Chapter 79

"Okay, Sheng, let's get down to business." Jun Cheye reminded softly as he slowly ate the sugar bag in his hand, and took out a silk handkerchief to wipe his mouth.If it continues like this, it will probably be gone in the morning.Her unknown plan is probably shattered.

"Ah, that's right, let me tell you. I want to go to the lake to see, do you want to go?" Yisheng's mouth widened a little, and he suggested with some joy while shaking his body.

On such a day, and it snowed again the day before yesterday, there must be ice on the lake, which would be fun.

"Okay, okay~" Luo Yanxiao immediately seconded.People who love to play must have something in common, like these two are typical.

"I have no objection." Seeing that she was no longer looking at him, Zhong Liyue immediately killed the bun in his hand, and said immediately after swallowing it, but it was a pity that he was half a beat behind Yan Yan.

"Me too." Zhong Limo responded with a shy smile.Although the smile was shy, it couldn't hide the natural noble aura. It seemed to be mixed with a touch of nobility, but it was harmonious and not at all obtrusive.

"I agree!" Yan Chu continued after swallowing the last bite of the poached egg.

"Yeah, wait for me." Sitting up while supporting the table, Yin Yunqing continued to drink the white porridge in the bowl, but at a slightly faster speed.

"Is it too cold?" Frowning slightly, Jun Cheye asked in disapproval.

These big men are fine, the main one is Yisheng.Whether her body can withstand the biting cold wind is still unknown, not to mention that her internal energy is all cold, and she still has a cold physique.

"Ah, don't worry about it. After I was sick, I used medicine to recuperate, and I also ate some dragon chain leaves. At least I won't be attacked by wind and cold recently."Is Yi Sheng the kind of person who keeps making mistakes again and again?She made a mistake once, and there will never be a second time.She had had enough of being sick.That damn cold, groggy, she never wants to have it again.

So, she carefully prepared some medicine to take by herself, and specially chewed a few dragon chain leaves to increase the resistance in her body.I don't believe it, she will still get sick with such thorough preparations... If that's the case, her role as a doctor of medicine is really in vain.Her medical skills are also useless skills.

"Add some clothes." Without saying much, Ji just stood silently behind her, put on a piece of clothes for her, and unconditionally supported all her decisions.

"Hey, Ji you are the best..." Yi Sheng said sweetly as she turned her head and raised a big smile.

"Okay, have you finished eating, can you go?" After saying the last sentence, without waiting for Ji to react, Yi Shengfu turned his head again, stood up with a snap, and asked condescendingly.

"...Okay." Forced to do so, Jun Cheye had no choice but to agree.She has promised so, what good is he doubting anymore?Just trust her.

"Okay, let's go!" The corners of Yisheng's mouth widened, and Yisheng excitedly pulled Ji behind him and ran out of the front hall door, intending to just run to the lake.

Anyway, running is good for your physical and mental health, and it's also warm.Besides, it's not very far.

Mirror Lake.

Running all the way, the faint excitement spread to the bottom of everyone's heart and continued to sublimate.

When they got to the lake, all of them had blushing faces, as cute as carrots.

Especially Luo Yanxiao.His face was already doll-like, but with this blush, it looked even more adorable.

If it was normal, Yisheng would definitely pinch it twice to satisfy the feeling.But she miraculously didn't pay attention today, she just stared blankly at Jinghu, dazed in a daze.

As for the reason, it was the scenery that caused trouble.

The entire surface of Jinghu Lake is a vast expanse of white, and the ice visible to the naked eye seems to be as thick as the length of the middle finger, and even as thick as the length of the palm in some places where the temperature is low, which is really surprising and unbelievable.

"Wow..." Yisheng sighed in admiration.

This is too amazing... There is no pollution in ancient times, even the ice is so pure, just like the name of this mirror lake, it is as bright as a mirror.Moreover, it is almost the solar term of more than November in modern times, and it is already covered with such thick ice... It shows the seriousness of the modern greenhouse effect.

Alas, modern people are absolutely right when they say that ancient times are good.

"Yisheng, why are you so surprised?" Yan Chu glanced at her strangely, and said disapprovingly.

"Don't laugh when you say it, really don't laugh... By the way...I'm afraid of the cold,'s just that winter hasn't come out yet. I've never seen such thick ice." In ancient times, she was bored at home and couldn't see the same thing...

"No way..." Xiumei raised her eyebrows lightly, Yan Chu couldn't believe it.She...hasn't even seen this before? ...This is the most common sight in winter...

"It's just..." Yisheng lowered her head with black lines all over her head, curled her lips and said helplessly.

I thought she wanted to, but she really hadn't seen it before.It is estimated that Ji has seen it, it should be.

Raising her eyes, looking at the whiteness, Yisheng's heart suddenly moved, and a smile crept onto the corner of her mouth.

By the way, she hadn't seen it before, but it was enough to see it today, and, with such thick ice, she might be able to skate.

Hehe... In the past, I liked playing the most.

Two three-foot white swords flew out of the sleeve, and two shiny silver daggers rolled out.

Everyone looked at her strangely, a little puzzled and at a loss.

I saw Yisheng threw the dagger on the ground, and then used internal force to chop off the hilt, leaving a little frost, so as not to hurt anyone.

Then, he rolled it back with Bai Lian, and began to modify his own shoes, intending to make them into roller skates.The kind with ice skates.

He took off the embroidered shoes under his feet, inserted the sharp and cold ice blade into the wooden sole, took out a silver ribbon from the hairline, and fixed it.However, the other one is not easy to take off.Frowning lightly, Yisheng cried out helplessly.

"Ji, help me down..." The voice trembled, with a strange sense of humor.But she can't take care of so much, why is it cold now? ……Ugh.

"Ah good." Reflexively responded, Ji quickly moved over, gently supporting her somewhat unstable body.

Feeling a force coming from between the arms, Yisheng confidently transferred the weight of her body to his hands, and then began the modification process of the second shoe.

Seeing all Yisheng's actions, Ji didn't ask much, anyway, she would definitely tell him what he could know, instead of waiting for him to ask.

He has such a peaceful state of mind, but not everyone else has it.Just like Yan Chu, he lost his composure, and asked with a puzzled frown.

(End of this chapter)

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