Chapter 338
He wasn't surprised that Liu Chengmin called him, what was surprising was at this time, could it be that Liu Chengmin didn't realize until now that the box office of "Battle of the Clouds" had surpassed his?

As soon as the call was connected, Liu Chengmin's anxious and flustered voice came over, "Dong Kang, is it normal for "Crazy Dinosaur" to be screened in major movie theaters? I think the box office of "Battle of the Clouds" has completely exceeded "Crazy Dinosaur", if we continue to let the situation develop like this, it will be very bad for us!"

Kang Heng smiled lightly, but he was not as calm as he was when he was talking to his assistant before, and he comforted Liu Chengmin in a leisurely tone, "Director Liu, you are already an old director in the film industry, and you are better than me when the film is released. It is quite clear that the box office growth rate of "Battle of the Sea of ​​Clouds" is obviously not normal, what does this mean?"

After Kang Heng's reminder, Liu Chengmin immediately thought of a possibility, "Director Kang is right, it seems that "Battle of the Clouds" is a ticket, so is it possible that "Crazy Dinosaur" is also a ticket?"

The eyes of Liu Chengmin who was calling Kang Heng suddenly lit up at the thought of swiping tickets. The Film Federation Cinemas is the largest theater chain in the country and also has the widest coverage. Something that saves money and time.

Regarding the twists and turns in Liu Chengmin's heart, Kang Heng somewhat guessed a little bit, Kang Heng still smiled and said to Liu Chengmin: "Director Liu, you are confused, when will this movie ticket be worth it if it is bought up? The issue of "Battle of the Clouds" is handed over to the prosecution committee, and then "Battle of the Clouds" and that director Zuo will be crushed!"

"It's Mr. Kang, you have a clear mind and you have been educated."

Liu Chengmin happily hung up the phone, contacted his assistant and immediately reported the "Battle of the Clouds" ticket fraud to the prosecution committee.

At the same time as the report, doubts about the "Battle of the Clouds" swiping votes were also published on the Internet.

Reporting this matter is not the purpose, the ultimate goal is to make "Battle of the Clouds" have a violent impact, and then drive a lot of netizens on the Internet.


At the same time, Zuo Miao, who had been wandering around Shi Rui's house all afternoon, had been sent back to school by Shi Rui.

Zuo Miao was calculating the revenue according to the growth rate of the box office of "Battle of the Clouds", at this moment, Lei Ren suddenly said a little bit aggrieved, "My lord, those ordinary people actually slandered us for selling tickets for "Battle of the Clouds"!"

Swipe the ticket?

Zuo Miao was puzzled for a moment when he heard the word "swipe ticket" for the first time, and then he understood what it meant.

He chuckled lightly, "Don't worry about it, in the end, it's probably the ordinary people themselves who will be ugly in the end."

Anyone who has watched "Battle of the Sea of ​​Clouds" can understand what is going on with this movie and why it has such a big appeal to everyone.

"As for those ordinary people, they probably haven't watched "Battle of the Cloud Sea" at all. If they had, they wouldn't have the face to say this at all."

If you have seen it, Liu Chengmin must take the initiative to give up the box office of "Crazy Dinosaur".

Lei Ren was a little ignorant of his adult's mentality and his views on this matter.

You must know that this kind of slander will affect the audience's views on "Battle of the Clouds" to a certain extent, and will directly affect the rating and even the box office of "Battle of the Clouds".

(End of this chapter)

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