Chapter 100 Distress (9)

"I can move my arm. I thought I was going to die of pain. That, thank you." Chongxue moved her right shoulder, never expecting that man to heal her wound.She hurt him with a stone just now, she didn't expect this man to be so magnanimous, she didn't care about it at all.

Floating House walked back to the position where he was meditating just now, sat cross-legged, and continued to meditate.

But his breath was a little messy, and the thank you she said kept echoing in his ears. He didn't know why he healed this woman, but he felt that her pain was an eyesore, yes, that's why he healed her .

"What's your name?" Chongxue felt that there was no murderous look on him, so she walked to his side and sat down, leaning against the pillar by herself, very cold.And he doesn't look as hateful as that man called Wan Xie just now.

Chongxue waited for a while, but he still didn't speak. Did he fall asleep?He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes, but there was no response.

"My name is Chongxue, heavy Chong, Baixue's Xue."

heavy snow?Floating House muttered these two words silently in his heart, he didn't like others to disturb him when he was meditating, if it was in the past, that person would have been sent flying by him before he could speak.

But what happened to him today, he doesn't hate this woman approaching.

"Are you asleep? Can you talk to me? I think it's very cold here. If no one talks to me, I'm afraid I'll fall asleep, freeze to death, and never wake up again." Chongxue Boringly playing with the tassels around her waist, this place is really cold, which froze her spells, and she couldn't even use the most basic cold spells.

Fucuo opened his eyes, and put the red coat transformed from the unicorn armor on Chongxue's body.

Kirin Armor is not ordinary clothing, it is cold-resistant, invulnerable and indestructible.

"Thank you, can I ask you a question? What are these clothes made of? It's so warm." Chongxue felt her body start to warm up. She really didn't know what his clothes were made of. After she went out from here, Also do a suit.

Fucuo frowned and looked at Chongxue, does this girl also want to be successful?This Qilinjia is unparalleled in the world, it is the only one, there is no semicolon.

"By the way, you haven't told me what's your name." Chongxue asked persistently. Although she was warmed up, she still felt sleepy. What's going on?She couldn't sleep, if she fell asleep, if that evil monster came to trouble her, wouldn't she even have a chance to escape?

"Fucuo." In order to prevent Chongxue from continuing to ask, Fucuo said his name in a strange way.

"Fucuo, is that how it's written?" Chongxue wrote the word "Fucuo" on the ground with her fingers, then looked at him sideways.

Floating House took a look at the two words on the ground, it was indeed his name, closed his eyes, and accepted it.

"I don't think you want to be with them. Did you get trapped here because of something they caught?" Chongxue put her knees against her chin and kept drawing circles on the ground.

Handle it?Floating House no longer remembers why he was trapped in Lianyu, the past is too vague and fragmented, he can't remember, and it's hard to remember.

"They are all monsters, what about you? You shouldn't be a monster too, right?" Chongxue seemed to realize something, held Fucuo's face in her hands, and looked carefully, how could such a handsome and cold handsome man be a monster?She wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

(End of this chapter)

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