martial arts explosion

Chapter 99 Heading to Beihai

Chapter 99 Heading to Beihai
"Get ready, the train tomorrow morning!" Meng Feiwu called.

Cui Shanying said 'hmm' and asked: "Can I ask for leave?" He has just returned to school, and he wants to ask for leave. Can the school approve it?

Meng Feiwu knew what Cui Shanying meant, and said: "No, we will help you ask for leave. The bureau has already communicated with your school about this. In addition, if you perform well and make meritorious service, you will be exchanged for credits. Let you graduate smoothly, and even graduate!"

Cui Shanying said with a smile: "It's not necessary, I'm good at studying, at least I shouldn't fail the exam!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

What does it mean to perform well and only give credits for meritorious service?

If the co-author does not perform well and fails to make contributions, then there will be no rewards?If it weren't for Cui Shanying's interest in the 'international cultural relics smuggling' organization in Meng Feiwu's hands, he would not have invited him!
Cui Shanying simply packed up his things and greeted several people in the dormitory.

"Going out again?" Su Peng stuck his head out from the upper bunk, looked at Cui Shanying eagerly and asked, "Old Five, what are you going to do this time?"

"Secret!" Cui Shanying finished with a smile, looked at him again and said, "I said third brother, you've been betraying me for a long time, tell us the truth, have you chased senior sister Liu Yuanyuan? "

Feng Yuanhao, the fourth brother on the opposite side, booed and said, "Yes, third brother, you are wrong. I, a bystander, can't stand it. Look at how much the fifth brother sacrificed for your happiness. If you can't put Liu Yuanyuan If you catch him, you will feel sorry for Lao Wu's sacrifice, so you might as well commit suicide and apologize!"

"Third, it should be almost the same?" Li Yong interjected and asked.

Jing Cheng, who was playing games, answered casually: "Liu Yuanyuan is not bad, the third child has to hurry up, there may be many people watching behind him!"

Su Peng blushed with embarrassment after being told by several people, and muttered to Cui Shanying: "Who betrayed you, brother, I am doing this for your own good!" Looking at Cui Shanying, smiling at him without speaking, He scratched his head again and said, "Forget it!"

Feng Yuanhao smiled and asked: "Third brother, what does it mean to be close? If you catch up, you will catch up. If you don't catch up, you won't catch up. Didn't work?"

"It's done!" Su Peng replied with a red face.

"You kid is fine!" Li Yong said with a smile

"You are the only one in our dormitory. You have a lot of bad ideas." Jing Cheng added.

Feng Yuanhao chuckled and said, "It's done? Then you didn't say it earlier, and you didn't treat me when it was done, and you're still waiting for your brothers to interrogate you. Your attitude is unacceptable, boss, are you right?"

Li Yong nodded: "Yes, it is absolutely impossible!"

"How to punish him?"

Jing Cheng said while playing the game: "Don't play too much, we are brothers in the same dormitory, but Xinju treats me to a meal and punishes myself with ten bottles of beer!"

"Second brother, you are still righteous!" Feng Yuanhao laughed and praised Jing Cheng.

Su Peng rolled his eyes and shouted: "Can you still be a good brother in the dormitory?"

Li Yong looked at Cui Shanying, who had hidden his achievements and fame after instigating the war, and asked curiously, "Old Five, didn't you just take leave not long ago, why do you want to ask for leave again? Is it easy to deal with the instructor?"

Cui Shanying said: "It's different this time. It's a business. The criminal police team wants me to help them on business trips. They will explain to the school if they ask for leave. I don't need to ask for it myself!"

"Interpol team?" Li Yong was stunned.

Su Peng stretched his head down from the upper bunk again, and asked, "Fifth, does it matter that you are in the criminal police team?"

Cui Shanying smiled, and said: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves!"

"Fifth, you are strong enough." Jing Cheng, the second child who plays games, gave Cui Shanying a thumbs up.

The others didn't ask any more questions. Since Cui Shanying didn't say anything, he definitely didn't want to say it. In the whole dormitory, he was the one with the strictest mouth and the youngest age, but he was the most sophisticated in dealing with people, making it hard to see through.


"Wait for me at the school gate, I'll be there in 5 minutes!" Meng Feiwu called Cui Shanying, and hung up after speaking concisely.

Cui Shanying looked at the time, it was 09:30 in the morning.

Meng Feiwu didn't say what time to go, and didn't ask Cui Shanying to bring anything, simply, Cui Shanying left barehanded and didn't bring anything, anyway, someone was responsible for eating, drinking, and sleeping along the way.

Said 5 minutes, that is 5 minutes, Cui Shanying hung up the phone from Meng Feiwu, remembering the time, he spent 3 minutes from the boys dormitory building to the school gate, stood at the school gate and waited for 2 minutes, Meng Feiwu drove an off-road vehicle The SUV police car stopped beside Cui Shanying.

"Get in the car, hurry up, hurry up!"

With a straight face, Meng Feiwu lowered the car window and yelled at Cui Shanying. She didn't know who got angry and turned her anger on Cui Shanying.

Cui Shanying rolled his eyes, opened the door and sat on it.

Meng Feiwu didn't talk nonsense with Cui Shanying, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the train station.

"Take the train to Beihai?"

Meng Feiwu tilted his head and glanced at Cui Shanying, and said with a straight face, "Don't you like taking the train?"

"Don't civil servants go out by plane? How fast the plane is!" Cui Shanying didn't answer her, but asked curiously.

Meng Feiwu said angrily, "Which immortal did you hear that from?"

"I watched it on TV!" Cui Shanying smiled, thinking that he was very angry, but he didn't know what was going on.

Meng Feiwu muttered: "Acting nonsense!" Then he concentrated on driving, frowning, not knowing what's going on, Cui Shanying wasn't asking for trouble.

Arrive at the train station, park the police car in the parking lot, take a travel bag from the car, throw it to Cui Shanying, close the car door, put the sunglasses on your face, and walk towards the waiting hall!By the way, Meng Feiwu is wearing casual clothes today, a denim outfit, very energetic.

Cui Shanying followed with a wry smile, carrying her bag.

There were three colleagues waiting for Meng Feiwu in the waiting hall. After meeting, Meng Feiwu introduced: "This is Team Han, he is Xiao Wang, and that is Xiao Li!"

Team Han is a middle-aged man in his early 40s, with a pair of sharp eyes, looking at Cui Shanying, wearing something unique to an old criminal policeman.Xiao Wang and Xiao Li are both in their twenties, and they should be members of Meng Feiwu's team.

"Xingyiquan master, Cui Shanying, foreign aid handpicked by the director and his old man." Meng Feiwu introduced Cui Shanying again.

Although Cui Shanying was young, he was not bad in human relations, he smiled and reached out to shake hands with Team Han and Meng Feiwu respectively, and said hello politely, very low-key.

The Korean team is also very polite to Cui Shanying. After all, if we want to get along together in the future, team harmony is essential.

"It's getting late, let's get on the train first, and let's talk about the situation on the train!" Team Han said.

In the five-person team, the opinion of the Korean team is the main one. Meng Feiwu is the deputy team leader. A group of people walked towards the ticket gate.

(End of this chapter)

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