited famous teachers and watched professional performances, gradually accumulating his acting talent.

More than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the child is about to enter the university. At this moment, the voices of discussion continue to ring out. The neighbors around heard that the child next door is going to the Academy of Performing Arts.

Everyone was full of doubts, and the young heart was shaken.

Just when the young man wavered, his father stood up again.

At this moment, the actor playing Cheng Feng's father, his makeup has changed, his temples are already gray, with some wrinkles, but still can't cover his handsome face.

The father called a young man with a green face (the neon high school student played Cheng Feng), patted the high school student on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Son, I watched you grow up, you are an outstanding A good person is a good child in the eyes of parents.

But life is always unsatisfactory, there will inevitably be ups and downs, you have to grit your teeth and stick to it!
You have to believe that you are an acting genius!

Dad knew when you were young that you would be famous all over the world in the future, so Dad spared no effort, regardless of other people's gossip, he will let you go on the path of acting. "

Speaking of his father hugging the young man, he comforted and encouraged him: "Don't worry, child, no matter what, Dad will always support you, you must be a good actor, even if the whole world doesn't believe in you, Dad will never give up on you! "

So under the encouragement of his father, the young man went to the place where his dream started until he graduated.

But fate did not bring any opportunities to this genius, and after he graduated, he was bumping into walls for five years.

He wanted to give up several times, but this time it was the father who stood up.

His father made phone calls again and again and encouraged him to cheer up again and again. He always firmly believed that his talented son would definitely make a difference.

"Dad, I'm so tired!" The young man made a phone call, complaining about his troubles.

The father firmly said: "Come on! Son, you must work hard, trust Dad!"

"Dad! I failed and I want to go home!"

"Son, failure is not terrible. You have to believe in yourself. You are a genius. Dad has seen it since he was a child. You will succeed!"

In this way, this great father has unswervingly supported his children from beginning to end and has become the most stable support behind him.

At this point in the broadcast, the screen suddenly turned into a dark scene, and a line of words suddenly appeared.

Note: Cheng Feng's childhood experience was adapted from the program group's interview with Cheng Feng's father, based on Cheng Feng's father's personal memories.
Fortunately, Cheng Feng was not at Nihong, so he didn't see this episode of the show, otherwise he would have vomited bitterly: "This is someone else's father. My leg is broken!
And my dad looks average, he has been a fat man since he was young! "

When the show came back to the studio, the two female guests were extremely moved. Saki Takei's eyes were red, and she seemed a little touched. She said with a faint sob: "Cheng Feng's father is really great!"

"Then Takei Saki's family, did they support you when they learned that you were going to be an actor?" the host asked curiously.

Saki Takei shook his head and then said: "No, my family is very opposed to me being an actor. They want me to study hard and say that I am unrealistic. Cheng Feng is really lucky to have such a father who has always supported him."

Chuan Dao Haihe also felt the same way. Seeing Cheng Feng has a father who supports his children's dreams like this, he was both envious and wronged, and said pitifully: "Yes, my family was also extremely opposed at the beginning, and my father and I had a lot of cold wars. back."


With a long sigh, Zhao Kui, who was watching the show, couldn't help sighing.

The roommate on the side asked suspiciously: "What's the matter, watching a show still hurts the spring and the autumn?"

"It's the same with me. Back then, I actually had a music dream. When I said I wanted to learn music, my dad looked at me like I was a fool."

"And then?" the roommate asked curiously.

"Then, when I realized that I wasn't joking, my dad immediately gave me a big mouth without saying a word, and I obediently ran to Nihong and became roommates with you."

The roommate also sighed, and then said: "Yes, a person's success is inseparable from the support of his family.

rtyseyt yhsr!
Why do other people's fathers spare no effort to support their own children's dreams, but we have such a loving father and mother. "

"Who says it's not? Look at Cheng Feng's father. Cheng Feng's current success is not unreasonable. He became famous in China, and then his influence spread to Southeast Asia, then South Korea, and now it is Neon.

At least his father has always supported him, why is other people's father so open-minded, and when we come to our booth, is such a real father and mother, is it real? "

Cheng Feng probably will never hear the complaints of the two. If he hears the conversation between the two, he will only send one sentence at the end: "It's all the same. Every family has a pair of stubborn and stubborn parents."

The show continues...

"Okay, you two, don't be too sad, isn't it better now, you have all achieved good results in your acting career.

I think the family members of the two will not object anymore, right? "The host comforted.

The two sweet-looking girls nodded. Indeed, after the two of them made certain achievements, the voices of opposition from their families became less and less.

The host then changed the topic, and continued: "Okay, now you should understand, who is related to the makeup designed by the program team for the two of you?"

Chuan Dao Haihe said immediately: "My makeup should be related to the ancient Chinese country. Could it be the Chinese warrior played by Cheng Feng?"

The host nodded, smiled and said, "Smart!"

But Takei Saki looked puzzled at the red long dress she was wearing, full of ancient charm, and became more and more puzzled: "But my clothes should be worn by girls! Could it be the heroine in Cheng Feng's works? "

The host said with a smirk: "This is why Cheng Feng is often called a genius in the short film.

In the next short film produced by the program group, in addition to the plot of the actors we arranged to simulate the performance, Cheng Feng's real film and television works will also be interspersed!
Alright, let us appreciate Cheng Feng, the acting genius of the Hua Kingdom! "

After speaking, the screen turns...

(End of this chapter)

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