The new love of the rebirth of the giants

Chapter 162 You are not an illegitimate child

Chapter 162 You are not an illegitimate child (1)
When Situ Han saw the caller ID, he also frowned before answering the call. Immediately, his expression became extremely ugly.

"Understood, I'll go back right away."

Situ Lin clutched her chest, her heartbeat was really a little abnormal, maybe something really happened.

"Grandpa passed out and fell down the stairs. He is currently being rescued in the hospital. I will go to the hospital first."

As he said that, he picked up the clothes on the chair and was about to leave in a panic.

Situ Lin still couldn't recover. Grandpa fell from upstairs?How could this happen? Grandpa wasn't always guarded by someone, why would he fall down? He panicked so much that he also stood up and grabbed Situ Han.

"Brother, take me with you."

"Don't worry, I'll take you there."

Yun Zheng hurriedly stopped her and comforted her, Ye Lanhuan also stood up, went outside to drive without saying a word.

When the four of them arrived at the hospital, they hurried to the emergency room. Ye Lanhuan was embarrassed, so he didn't follow.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening, but the corridors of the hospital were brightly lit. Situ Lin was flustered, but she didn't dare to walk too fast. She remembered that tears were about to come out. Yun Zheng was so distressed that she simply squatted down and hugged her in her arms , and followed Situ Han upstairs.

When she arrived, she saw a group of people outside the door of the emergency room, and Situ Lin's heart skipped a beat, so she quickly asked Yun Zheng to put her down and walked there quickly.

"What's going on, why did Grandpa fall down, and how did you take care of him?"

Situ Lin burst into tears as she roared, the old man was not in good health, this fall, it is very likely that... Situ Lin did not dare to think about it, such a good old man, how could he not live long, only less than seventy? .

Situ Han's eyes were also red, and he tried not to explode. Yun Zheng was the calmest, comforting Situ Lin, and asked Situ Wen.

"Father, what is going on?"

Situ Wen was also exhausted, and his face was extremely haggard.

"I don't know either. I was about to go to bed when I heard people shouting outside. When I came out, I found out that it was like this."

"You know that he is not in good health, and you don't ask more people to take care of him. How can a good person fall from upstairs?"

Situ Lin was so excited that she couldn't listen to Situ Wen's explanation at all. Being questioned by her daughter, Situ Wen didn't look too good-looking, so Situ Jun came out to explain in a timely manner.

"Don't blame big brother. After dinner today, Dad said he wanted to go out with me for a walk. When he came back, he didn't ask anyone to follow him. Doudou had a fever on the way, so I brought him back. After that, I took Doudou to the hospital. Unexpectedly He did it all by himself."

Although Situ Jun's expression was calm, his eyes were also very nervous.

"How long has grandpa been in?"

Situ Lin calmed down and asked calmly.

"Over an hour."

Situ Lin squeezed her fingers and forced herself to calm down. Nothing will happen to her. A man as good as the old man will be fine.

The atmosphere in the hospital was tense, and the smell of disinfectant was like the hand of death, pinching everyone's necks, making them suffocating.

Chu Xinlan and Cheng Duo came later, Situ Jun saw Cheng Duo frowned, and asked in a low voice.

"You don't want to look at Doudou, what are you doing here?"

"Doudou is being looked after by someone, so I'm not at ease here."

Cheng Duo was also nervously looking at the emergency room. The old man has always been very kind to her. Today's incident is indeed a bit surprising, and she is somewhat guilty. If she hadn't called Situ Jun back, maybe this would not have happened. .

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

As if Situ Jun could read people's hearts, he calmed Cheng Duo's heart with one sentence.

Situ Lin was not in the mood to look at other people, and looked straight at the emergency room with her eyes, there must be nothing wrong, if God has eyes.

After a long time, the closed door slowly opened, and the doctors and nurses came out tiredly. Situ Lin couldn't wait to chase after her and asked.

"Doctor, doctor, how is my grandpa?"

Asking this, Situ Lin's hands were trembling, Yun Zheng felt distressed but could do nothing.

"I'm sorry, we have tried our best. The patient fell to his head this time. The chance of waking up is not too high. With his previous physical condition, I really can't promise you whether he can wake up."

The doctor took off his mask and said apologetically.

"Wake up?"

Situ Lin's whole body went limp, and if she couldn't wake up, she was in a vegetable state. The old man was so proud, how could he bear it.

"Doctor, please save him. It doesn't matter how much it costs, you must save him."

Situ Lin held the doctor's hand helplessly, and refused to let go. Tears stained her delicate face, which made people feel sorry for her.

"Sorry, I really can't help it."

The doctor was used to seeing life and death, so he shook his head helplessly.

As soon as Situ Lin was weak, she slid down. Yun Zheng was so frightened that she hugged her and took her to a chair beside her to rest.

"Don't get too excited, it won't work here, let's go to another better hospital and it will be fine."

Yun Zheng comforted her, but her heart was not too relaxed. Why did everything come together once Linlin became pregnant?

"Linlin, you go back with Yunzheng first, I'm here, I will find a way."

After all, Situ Han is a man, and his younger sister is pregnant now, so he can't work too hard, he can only take care of it by himself.

"No, I'm not going back, I'm going to see grandpa."

Situ Lin stubbornly shook her head with a firm expression on her face.

"No, you are healthy now, what if something happens to you, grandpa will send you in before he wakes up, nonsense! Come back with me."

Yun Zheng is also on fire, he must be caring, and he doesn't even look at his body.

The hallway fell silent because of Yun Zheng's roar, and everyone was in shock. First, they were shocked that Yun Zheng, who had a gentle personality, would have such a violent side, and second, they were shocked by Yun Zheng's words, Situ Lin, is she pregnant?

"Not your family, of course you are not in a hurry."

Situ Lin's mood was even worse, and she couldn't choose what to say.

"You don't like to stay, just go, I'll take care of it here alone."

Yun Zheng's heart turned cold, and his expression turned ugly, this white-eyed wolf!But thinking of the irritable and unreasonable personality of pregnant women, I endured it.

"Hey, you know I don't mean that. Look, you are pregnant with a child. If you lose the child because of taking care of grandpa, if grandpa wakes up, you can't blame yourself. There are so many people in the family. We are here Crowding doesn't help. You go home and take care of yourself first. I will also contact other hospitals to arrange better treatment for grandpa as soon as possible. The hospital will let your brother take care of it first. If there is anything wrong, I will immediately May I bring you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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