Chapter 198 Wild Rose

Looking at the flute on the edge of the Kang, Zhang Yuqi played Jin Xiangyu. At this moment, her face was a little tangled, her eyes were erratic, with reluctance, a little bit of unwillingness, she gritted her teeth and rushed into the house regardless, avoiding the flying birds Arrow, picked up the flute, and rushed towards Cheng Feng's Zhou Huai'an.

Look at Qiu Moyan, played by Cheng Feng and Liyuan, carrying a boy and a girl on his back, the orphan of Yang Yuxuan, led by Diao Buyu, down the stairs to the secret passage in the dark room.

Unexpectedly, a few guards in Jinyi rushed into the inn on iron cavalry. The gold inlaid jade was in a hurry, and they hurriedly stayed behind to deal with them.

With luck and agility, he jumped up to the second floor, running and walking.

Jin Yiwei, who rushed in to inquire at this moment, bent his bow and set up an arrow, exerted all his strength, and shot towards the dodging gold inlaid jade.

A few arrows, extremely fast, were about to hit, the gold inlaid jade twirled in the air, holding an arrow in his hand, with one in his mouth, he was able to catch it, and fell down on the wooden corridor on the second floor .


Suddenly, the third arrow was released and shot through the wooden boards in the corridor on the second floor. She, who was inlaid with gold and jade, fell down in the corridor in a hurry. Relying on her life-saving instinct, she turned her head and the arrow passed through the wooden boards.

Huang hurriedly got up, and looked at her neck, it was already scarlet, the arrow still hurt her, luckily it was only a flesh wound.

Jin Xiangyu cursed secretly, and rushed towards the other side of the corridor. On the first floor of the inn, Jin Yiwei rode a tall horse, charged at him, drew out the embroidered spring knife at his waist, and cut off the wooden stake supporting the corridor on the second floor.

All of a sudden, the corridor on the second floor began to collapse, and Jin Xiangyu fell unsteadily to the ground.


The wooden corridor on the second floor collapsed, sending up smoke and dust, which landed on the ground of the first floor of the inn.

Sawdust was flying, and there was a strange movement from the collapsed burial place. The gold inlaid jade was buried by the collapsed debris, and it was trying to lean out, trying to climb out.

Several Jin Yiwei, how could they miss this opportunity, hurriedly rode the iron cavalry under their crotch, brandishing the Xiuchun knife in their hands, and stomped away, thinking about trampling the gold inlaid jade into meat.

At the moment of crisis, Qiu Moyan went back and forth and drew out the mother-child sword in his hand, raised his body, swung the long sword in his hand, and cut off the heads of several Jinyiwei at an extremely fast speed.

For a while, the blood mist filled the air, and the headless corpse fell from the horse.

Qiu Moyan hurriedly came to Jin Xiangyu's side, and lifted the collapsed sawdust vigorously, and Jin Xiangyu got out of it with difficulty.

When the two were leaving, Jin Xiangyu seemed to think of something, turned around and looked at Qiu Moyan behind her, stopped her, took out the flute from her waist, stuffed it to Qiu Moyan, and then said slowly: " I don't want your flute, what other people donate to you!"

Jin Xiangyu is the kind of delicate and cunning woman who is charming with every frown and smile.

She has gone through the world, but still retains the courage to fight for herself. She is flattering, but she is decisive in the face of big right and wrong.

Gold inlaid with jade, a stunner.

There are tens of thousands of sake bottles in Jinzun and tens of thousands of dollars in jade dish.

It shows the preciousness and rarity of this kind of thing, things are treasures, and people are even more wonderful.

Minister of the Ministry of War, Yang Yuxuan, was executed by Cao Shaoqin on the charge of "garrisoning troops outside the pass, intending to rebel". The family only left a pair of young children, who were used as bait to lure Yang Yuxuan's subordinate Zhou Huai'an in an attempt to wipe out his old subordinates.

Unexpectedly, it was Qiu Moyan who led the people to rescue the orphan. In order to show Zhou Huaian, Cao Shaoqin sent spies, Jia Ting, Lu Xiaochuan, and Cao Tian led several men to pursue secretly, pretending to be merchants.

The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

Qiu Moyan and Jin Xiangyu, two women who were originally irrelevant, were arranged to meet by fate. One is dignified and the other is coquettish. The two were destined to be rivals from the very beginning.

