A man in a glance

Chapter 219 A living benchmark!

Chapter 219 A living benchmark!

On Zuo Miao's side, she clearly heard Feifei's dissatisfaction, and she swiped her hand across the screen, "It's okay for you to have complaints because you don't have enough capital, but my film capital is sufficient, so naturally someone will rush to contact you Make arrangements for the cinema."

Zuo Miao had watched the whole movie from the perspective of God before. For this movie, there is no problem with the plot. With the use of shocking technology, the Battle of the Sea of ​​Clouds will only be brilliant. a possibility.

As long as she releases the promotional video of the movie, there will definitely be many theaters willing to arrange the Battle of the Sea of ​​Clouds.

Dai Dai looked at the words of sufficient capital and insufficient capital, nodded in agreement, and turned to contact the person who reviewed the film.

On the contrary, Feifei stood aside, feeling something strange.


In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the opening ceremony.

Before the opening ceremony started, the old director Chang called Zuo Miao aside.

Since Zuo Miao came back from the library, he has been nesting in the dormitory with Shi Rui. Director Chang wandered around the library several times, but he couldn't see Zuo Miao again, so he had to arrest him during the opening ceremony.

"Zuo Xiaomiao! In our Royal Capital University, the opening ceremony is an extremely important event. It may affect the study and struggle of other students. After so many years of college entrance examinations, this year there is a first-time champion in the college entrance examination. You Be sure to say a few words to everyone on the podium.”

Director Chang looked at Zuo Miao in front of him with serious expectation. This is the only excellent student in the past 5000 years!
Moreover, this student now has his own career, which is simply a living benchmark!

Thinking about career, Director Chang couldn't help but say something more, "When going to college, in fact, every student has the same purpose. They all hope that they can have a relatively good career and devote themselves to the country and society. Take this opportunity to guide the students in the audience to this direction."

Zuo Miao stood in front of Director Chang with a humble face and a standard posture, which was completely different from the situation when he met Director Chang for the first time in the office.

While listening to Director Chang's words, Zuo Miao nodded seriously, as if he had listened to Director Chang's words.

Seeing this, Director Chang felt more and more satisfied with the young man in front of him, and even now in Director Chang's mind, he had imagined that all the students were studying and struggling with Zuo Xiaomiao as an example.

"Director, I see."

Zuo Miao was very helpful to Director Chang's words, and it happened that her thoughts at the opening ceremony were the same as Director Chang's thoughts.

Director Chang nodded, and heard that the host on the rostrum had already put the topic on Zuo Miao, and raised his head to indicate that Zuo Miao could go up.

"... Next, we will welcome this year's freshman representative of Imperial University, who is also our first student with a perfect score in the college entrance examination over the years to speak on stage."

After the host finished speaking, all the students in the audience suddenly made a commotion and looked up at the rostrum.

Different from previous years, this year's opening ceremony was attended by a lot of people, not only freshmen, but also many students from other grades. Needless to say, they all came here for the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

Everyone's eyes searched back and forth around the rostrum, and in the blink of an eye, everyone's eyes were glued to the young man who walked slowly from the steps to the rostrum.

(End of this chapter)

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