Chapter 175

In the end, she chose to escape.

Because she still needs to think carefully.Is she going to put forward this np's idea?

After all, the calm and composed attitude in her dream no longer exists.Because she can't live alone forever.

She had thought about dying alone, without anyone to accompany her.This is simply nonsense.There's no way she could do it.

Because she was too greedy, greedy for the tenderness they gave her.Pamper her.Give her... infinite love.

A bitter smile with nostalgia spread on her lips, Yisheng made up her mind and started to escape.

"Give me some time. I want to think about it... At most, one day, you guys can stay at Yamamen with peace of mind." After Yi Sheng said this in a low voice, she flew like an extremely slippery fish. She escaped from Yan Chu's confinement with some masculinity, and then stepped on Taxue Wuhen, dodging out of the room like a gust of wind.

And in the air, only some remnants of her smell remained.The faint fragrance of pear blossoms.

"Hey... Did you make her too anxious?" Indistinctly, someone's helpless sigh came.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Yisheng got up.Because she struggled with it for a long time yesterday and didn't get it out, which caused her to dream about this all night, and she didn't sleep well all night.

He fell asleep just now, and was awakened by that damned dream again. He patted his chest in fear, but he was already mentally exhausted.This continued until the fifth watch, and she managed to sleep for a while, but at this damn time, she woke up naturally because of the biological clock in her body.

Ugh.Sleep... She really missed the time when she didn't think about anything and could sleep directly... Insomnia is really frustrating.

But now the most important thing is not this problem.It seems that the first thing to consider is the damn dream that kept her awake...

And the content of that dream was... the handsome eyelids of those seven people flashed alternately in front of her eyes, and she tried to choose at will, but none of them picked it, it was just a blue candle.

Does this dream mean that she can't get it from anyone? ……Is that right?
Should she continue to escape? ...Or, should I confess to them first, take a look at their faces, and get to the bottom of it?
With this tangled and contradictory thought in mind, Yi Sheng didn't sleep well all night.Of course, it means that she has big eyes to small eyes, and she didn't close her eyes all night.

Just like in the college entrance examination, when she was taking the mathematics test, she almost wanted to draw lots to see God's will when she encountered a tangled multiple-choice question.It's a pity that she feels upset when she thinks of that damned emperor.So I gave up this somewhat naive move.

Shaking her drowsy head, Yi Sheng got out of bed drowsily, washed her face and rinsed her mouth as usual, and opened the door drowsily.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath to empty out the turbid air in her body, Yisheng just wanted to leave the room and go for a morning jog in the back mountain, but she suddenly stepped on the railing, feeling a little strange.

Looking at the surrounding decorations, it occurred to her that she seemed to be still at Yamamen.As for Yan Luomen's ghost layout, she hasn't gotten used to it yet.

Shaking her head again, Yisheng turned around, intending to go to the large back mountain of Yan Luomen to carry out the order she gave to her feet just now.After all, even Yan Luomen, like the original Princess Mansion, has a back mountain dedicated to her morning jogging.It's just that the location is different.

However, she had only taken a step out of the door when she was stopped.

It is sabi.

He still didn't say a word as usual, but took her hand possessively, led her to the door of the next room, and then, as if reluctantly let go, motioned her to go in first.

If she paid a little more attention, she would find that there was an unusual tenderness in his eyes.And on that stern face, there was still a slight suspicious blush.

Unfortunately, she missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.It was just because her head was still dizzy that she couldn't distinguish well, so she simply didn't observe and just looked down at the road.

However, although she didn't understand why, the tacit understanding she had cultivated over the years had successfully dispelled her guard against him, and she walked into the room unsuspecting.

Pushing open the door, it is no surprise to see that the room is full of blue sky.

Then carefully observe whether there is any change in this room, but come to a conclusion that there is no change at all.

Unconsciously, he looked back at Ji behind him, and gave him a slightly puzzled look, signaling him not to play tricks again.

He sighed helplessly, as if he was helpless why she was so confused today.Then, still very pampering, he slightly raised his head, took her hand again, strode forward, and at the same time slightly exerted force with his hand, signaling her to follow.

She shrugged her shoulders indifferently, followed his footsteps, and began to gradually step into the faint sky that she personally designed.

It seems that there is no need for redundant communication methods such as words between them. They can understand each other's meaning only by their eyes and movements.

She also gradually got used to being as taciturn as he was in front of him.It's just skillfully using the unique gestures, eyes, and small movements between them to achieve the purpose of making him understand the meaning.

As for Ji, let alone.In front of her, he was already talking too much.And if it is in front of others, it is almost difficult for him to say a word a month.Sometimes, there may not even be a word in a year.

So, the two entered the room one after the other with such a tacit understanding, and came to the dining table.

It wasn't until then that she realized that there seemed to be something extra in the room.Take this plate of pastries, for example.

That's Wenji pastry far away in Jinhuang City...the pear flower cake there is her favorite.However, every time someone buys it back, it is cold and not as delicious as the hot one.

And now, clearly, the pastry is still warm.It was taken here almost as soon as it was out of the pot.

No words, no eyes, no gestures at all.She already knew that he just went to buy it.

Needless to say, he must know her biological clock too well, so he waited outside her room for her to open the door.

Why do you treat her so well... She is so careless.It's not worth his flying so fast to Jinhuang City to buy this pastry.Yi Sheng only felt moved for a while.The nose is a little sour, it seems that in the blink of an eye, there will be coolness slipping down.

How could she not like such a man? ... It's just that I don't know if he will be willing to share her tenderness with others.

Thinking about it, Yi Sheng's eyes showed bitterness again.

She didn't even know if she should speak.

"Since you don't want to speak, don't speak." Ji said casually.He gently picked up the delicately decorated plate and a piece of pure white pear flower cake, and brought it to her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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