My God-level Alipay

Chapter 189 Strength

Chapter 189 Strength
Chen Daming came directly to Dong Xin's office, and Dong Xin was also a little worried. This matter will affect the company's reputation very much.

Today you post a message that the product is only available on the official website, and tomorrow you post a message that the product is available anywhere, what do you want consumers to think?
The impact of this incident on the company can also be imagined.

Chen Daming came to Dong Xin, sat down slowly and said, "Dong Xin, what's going on? Is there nothing anyone in the company's technical department can do about them?"

Dong Xin shook his head slightly and said: "There is no way, I just called the police, but I don't know if they can solve our problem in a while."

Chen Daming frowned slightly, the police solved it? It is impossible for them to always rely on the police to solve things, they must have their own professional and technical strength to guarantee it.

Why don't you ask Wang Jianfeng's cousin Li Bo to come over and have a look, Wang Jianfeng said that the guy is a computer genius.

Chen Daming didn't want to ask Li Bo to come here at first, otherwise he would have asked Li Bo to come here when this incident happened. It would be a bit deadly to ask Li Bo to come here this time. Li Bo's computer quality, I have never seen Li Bo's computer quality.

It would be great if Li Bo could really contribute to this matter, but if he couldn't, Chen Daming wouldn't blame him.

"Okay, I'll find someone to come and take a look." Chen Daming said.

Hearing Chen Daming's words, Dong Xin asked: "Are you looking for someone? Is that person a computer expert?"

"I heard that he is a computer expert. Let him come over and have a look. If he can help, that's good. If he can't help, I have no choice but to wait for the police to come, or find some people in the future." Computer experts can solve this matter." Chen Daming said.

Hearing Chen Daming's words, Dong Xin nodded slightly. From the bottom of his heart, he actually didn't have high hopes for Chen Daming to find this person. Facing the opponent, there can only be one sentence to describe it, the strong have their own strong hands.

After talking to Dong Xin, Chen Daming immediately called Wang Jianfeng and asked Li Bo to come to Bijie Group. It happened that Li Bo was in the bar, so Wang Jianfeng sent Li Bo over.

Soon, Li Bo was in the Bijie Group, and the police had already arrived, but the police needed to understand the case first, and did not immediately rescue the Bijie Group's system.

When they learned about the case, Chen Daming explained the matter clearly to Li Bo, took Li Bo to the technical department, communicated with those technical department personnel, and then turned on the computer, as if to save The hacked Weibo of Bijie Group.

Chen Daming and all the staff in the technical department were watching Li Bo's operations. The people in the technical department of Bijie Group didn't take Li Bo seriously either. They didn't think that Li Bo could rescue the hacked Weibo.

Chen Daming didn't trust Li Bo, nor did he distrust him. His idea was that if Li Bo could really succeed, it would be great.

Time passed by, and Li Bo was doing some operations.

In about 10 minutes, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Li Bo regained control.


Looking at the picture on the screen, Li Bo heaved a sigh of relief, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Chen Daming was also a little surprised, after all, Li Bo had done all the things that Bijie Group's technical department could not do.

Li Bo's success in this matter proves that Li Bo's computer skills are absolutely extraordinary.

"Brother Daming, it's done." Li Bo said to Chen Daming.

"That's right, Li Bo." Chen Daming patted Li Bo's shoulder lightly.

"Brother Daming, in addition to the encryption settings of the Weibo system itself, I have added two locks to this account. In the future, no one should be able to intrude in again." Li Bo said.

"Okay..." Chen Daming said, this incident can be regarded as a test of Li Bo's level, this test is to prove that Li Bo is a rare talent, and he will use this good steel on the blade in the future.

Hearing Li Bo's words, everyone nodded slightly. Li Bo had already shown his strength in front of them. At this moment, no one dared to underestimate Li Bo.

"Then can you determine the location of the opponent? Or can you determine who the opponent is?" Chen Daming asked.

"I can't do this now. I can only wait until the next time he attacks our Weibo system. Maybe I can lock his IP address and find his correct location." Li Bo said.

Chen Daming nodded slightly. They didn't know when, when the other party would launch an attack. Now go and talk to Dong Xin about the situation, and then let Li Bo come to the technical department to watch for a few days to see if he can identify the other party's person .

Afterwards, Chen Daming and Li Bo also left the technical department and went to Dong Xin's office.

It just so happened that the police comrades were about to leave and wanted to send some computer experts back to the bureau. Chen Daming didn't stop him. After all, Li Bo would need the assistance of the police if he found the other person in the future, so it was better to send the police directly.

After the police left, Dong Xin said to Chen Daming, "Da Ming, what's going on?"

"Li Bo has already solved it. According to him, he has added two more locks. It will be very difficult for anyone to hack into our Weibo system in the future." Chen Daming said.

Hearing Chen Daming's words, Dong Xin was slightly taken aback, and said, "Is it resolved?"

Chen Daming smiled and nodded slightly.

Then Dong Xin also looked at Li Bo in surprise. After all, he didn't have much hope for Li Bo at first, and he really didn't expect this young man who looked a bit listless to have such strength.

"Then why didn't you tell the police?" Dong Xin said.

"Our ultimate goal is to catch the other party. If we want to catch the other party, the police will come sooner or later. Li Bo said that as long as the other party attacks our system again, he may find the other party's IP address. It would be nice to have the local IP address directly let the police carry out the arrest." Chen Daming said.

Dong Xin nodded slightly, and said: "This is very good, we must catch this crazy person."

"Okay, Li Bo, you can go to the technical department and keep an eye on it. The police will be there in a while. I hope you can cooperate well with them. You can work hard these few days. If you need anything, just mention it to the company staff. We must catch the people who blackmail us as soon as possible," Chen Daming said.

"Understood, Brother Daming." After finishing speaking, Li Bo left the office.

After Li Bo left, Dong Xin asked, "Da Ming, where did you get this Li Bo?"

(End of this chapter)

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