Chapter 146
Cheng Feng was excited for a hearty game, and it was the right time to come to watch the game live this time.

Cheng Feng gave his applause and cheers to the two warriors without hesitation.

Not judging heroes by success or failure, Cheng Feng looked at the field, the two contestants hugged each other, and the humility and peace between the two made Cheng Feng feel that this match was more harmonious than the match between Zuipao and Xiaoying many.

The match between Mouth Connor and Kitty Hawk was full of gunpowder. At the end, the two fought each other with their respective team fans, which is still fresh in his memory.

When thinking of fighting, Cheng Feng suddenly thought of the traditional martial arts in our country today, and felt sad from the bottom of his heart.

As we all know, 80s and 90s grew up with martial arts movies. Every boy had a martial arts dream. When Cheng Feng was a child, he believed that Chinese martial arts were invincible. In a word, it is the ultimate fighting, the best in the world. one.

But in recent years, when the false mask of traditional martial arts was ruthlessly torn off, Cheng Feng's dream of kung fu was completely shattered.

No wonder Bruce Lee once said that he no longer believed in traditional martial arts, but chose the simple, direct and most effective fighting style, mastered it well, did not stick to genres, kept the useful ones, and eliminated the useless ones.

In the current traditional martial arts, especially the domestic situation, a large group of so-called masters are bluffing and deceiving one by one.

When people question the effectiveness of traditional martial arts, they talk to you about health preservation.

When people talk about traditional martial arts related training methods, how to improve strength, strengthen overall physical fitness, and how to combine with modern scientific training, they talk about self-cultivation.

When people talk about how to improve fighting awareness through actual combat, constantly hone skills, keep a clear mind in fighting, and adjust your mentality and emotions during fighting, these people are talking about the unity of nature and man.

In a word, let them say all the words, stand still, don't think about making progress, don't allow doubts, don't allow doubts, don't allow further innovations, and they have turned a good national quintessence into a difficult juggling.

If someone confronts them, they really have nothing to do, they will spend money to find some retired modern Sanda fighters, put on the vest of a disciple to fight with you, and finally say shamelessly, it is a tradition of their own family, or a unique skill How powerful martial arts are!

But you don’t think about it, the reason why so many people are constantly confronting you, do you think you really just want to smash your jobs, is it because you want you to abandon those bells and whistles, accept reality, be inclusive, and constantly innovate and improve our martial arts .

Instead of beating cows in the air, hurting people with anger, and fairy tales about pulling a thousand catties, let's have something real.

Cheng Feng couldn't help but sigh. Domestic fighting culture still has a long way to go. I hope that winning the UFC championship will be a good start, so that more people who are confused by martial arts myths will soon realize what real fighting is like.

This is not Cheng Feng's nonsense. Cheng Feng has a classmate who spent a lot of money at home to learn Tai Chi since he was a child. It is not the kind of aerobics in the square, but Tai Chi in the true sense.

From childhood to adulthood, he was beaten by someone in high school. The key is that person is also a weak chicken.

Cheng Feng still remembers that at that time, a guy who had a good relationship with this classmate had a dispute with a student from the same school. Practicing Tai Chi, is a real Tai Chi master.

When someone called him, he put on a posture and coaxed him into a daze, so frightened that the person fighting him didn't dare to make a move.

As a result, there were more and more people onlookers, the boy was forced to panic, he closed his eyes, swung his eight punches and rushed forward recklessly.

Cheng Feng saw that the so-called Taijiquan was useless. Those who practiced Taiji finally swung Wang Baquan, and the two fought. In the end, they turned into wrestling and rolled on the ground.

From then on, Cheng Feng knew that a movie is a movie, just for fun.

Fighting is fighting, so it has to be treated differently.

There are also martial arts that are more practical in combat, but the same sentence, in the face of modern fighting, is really not good. I hope that people with lofty ideals can abandon the views of sects, not superstitious in genre skills, be inclusive, and update and innovate our traditional martial arts Bar.

In the warm atmosphere of the scene, Cheng Feng got up and planned to leave. In a word, he was working hard in his own field and shining brightly in his own circle, which brought new touches to other people who followed him.

I also have to do my job well, that is, an actor, give his best performance as much as possible, weave a beautiful dream for the audience, let the audience immerse themselves in the dream, and get emotional comfort, even if Cheng Feng I am worthy of my parents.

After sorting out his thoughts, Cheng Feng got up and left. He returned to the hotel he had booked before, intending to have a good sleep and go to Xiangjiang tomorrow to continue his work.

No matter what others think of this game, in Cheng Feng's eyes, it is worth the money and has witnessed a historical moment.

On the streets of Shenzhen at night, Cheng Feng walked alone on the street, lit a cigarette, and thought about how to deal with the next scene.

Back in the hotel room, I went through the requirements of the next filming scene in my mind and the performance method I conceived, then washed up, lay on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Cheng Feng rushed from Shenzhen to Xiangjiang early, and when he returned to the hotel room prepared for him by the crew.

In the corridor outside the door, a beautiful figure of a girl suddenly appeared outside her door. This person is the lead actress in the play, Wu Qian.

In the play, her name is Qianqian, and Cheng Feng sees her as if hesitant to ring the doorbell of his room.

"Is there something wrong?" Cheng Feng smiled in the corridor of the hotel room.

The little girl was taken aback, and turned her head hastily. At this time, her makeup was full of the style of the 90s of the last century. Her long hair was curly, and her eyebrows were thick and black. She had not undergone so-called eyebrow trimming, and kept the most original appearance. , restrained, quiet.

I saw Cheng Feng standing casually in the hotel corridor with a backpack on his back.

The little girl seemed a little flustered, and then hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really nervous, and I just want to ask you some questions."

"Well, I'll put down my backpack in the room first, and we'll talk in the hotel restaurant."

Wu Qian nodded, Cheng Feng opened the door of the room, threw the bag casually, and left the room.

The two took the elevator to the hotel restaurant floor, found a seat and sat down.

After ordering a few delicacies, we chatted while eating.

Cheng Feng was the first to ask, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Wu Qian put down the knife and fork in her hand and asked.

"I was thinking, tomorrow is the day when you and I will meet each other, how should I express my character, after all, the plot of tomorrow's play is quite intense."

Cheng Feng recalled the clips he had seen in his previous life, and then said: "Panic, be careful, be silent."

(End of this chapter)

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