Chapter 465

He didn't answer Chu Feng immediately, but asked quickly: "Chu...Mr. Chu, where did you get this thing?"

He wanted to know who was the one who made these two things.

And if such two important studies are published, the person who researched them will also become the world's attention.

Chu Feng grinned when he heard the words, these researchers are really serious, they always like to get to the bottom of things.

"I researched this unintentionally. Just tell me how long it will take to make the finished product with this."

His words made both of them widen their eyes in surprise, staring at Chu Feng as if they were looking at something strange.

" said you researched it?" Li Gong looked Chu Feng up and down in disbelief.

Such a young person, with good looks, thick hair, and high-end clothes, doesn't look like a researcher at all!
"When I'm bored, I like to study these things." Chu Feng said casually.

Li Gong and Dr. Chang stopped talking. They felt that they had lived in vain for decades, and spent most of their lives on this research, but they were not as good as other young guys who did random research when they were bored.

This is too shocking!
Dr. Chang also wanted to ask if this is what Chu Feng studied at university. As soon as Chu Feng opened his mouth, he knew that he was still struggling with this problem, so he stepped forward and said, "It doesn't matter who researched it. The most important thing is that I am entrusting this matter to you now, when will you let me see the results the soonest?"

Dr. Chang closed his mouth. After looking at Li Gong, he signaled Li Gong to speak. After all, he is the authority in this field.

Li Gong gritted his teeth and said, "We need to make the lithography machine first, and then the chips. If all of them are finished, it will take five days conservatively."

"Of course, we figured out this technology in the early stage and taught it to others, and the subsequent progress will be faster."

After hearing what he said, Dr. Chang also said: "As long as the first lithography machine and the first chip can be developed, everything will be easy to talk about."

"Mr. Chu, you can rest assured that even if there is only half a month left, we can produce enough chips."

Chu Feng nodded when he heard the words, "Then I will leave this matter to you, but it can be completed as soon as possible, because in the later stage, the number of chips will increase a lot."

Dr. Chang and Li Gong also expressed that they would go all out after hearing the words. Next, Chu Feng asked them to study the contents of the USB flash drive. He didn't leave immediately, but started explaining to them.

Other researchers in the research room also gathered together. Listening to Chu Feng's narration, they quickly mastered these two technologies. They just need to get familiar with them and make no mistakes during the official operation.

Chu Feng was very relieved to teach everyone what he knew. When they joined the research room, they signed a confidentiality agreement, so Chu Feng was not worried that they would leak these two technologies.

However, he made a beating in the end, and at the same time asked Dr. Chang to keep an eye on everyone. If someone leaked these two technologies, he would make that person pay the price as soon as possible.

This is related to many of his future actions, and there can be no mistakes.

When they left the laboratory, the people in the research room were still immersed in their studies, and Chu Feng specially ordered Xiaoyi to arrange two people to watch here.

As soon as the arrangement was made, Chu Feng became more relaxed. Just waiting for the day when the game warehouse was released, he was driving on the way home. Suddenly, the phone rang, and the caller ID turned out to be the leader above.

He raised his eyebrows, pulled over the car, and picked it up.

"Why did the leader remember to call me? Is there something wrong?"

He guessed in his mind that the leader must have called him because of the recent news about him, but he didn't know what he was thinking, whether he was helping him or trying to persuade him.

"I have nothing to do, just want to ask you, is there anything I can help you with?"

The leader replied to Chu Feng with a smile, and said: "Mr. Chu, you have helped the country a lot. If there is anything that needs our help, you must tell us! Don't think that it will trouble us. Serving the people is what we should do." Yes, especially for someone like you who has contributed to the country."

Hearing what he said, Chu Feng laughed. He had already thought about it. If the leader persuaded him not to be too rigid, and temporarily softened with foreign companies, he would no longer have any contact with them.

It seemed that the higher authorities still valued him very much, and they did not disappoint him.

"There are indeed some things, but they are small things, and the leaders don't need to bother you." He said.

"It's nothing to worry about, tell me, what should we do?"

Seeing that Chu Feng had no intention of asking them for help, the leader was very relieved and at the same time insisted on making a move.

Chu Feng is now a very important person in the hearts of many leaders. If such a person is bullied by foreign people, they can't just sit idly by, otherwise, Chu Feng should be chilled.

However, what to do depends on Chu Feng. Whether he wants them to intervene directly or let them help secretly.

If they intervene positively, Chu Feng will be labeled with them in the future, and the business may not be so smooth.

A large company from abroad, as well as the power level abroad, will try their best to suppress him.

Of course, it's not bad, the advantage is that in China, no one would dare to mess with Chu Feng's company.

If they help secretly, they don't do much, and they may not be able to solve the fundamental problem.

He was guessing in his mind how Chu Feng would choose, but he never thought that what Chu Feng asked them to help was not at all about asking them to help deal with foreign companies!
I heard Chu Feng say: "I invested a sum of money in my hometown before, and I plan to build a factory there for the purpose of making chips, so I want the leader to help send some professionals to speed up the progress, because it may be necessary in the near future. use."

"Also, I hope that the leaders will send more people to intervene in the vicinity of the factory area and carry out some confidentiality measures. For the time being, I don't want people to know what it is going to be used for."

The leader fell silent after hearing Chu Feng's words, and finally couldn't help asking: "This is indeed a small matter, and I can arrange someone to deal with it right away, but are you sure there is nothing else?"

He rubbed his brows, he didn't know what Chu Feng was thinking, so he made a special call to show that he was on his side, but Chu Feng didn't know to take the opportunity to seek their help!

(End of this chapter)

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