
Chapter 438 Dongniuxijian

Chapter 438 Dongniuxijian

Dong Mingxie's face was stern, but there was a certain coolness to it. The cold atmosphere flowed over his forehead, almost forming a small vortex.Bai Jiangmen came from a small gang fighting hundreds of battles. Although it benefited from the joining of the old black dragon, this tactical level has also been tempered.

Although the formation of Baijiangmen and Xuanguidao rebels was far less rigorous than that of Xihuofan's command, it was also much stronger than the gang who only knew how to swarm up and rely on crowd tactics.

Qingfeng Mingjian was about to kill Yujian when I suddenly yelled and shouted: "The master of Dongmingxie, Laofeng, Laodan, Xuanyuan, let's make a comparison, who will kill more people in this battle. Ranking The last person will wear show off in Shushan for a week!"

When I shook off the Diyan colorful clothes, I looked left and right, allowing them to see clearly the attributes of this treasure.

Qingfengmingjian, who was applauding without a word, immediately turned pale and rushed out, the sword's light was like a rainbow, pointing directly at the enemy in front.

Xuanyuan Bingfeng originally thought that if he loses, he loses, and it doesn't matter if he has a few treasures. Seeing that I shook off such a "colorful head" to summon two Aurora Roars, the power of the Xianguangyunjie cannon was immediately full.

Even with the arrogance of Dongmingxie, seeing the colorful clothes of earth flames, it was somewhat unbearable. Two sets of flying needles were sent out, forming light rain.Dare not have the slightest hesitation.

"Is the morale-boosting power of this thing so strong?"

When I took this treasure from Dimian, I originally wanted to give it to Zitong Fengwu, but after I went back to Taiyuan, I couldn't spare time after several wars, so I asked her to negotiate terms.When the battle in Taiyuan was certain, Zitong Fengwu somehow accepted a mission with Rainbow Sister and left first, I didn't even have time to meet her.

Now take old things and use them, the effect is pretty good.

Dongmingxie, and the few of us here are all veterans of gang melee. We know that the party with a small number of people must not gather and act, otherwise we will be surrounded by people, and the magic weapon flying sword of thousands of people will fall. No matter how strong the defense is, Hacked to death.

At this time, only by using flexible tactics and keeping a distance from the enemy with flexible speed can we offset the disadvantage in numbers.

In Shushan, it is often seen that the players with a small number of players are flying around like flies, and the party with a large number of players gathers to form an ant array.Controlling the flying sword, the maneuverability is extremely flexible, and all the tactics in the history of human beings cannot be copied into this game.

In order to kill and injure as many enemies as possible, and avoid the tragic situation of wearing earth flame colorful clothes and turning into a woman, I activated the Qianqing Shangyuan Taiyi God Thunder Net on Qingsuo Sword with one move.

Countless strangely bright light mines stirred and exploded within the range of the thunder net, sweeping away overwhelmingly.At the beginning of my battle, I avoided the old black dragon. This old guy has a sharp magic weapon and a super high level. I may not be afraid of him, but if I get entangled, the killing efficiency must be extremely low.

I suggested it myself, and then made myself unlucky, this is a bit of that...

The bandits of the Hundred Generals and the rebels of the Xuangui Temple have been hunting monsters on the sea all year round. They have rich experience in naval battles and extremely fierce combat experience. They are completely different from the players cultivated in a peaceful atmosphere on Wandu Island.

Seeing that I have cleared the power of Shangyuan Taiyi God's thunder net, several players were so cruel. After releasing the flying sword, when they approached my thunder net, they suddenly launched self-destruct. With this kind of skill, it is to shatter the flying sword of one's own magic weapon, and exert a lethal force that is more than ten times more powerful than the magic weapon itself.

However, there is a price to be paid for losing a magic weapon. In Shushan, unless the enemy meets each other, and they think that their strength is not enough, and they have to pay the price and want to vent their anger, few people use such extravagant skills.

With the help of the flying sword, I broke through my divine thunder net, and the flying swords of the other players burst out like a tide of magic weapons, which made me a little weak in my heart. guy.

At this time, Qingfeng Mingjian has already picked out a dozen opponents in a row by relying on fierce swordsmanship, and Tingchao has also beheaded seven or eight opponents in half. Menxian Guangyunjie cannons are concentrated, even if there is a magic weapon for defense, it is difficult to take a blow from him.Several people have also been killed.

Seeing that I am the only one with clean hands and no blood stains, I am a little annoyed at this old cow.

With a pat on my side, Jiujiu's 81 Xuanyin Gathering Beast Banners shook out, and the ninth-level magic banners instantly rolled up a black cloud with a size of more than a hundred acres, covering all the players of the Hundred Generals who approached me .

In Shushan, the ability to form formations with magic weapons is already the strongest trump card for most players.After all, not everyone is lucky enough to obtain the ultimate magic weapon, the flying sword, super powerful spells, and forbidden spells.It's not as good as everyone being honest, doing some missions repeatedly, and getting a complete set of formation magic weapons, which is more promising.

However, my Xuanyin Beast Gathering Banner is the master of Gu Chen's housekeeping skills. Although the power is not as good as the Twelve Banners Mendun sent by Emei Town, the magic of the Liangyi Mote Formation is infinite, but the lethality is also astonishing. until.

It is a hundred times stronger than the six formations of gang battles, Dutian Lie Huoqi, Tianlei Sword Formation, and the like.

Following the black clouds, more than ten light rainbows flew out in a row, and I counted the number of murders, which has surpassed Xuanyuan Bingfeng and Dongmingxie, so I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Four flying swords came out together, and began to frantically harvest life.

After killing more than [-] people in a row, Tan Jian Ting Chao only felt that the two swords were moving smoothly and freely, three points more than usual.All of a sudden, hundreds of streaks of purple light, like diamond-shaped strange shuttles, shot out in all directions, trapping him in the center like a torrential rain.At a critical moment, Tanjian Tingchao slapped his body, and Tianli Qilin Ruler turned into two ferocious and roaring fire unicorns, rushed out in one fell swoop, and let go of the Qianyuan Wuqi Lidiyan Light Talisman, forming a boundless flame protection.

The two swords circled and bounced off the attack, only then did they have the time to look up to see who was coming so viciously.It was the old black dragon's Zilin Tianlong Zhan who came.The old black dragon, who turned into a big man in black robe, sneered and slapped away the big purple and gold gourd on his back with one hand, but nothing came out of it...

(End of this chapter)

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