Chapter 444
——Due to special reasons, all students in base 666 will be transferred.

So, a week ago, all of them were dragged to this small mountain village.

But the strange thing is, it didn't say where it was, or what to do here, and it was completely at a loss.

After arriving here, Zhang Xiaolu found that the atmosphere here was different, and the level of security was not like that of a general military base, but rather similar to Base 666.

Could it be that this is another magic school?
This small road can't help but think so.

Could it be because the bosses at the top saw that the students at base 666 were too stupid, so they found a high-end school to make up the lessons?

Well, it's possible.

However, the next day.

The usual routine training is not less, but the magic learning courses are not only gone, but they are repeatedly told not to mention it, and no one is allowed at any time.

Now, Zhang Xiaolu was confused.

It's strange, if you don't come here to further study magic, why are you here?

And with such a strict defense, is this a base used to resist aliens, or is there aliens imprisoned here.

Although there are many doubts, Zhang Xiaolu is not in a hurry, because according to his estimation, these people in their No. 666 base will stay here for at least a few months.

Why do you say that, because when they left base 666, they were asked to bring all their belongings with them.

So it's okay, if there is a chance in the future, I will understand.

After washing up and having breakfast, the morning is routine physical training, which must not be left behind.

People are iron rice and steel, and if they don't eat a meal, they will be very hungry.

Oh, no, it should be that the body is the capital of XX, without a good body, nothing can be done.

Time always flies when you're sweating and concentrating on training.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

Zhang Xiaolu went to the cafeteria to eat, and happened to meet a good friend who came out of Base 666 together, Shun Liu.

So, the two hooked their shoulders together, chatted and laughed while holding the bowls and chopsticks, found a random place, sat down and ate.

According to the regulations here, there is a lunch break at noon, and there is no need to rush.

So, while chewing and eating his own bean sprouts slowly, Zhang Xiaolu took the time to look at Shun Liu who was wolfing down the chicken drumsticks on the opposite side.

The opponent didn't lift his head, and his mouth was full of oil, like a starving ghost.


He sighed inwardly.

I really envy this guy.

Sure enough, heartless, you can get along there.

Shun Liu is like this at base 666.

When training, I bury my head in training, when eating, I eat too much, when I sleep, I start snoring as soon as I lie down, and I never think about it.

Came here, unexpectedly still so chic.

Really, no heart, no lungs, one person is full, and the whole family is not hungry.

Of course, what Zhang Xiaolu said was the truth, not making complaints.

His good friend Shun Liu was born in an orphanage and has no father or mother.

Later, when he grew up, he didn't look for it either.

In his early twenties, he started serving as a soldier and has been serving as a soldier until now. He has gotten used to it and told him more than once that he wants to be a soldier for the rest of his life.


I really envy this single-celled creature with a single-minded brain!
That's why this guy felt bored, dozed off, and was severely criticized more than once when he was studying magic, and he was even put in confinement, which made this guy very depressed.

Then when I heard that I was going to change places, I became overjoyed.

It seems that this guy has no idea what the word "magic" stands for.

But because Shun Liu was a bit of a jumper, he couldn't stay idle at base 666, and when he came to this new place, he couldn't stay idle even more.

Yesterday, without accident, he was caught again, a big mistake and a warning.

Fortunately, the instructor came forward, coupled with a phone call from the boss of base 666, the big mistake was finally cancelled, and the small black room was locked up all night.

Well, now it seems that it seems to be much more honest.

After gnawing on the chicken legs, he gnawed on the pig's trotters without saying a word, and didn't look around while eating.

It should be like before, in the words of Shun Liu.

——The No. 666 base is so tight, it might be carrying out some secret experiments.

——Maybe, these teammates in front of him are biochemicals, or creatures from other worlds.

——So, I have to keep an eye on it, and I can't let them mess around in Blue Star!
Hearing this, Zhang Xiaolu had to admire the other party's imagination.


Zhang Xiaolu was eating, Shun Liu who had already wiped out all the food on the plate suddenly raised his head and said mysteriously.

"We're testing tomorrow, you know"

"Yeah. I know"

Zhang Xiaolu nodded, and sucked the half-chewed bean sprouts into his mouth.

He knew that there was a test, which was mentioned earlier, but he didn't know the content of the test and what it was used for.

After the deduction of the magic school was ruled out, Zhang Xiaolu really couldn't guess what the base was used for.

It's not a military or strategic place, but why are there so many well-trained soldiers gathered here.

If it's not an important matter, why bring all the members of base 666 who are learning magic.

Behind all these questions, there must be a shocking secret hidden.

"So Shunliu, do you know what test it is for?"

Seeing Shun Liu on the opposite side, Zhang Xiaolu asked subconsciously.

This guy has been running around in various military camps these days, maybe he knows?
Unfortunately, Shun Liu shook her head.

But immediately, he moved closer and whispered.

"Although, I don't know what the test will be for tomorrow, but I can tell you another secret, which is absolutely shocking. This is what I got in exchange for confinement"

Shun Liu swears, with a serious face.

Zhang Xiaolu laughed.

This guy.

It's such a serious thing to say.

But that was not a time for bullshit.

Once they said they saw a water monster, but the next day, three or five people went over with their guns and saw that it was actually an old buffalo.

Another time I said that I saw someone flying in the sky, but I used a searchlight to do it, hey, it was a kite.

Anyway, there are countless similar oolong incidents.

Of course, as a good friend, Zhang Xiaolu is still very patient, so just listen to it as a joke.

"Okay, you say"

Seeing that Zhang Xiaolu was willing to listen, Shun Liu looked left and right, moved closer again, put his head on the dining table, and whispered.

"Over the back mountain square, guess what I saw, I saw a black cow!"


Zhang Xiaolu fainted.

Hey, you really shouldn't have any expectations, Shun Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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