The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 194 Going Against Nature

Chapter 194 Going Against Nature (Modify)

Huang Lei and other students from the Department of Acting carefully watched the criminal played by Cheng Feng, and constantly summarized his words and deeds according to the corresponding knowledge points.

On the projection screen, the criminal played by Cheng Feng continued to confess his crimes and how he came to the scene of the crime.

The criminal played by Cheng Feng described that he came to the villa and found that a person fell to the ground and died.

Huang Lei immediately pressed pause and said to everyone: "Students, I believe that everyone has watched the 2-minute clip of Cheng Feng many times in private.

Let's not care about how Cheng Feng played it, let's talk about everyone first, if you put yourself in the shoes and put yourself in it.

What kind of state would you use to represent this character? "

In the amphitheater, there was silence for a few seconds, and then a boy said: "Mr. Huang Lei, in fact, as you said, I have indeed watched it many times in private.

If it were me, I might show surprise or even fear, maybe I would perform this paragraph with a more panicked tone and demeanor. "

Huang Lei nodded, and Huang Lei asked everyone to express their opinions on the way the plot will be interpreted. At the moment, most of the boys are boys.

"If it were me, I would perform this part more viciously, using my anger to cover up my inner fear."

"I may be like Cheng Feng, and perform this part with a more indifferent attitude."

"Wrong! Cheng Feng didn't perform this part in a cold state." Huang Lei hurriedly corrected it, and then continued: "Many people think that this two-minute cameo scene, Cheng Feng seems to always give people a kind of calmness. A sense of indifference.

In fact, if that is the case, it will definitely not give people a shocking feeling. I ask everyone to think about it carefully. When you watched Cheng Feng's 2-minute performance clip for the first time, what did Cheng Feng bring to you? What a shocking feeling.

And what is this feeling?

Give everyone a few minutes to think. "

After speaking, Huang Lei picked up the water glass on the podium and began to drink water to moisten his throat. After speaking for a long time, his throat was also a little dry.

I saw that the seats in the lecture theater were full of students from the performance department, and both men and women began to bow their heads and think.

In the overcrowded classroom, when there is silence.

I don't know which student it was, and said two words softly.


The tone of the student's speech was mild, but it was extremely noticeable. Huang Lei nodded and said loudly, "That's right! It's just fear!"

Someone seemed to be puzzled, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Huang Lei, I can't figure it out. Cheng Feng's 2-minute performance, on the surface, is really calm, but why does it make people feel dizzy after watching it?" Numb, shuddering?"

"This student asked a good question, and this is what I want everyone to pay attention to next.

As you can see, Cheng Feng's 2-minute wonderful performance is ordinary on the surface. In fact, if you dig deeper, you will see that Cheng Feng's performance is undercurrent and turbulent, which is the real key.

We will continue to play the same as before, first playing at normal speed, and then slow down for everyone, let's discuss together. "

After speaking, Huang Lei pressed the remote control, and the projector started to play.

"As soon as I went upstairs, I saw a man lying on the ground, dead.

Why!This Xin Xiaofeng!


It was played at normal speed for the first time, and then Huang Lei rewinded and played again in slow motion. At this moment, the students were watching Cheng Feng's amazing performance intently.

After going back and watching again and again, Huang Lei did not choose to remind this time, but chose to let the students of the acting department find out by themselves, so he asked: "What did you find out from Cheng Feng's demeanor, expression, and body language just now? "

A boy said first: "I found that when Cheng Feng described seeing the dead body, he left the backrest while talking on his back, and leaned forward with his upper body."

"Yes, this classmate is right. I believe many people have seen it. The criminal played by Cheng Feng, and when it comes to the victim, when the dead body fell on the ground, when talking about the cause of the victim's death, he emphasized repeatedly. twice.

From the posture of leaning back against the seat, the body leans forward naturally when watching the audience. In terms of micro-expressions and body language, when a person talks to you, what does it mean to lean forward? "

At this point a girl said: "I heard in my body language, movement class, when someone is talking to you, lean forward.

Then it means that this person is interested in this topic, and only when he likes something in his heart will he show such characteristics. "

"That's right, the criminal played by Cheng Feng, the chilling point is completely imprinted in people's hearts at this moment.

When he mentioned the cause of death in a slightly emphatic tone, the first time the tone was heavier, the second time the tone was even more emphatic than the first time.

When most people see death, especially when they witness a dead body, when they mention this matter, their bodies are on one side or leaning back.

This is called an escape posture in body language. When people witness death or mention a death event they have experienced in the past, they will subconsciously put on defense, leaning back and sideways in an escape posture.

In fact, this is nature, innate, endowing humans and even other animals with the self-protection instinct.

Because of nature, wherever there are dead bodies, it means that there is danger in this place, and the self-protection instinct of human beings as animals will show defensive and escape postures. This is a subconscious self-protection mechanism, which is convenient for people to improve their survival rate and escape at any time .

This is true even for animals, even carnivores. When they see a corpse, their first reaction is to flee or defend. They look around and check to see if the corpse is safe to eat. "

Speaking of this moment, Huang Lei took a sip of water, pursed his lips and continued: "But the criminal played by Cheng Feng, why does it make people shudder when he talks about death and witnesses the corpse?
The reason is that without our knowledge and the audience's unawareness, he turned his body forward in a counter-intuitive way and performed body movements that violated biological instincts.

In addition, his expression, you see when he described the cause of the victim's death, his eyes are wide open and his lips are slightly parted. What does it look like? "




"Dead pervert!"

"Cruel and cruel executioner!"

Huang Lei shook his head. Although the students gave positive feedback, none of them touched Huang Lei's heart.

Until a girl gently said two words...

(End of this chapter)

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