Chapter 82

Third Yiniang took out the gold pendant, Xiao Xuelian looked at it and praised it.

After watching San Yiniang take a few sips of the tea with the powder added, Xiao Xuelian slowly stood up and said: "Third Yiniang, I have been bothering you for a while, so I won't bother you anymore, I'll go back now. "

Saying that, she gave a gentle smile to Third Auntie, turned around and walked out of the house.

Third Yiniang was very happy in her heart, she took the gold pendant and read it over and over again, never thinking that she had been poisoned.

Xiao Xuelian went back to the backyard, sat on the rattan chair in the yard, stroked her belly, and said: "Now, let's wait for the poison in San Yiniang's body to explode."

The child responded to her in a warm voice: "With the third aunt dragging the third prince, we won't be afraid of the third prince's obstruction."

Xiao Xuelian smiled, and said: "Third Aunt is most afraid of pain, I guess she can hold him back for a while, we should have enough time to go to Huayin Temple."

The child sneered: "As long as we go to Huayin Temple to find the relic, we don't have to be afraid of the third prince anymore!"

Two hours later.

The toxins in San Yiniang's body exploded, and San Yiniang cried and screamed on the bed, saying that it was stomach pain, headache, heartache, pain everywhere.

Yue Ruge was hastily called to treat her, and the whole Cuixin Hospital became a mess.

Xiao Xuelian took a soft sedan chair and was escorted by the leader of the guards and two guards to Huayin Temple.

When walking halfway, Hongchu appeared in the sedan chair.

Hong Chu said to Xiao Xuelian in a very low voice: "Miss San, after arriving at Huayin Temple later, you and the Crown Prince will go to the pagoda to look for relics, and I will help you pester these guards."

"...Well," Xiao Xuelian nodded softly, indicating that it was okay.

When the sedan chair was about to reach Huayin Temple, Xiao Xuelian saw a tall pagoda in Huayin Temple at a glance through the curtain of light gauze.

Xiao Xuelian looked at the tall tower, her eyes unconsciously revealing thoughts.

Hong Chu looked at Xiao Xuelian's gaze, glanced at the tall pagoda, and said in a low voice: "That pagoda is called Zhenling Pagoda, and everyone in the world knows that Zhenling Pagoda is a place for storing Buddhist scriptures, which is equivalent to the Buddhist scripture pavilion. But People in the world don't know that under the tower, many monsters have been suppressed and sealed, and this is the place where monsters talk about turning pale."

"...You said, suppressed and sealed many monsters?!"

Xiao Xuelian was attracted by this sentence, and her gaze fell on Hongchu in the sedan chair.

Hongchu nodded, "Well, there are thousands of monsters in the tower, not to mention tens of thousands. Throughout the ages, those monsters captured by masters of the Tao have all been suppressed and sealed there."

Xiao Xuelian frowned, and suddenly felt that her heart was stabbed by something, and it hurt faintly.

At this time, the child whispered: "Mom, my heart hurts so much, my heart hurts so much, it feels like my heart is being squeezed, it's almost painful to death."

 Xiao Xuelian immediately frowned even tighter. She looked at her stomach and remembered that this is a Buddhist realm, so her expression changed a little: "My child, could it be that you can't get close to the temple? Could it be that you and the Buddhist realm... ..."

"No, His Royal Highness will not."

Before Xiao Xuelian finished speaking, Hong Chu interrupted her in a deep voice. He looked at Xiao Xuelian's stomach and said, "The spiritual power of His Royal Highness is beyond the demon world, beyond the gods and demons. He will enter any place without any damage." It will be affected. Although the Huayin Temple is intimidated by the Zhenling Pagoda, it must not affect His Highness the Crown Prince. His Highness the Crown Prince must have been affected by other influences, and it will definitely not be this temple."

After Hongchu finished speaking, there was a hint of thought in her eyes.

The child grunted a few times, and then said softly: "Okay, it's okay, my heart doesn't hurt anymore, and it doesn't hurt anymore."

Xiao Xuelian was surprised, the child is...

The voice of the leader of the guards sounded outside at the right time: "Miss San, we are here."

(End of this chapter)

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