Laughing and arguing with guests, flirtatious and pretending to be angry with gold and jade.

She is witty, intelligent, slutty and seductive, and she is also the one who deals with men.

Before this, Jin Xiangyu was not ignorant of the dirty thoughts of men, and also understood that no one was sincere to her, and she had never looked down on those men from the bottom of her heart.

In this desert full of yellow sand, her pride and sobriety made her have everything she needed, and at the same time made her lonely. At that time, she was the only queen in this desert, but no one treated her sincerely. Words, maybe.

Until I met Qiu Moyan, a woman who is dignified and bold, like a plum blossom in a snowstorm.

One is elegant and the other is coquettish.

One is dignified and beautiful, and the other is full of styles.

One is like a green plum blooming in the frost, and the other is like a rose swaying in the desert flames.

From the very beginning when the two met, their swords were on edge and they started fighting with each other, even if it was the first time they met in the living room.

A person who disdains the other party is shameless and shameless.A pretentious person who looks down on the other person.

So in the middle of the night, there was a scene of two women fighting in the room. The gold inlaid jade was not as calm as Qiu Moyan, and they were stripped naked.

She was neither angry nor ashamed, and sang a love song naked on the roof.

This refreshing, lively and casual energy is like a wild rose deep in the desert.

This singing caused a person who had just arrived outside the Longmen Inn to burst into laughter. This person was none other than Zhou Huai'an played by Cheng Feng.

Zhou Huai'an, played by Cheng Feng, has a resolute face, eyes like morning stars, iron blood and tenderness, strong yet elegant.

The pungent wild rose, gold inlaid with jade, was also fascinated. It was the first time I saw this kind of man who didn't care about her, who had both family and country feelings and love for his children.

Zhou Huaian asked, "Where is the Dragon Inn?"

She pulled the cloth sign in the store to wrap her body, winking like silk, and replied: "My body is the Dragon Inn."

Jin Xiangyu had a crush on Zhou Huaian, and she had no intention of hiding it, and she was domineering when she liked anyone.

But when Zhou Huaian met Qiu Moyan, the two were full of affection, the kind of sincerity made her throw away her clothes, this may be a heartstring she didn't understand, she was always longing for a piece of true love.

Jin Xiangyu hates hypocrisy the most, so she will expose everything without any scruples.

When Zhou Huaian came to her room at night to ask her something, he first praised her for being a god, and she said, "You don't need to flatter me."

Zhou Huaian tried to please her again, saying that the upper house is so quiet, but she said directly, "It's just an earthen house!"

She praised the exquisiteness of the flowers on her table, and the gold inlaid jade replied in a vicious voice: "Radish flowers! Could it be snow lotus flowers?"

But in the end she was moved, she pretended to be weak, pretended to accidentally cut her hand with a knife, blood dripped on the snow-white petals, and tried her best to attract the attention of the man in front of her.

Jin Xiangyu, because of her, Qiu Moyan, and Zhou Huaian, these three people can have so many right and wrong.

It was also because of her that after the arrival of the three major stalls of the East Factory, the small space of the Longmen Inn was full of tension and jokes besides swords.

She's also the only character of them all who is growing.

Lust, morality, and interests, she swings back and forth among the three.

Promised to tell Zhou Huaian the secret way, it was lust.

For the sake of money, Jia Ting asked her to hold Zhou Huai'an, which was a benefit.

When someone from Dongchang killed her buddy, she went mad for revenge, which was moral.

This is gold inlaid jade, with a knife on her mouth, but once someone betrays her, she will risk her life to get it back.

She loves Zhou Huai'an, but she will always be defeated in this competition of love.

Qiu Moyan was shot by an arrow, and Zhou Huai'an carefully healed Qiu Moyan's wounds. When the two were deeply in love, Jin Xiangyu next to him curled his lips and ate vinegar.

On the surface, she doesn't believe in love, but in fact, she longs for it in her heart, longs to meet the true heart, and envies the love she never got.

She snatched the token of love between Zhou Huai'an and Mo Yan, lost it, took it back from the rain of arrows, and returned it to Mo Yan.

"I don't want things that others donate."

Perhaps from the very beginning, what Jin Xiangyu wanted was her whole-hearted true feelings, and her unwillingness to discard her pride as a wild rose.

(End of this chapter)

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