The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 233 Sudden Arrival

Chapter 233 Sudden Arrival
The sudden change took everyone by surprise, Cheng Feng leaned against the window, met Han Chen's eyes, then slowly lowered his head without saying a word.

Han Chen looked at the crushed plaster and saw that there was nothing there, so he stopped talking and looked at other people in the room.

Cheng Feng leaned slightly, and looked out of the window. On the glass, there was a taped bug, and Cheng Feng blocked it with his body inside the room.

Seeing this in the previous life, many people thought that it was a bit far-fetched for Chen Yongren to bury the bug on the glass outside the window.

In fact, they missed a lot of details. I still remember that when Cheng Feng and Huang sir met on the rooftop at the beginning of filming, their contact information was through Morse code. Cheng Feng tapped his hand that was in plaster. Yes, Chen Yongren, played by Cheng Feng, really put the bug in the plaster.

But why did he suddenly change his mind and stick the bug on the glass?
There seems to be no recruitment at all.

In fact, since the first scene was filmed, Chen Yongren and Liu Jianming met in the audio shop, and they have already explained it.

In the beginning, the two met by chance in a stereo shop.

In the end, Liu Jianming recommended to Chen Yongren a set of very powerful cables. After all, Liu Jianming is engaged in monitoring work in the police force, which just reflects his professional quality in this position. After auditioning, Chen Yongren was stunned on the spot.

The reason why Cheng Feng showed it at the beginning was that his lips were slightly parted, his eyes were surprised, and he murmured: "It's really good..."

It seems that acting like this is a bit too much, but it is not.

Cheng Feng pondered the plot carefully and brought himself into the role of Chen Yongren. At that time, Chen Yongren was not only surprised by the music.

The reason why he had such a big reaction at that meeting was because he had already thought of using this kind of high-fidelity wire as a transmission device, and placed the bug as far away as possible from himself.

So he took this set of lines away and said to the boss, "Lend me to play for two days".

A few days later, when Han Chen was dealing with the Thais, he found an opportunity to put the bug outside the window and connect it to the window with a fever wire.

Because of that kind of old apartment, the cables that go into the house are all outside, and they are in a mess, and it is impossible to tell if there is one more or one missing.

Then he sent a tip to Sir Huang by knocking on the window.

When he stood in front of the window, others would only think that he was keeping watch and would not suspect him.

Therefore, after the transaction failed, Han Chen became suspicious and knocked on the plaster cast on his hand, but found nothing.

If he hadn't thought of this method, Chen Yongren would hide the bug in the plaster in all likelihood, and that would be a dead end.

The hidden clue of Chen Yongren's encounter with Liu Jianming at the beginning of the film is here, and of course there is a foreshadowing about the date.

It was because of this foreshadowing that Cheng Feng decided that the movie they made was not a police movie, but more a surreal movie.


The scene was finally over, Cheng Feng let out a breath, and all the actors were liberated from the state of filming.

It was getting late, and with their tired bodies, the actors and staff began to call it a day.

There are still a lot of details in this scene that need to be re-shot, which will be discussed later.

Just when Cheng Feng was about to return to the hotel to end the filming, a person he had never thought of suddenly appeared outside the door of his hotel room.

Wu Qian!
The heroine who filmed "A Dream of Love" with Cheng Feng has not seen this girl for a long time since the filming was completed.

Wu Qian is still the same as in the past, with single eyelids. In this era where big eyes, double eyelids, and long eyelashes are considered beautiful, Wu Qian's appearance is ordinary, more like a girl next door that makes people approachable.

In fact, Cheng Feng has never seen this girl who has a quick glance since he finished filming "Dreams of Love". Unlike other girls, when they become famous, they will immediately attract attention everywhere.

On the contrary, Wu Qian was more like a hermit in the entertainment circle. Cheng Feng had never seen this girl since "Dream of Love".

During the filming, Wu Qian interacted with Cheng Feng, including her riding on the back of the motorcycle, hugging what Cheng Feng wanted to say, but it was covered by the siren of the passing car.

In her eyes, Cheng Feng didn't understand her feelings for him.

Whether Cheng Feng understood it or not, he actually did. Cheng Feng was not a piece of wood. When Wu Qian confessed his love three times, Cheng Feng could hear it clearly all three times.

It's just that he took advantage of the whistling sound of a passing vehicle to prevaricate.

Because Cheng Feng has lost his longing for love, and as for his previous relationship, it has nothing to do with him at all.

What really made him unwilling to talk about his relationship was that in the plane of his previous life, people were fortunately busy every day.

But in terms of relationship, when Cheng Feng was still a big boy, what made him most helpless was that when he was the most powerless, he met her who he wanted to take care of all his life.

In the end, it left sadness in vain, so I no longer liked it.

The more I experience, the more I realize that in the world of adults, love and marriage are mostly transactions and are forced.

Maybe Cheng Feng was not so lucky enough to meet the woman he wanted, so he lived the life he wanted alone from then on.

Cheng Feng has been like this in this life. If there is an afterlife, he only hopes that he will only live as an autumn flower. He doesn't want to be involved in so much right and wrong. He just wants to face the sky and bloom quietly every day. Words, flowers fall silent.

Wu Qian's sudden confession caught Cheng Feng, who was used to being alone, by surprise. He hadn't figured out whether he wanted to accept this relationship, so he could only take advantage of the loud car horn to prevaricate.

After finishing all the work of the movie "A Dream of Love", Cheng Feng never saw Wu Qian again, and she seemed to disappear from the entertainment circle.

Unexpectedly, today, Wu Qian appeared again, and she appeared without warning.

And Wu Qian came to look for him today because she heard that Cheng Feng had come to Xiangjiang to shoot. After missing him for a long time, Cheng Feng was like a shadow that would never go away in her mind, accompanying her like a shadow.

This time, she mustered up her courage, thinking only if she could see Cheng Feng again, so after many inquiries, she finally found out that Cheng Feng was renting a hotel in Xiangjiang for filming.

But why he came here has never been clear, and Cheng Feng was busy filming when he came, so there was no one in the room, so he waited alone.

When Cheng Feng came to the hotel, the two looked at each other. When Cheng Feng saw him, he looked surprised, and then he looked exhausted. He thought that he had just finished filming and was exhausted, and he was still working hard. smile.

Wu Qian secretly took a deep breath, came to Cheng Feng and asked slowly, "Brother Cheng Feng, when do you have time?"

(End of this chapter)

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