deep sin

Chapter 415 Go to City B

Chapter 415 Go to City B

After eight o'clock, Tian Yang sent a message to coax the other people who were still unwilling to leave to go home to rest.After An Changpu and Qin Ruonan drove home, they went straight to Qin Ruonan's residence, rummaged through the box and picked up three strange notes that she had received before.

Things are like this sometimes, when you don't need them, they will always appear under your nose countless times, and when you really need to find them, they seem to disappear suddenly, making you I searched all possible places, but I couldn't find it.

Qin Ruonan clearly remembered that he seemed to have stuffed those few notes in some folder, but he couldn't find it after searching the bottom of the sky, but An Changpu still had the posture of swearing not to give up until he found it, so she had no choice but to leave. Those who gave up continued to rummage, and finally managed to find all three notes one after another.

An Changpu put the three notes on the table and took photos of them one by one with his mobile phone, saying that it was to prevent Qin Ruonan from accidentally losing the notes and breaking the clue.After that, the two of them immediately went to the computer to analyze it.

The choice of paper for the three notes was very random, as small as waste paper, and one of them was stepped on, with half of a shoe printed on it. The situation was not taken seriously.

Of these three notes, two of them had numbers written on them, which were "111011111011010111011010110010" and "24101122241152410". These two sets of numbers were as irregular as those found on the door of Shen Danian's house, so An Changpu and Qin Ruonan decided to Start with that third note.

Although the content on this note is more mixed, it can be seen that there are some strokes and numbers.


Such a group of seemingly irregular things, except for the five numbers that do not know what they represent, are like a pair of messy jigsaw pieces. An Changpu and Qin Ruonan tried to piece together for a while, and when it was approaching midnight Only then did he finally feel that he had some clues, but unfortunately it was too late. Under Qin Ruonan's urging, An Changpu also went home to rest, and saved the rest for the next day.

When An Changpu came to look for Qin Ruonan the next day, he looked sleepy, yawned, and looked extremely tired. The first thing he did when he entered the room was to find Qin Ruonan's coffee and make himself strong. It was a big thick cup, and I drank it up like a cow's drink.

"What time did you go to bed last night?" Qin Ruonan frowned and asked.

An Changpu handed Qin Ruonan's breakfast to her, and said with a smile, "Go back and sleep."

"You may be able to deceive others by lying, but you can't deceive me." Qin Ruonan naturally wouldn't buy it. "Even if I don't look at your sleepy face, I know you're not telling the truth. After you went back last night, you couldn't bear it." Are you going to try to crack those sets of codes?"

An Changpu touched his face, smiled, and didn't say anything. After a while, he suddenly sighed and said, "Sometimes I also get annoyed with myself. Why is my brain not smart enough? If I had Dr. Lu IQ, now I don't feel so powerless!"

"If you are also like his character, I will avoid you from the very beginning!" Qin Ruonan has no doubts about Lu Xiangdong's level and character, and his care and pampering for Tian Mi It's obvious to all, but she still finds Lu Xiangdong's character unacceptable.

Hearing what she said, An Changpu couldn't help laughing. After breakfast, the two of them rushed to the Public Security Bureau again. In addition to those mind-blowing passwords, Shen Danian's real identity was also unknown. It needs to be grasped as soon as possible. Forensic doctor Zhao said that Shen Danian gave up resistance automatically, and there was no trauma left by the beating on his body, which indicated that the murderer was probably someone he knew, which made him very afraid or someone who had to give up struggling. The reason, then what is the connection between Shen Danian and Jiang Yan?Will there be a situation where the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole follows in the past?
These are all waiting for An Changpu and the others to investigate one by one.

Arriving at the Public Security Bureau in the morning, the first thing An Changpu did was to take the three notes in Qin Ruonan's hands, as well as the things obtained from Shen Danian and Jiang Yan, to Cheng Feng's office, and report the matter to Cheng Feng. The development process and the results of everyone's speculations were reported to Cheng Feng. Cheng Feng was also surprised after hearing this. After being surprised, he also calmly analyzed the current situation and asked An Changpu and Qin Ruonan to concentrate first. To investigate Shen Danian's true identity and the relationship between him and Jiang Yan, he will naturally arrange for people to help crack the password. In the end, Cheng Feng did not forget to comfort An Changpu from the perspective of personal friendship. It is related to Qin Ruonan. Everyone can understand An Changpu's mood, especially Jiayi who was once in danger. Thanks to Cheng Feng and Lu Xiangdong's timely rescue, the danger was saved, so Cheng Feng can empathize with An Changpu's mood even more.

Now that the task was assigned, An Changpu and Qin Ruonan went to carry it out seriously, and began to investigate Shen Danian's activities and social situations in City C. After two days of investigation, they did not find out that Shen Danian had engaged in any work in City C. Record, in this way, there are two possibilities. One is that Shen Danian has not found any formal job since he arrived in City C, but has been doing odd jobs for a living. The other possibility is that he has no job at all. went out to work.

So if he never went out to work, what is his source of income?In addition, he paid Lao Lu 4 yuan for the house at one time, but the cash he could find in his residence was only a few hundred yuan, so where did his other financial documents and documents go?

The answer to this question was quickly found. In a stinky ditch less than one kilometer away from the crime scene of Shen Danian’s house, a few children playing around saw a wallet dropped in the ditch. The weather was very cold, and the sewage in the ditch was frozen into ice. Apart from some snow falling on the wallet, there were no other stains, and the contents of the wallet were complete.

The wallet was not delivered directly to Anchangpu and the others at first, because the child who found it did not know that the owner of the wallet had been killed in a murder case, and the wallet was handed over from the nearby police station.

There are not many things in the wallet, except for a street leaflet that was casually folded and stuffed inside, there are only tens of dollars in change, besides an ID card and a few bank cards .

There is no suspense in the ID card, which is exactly the same as the copy provided by Lao Lu before. It shows that the name is Shen Danian, and other personal information that has been found to be false. Those bank cards ran away with Qin Ruonan in Anchangpu. After several banks, I found that the bank cards belonged to different people, and the places where the accounts were opened are also varied. There are everywhere. The deposits in each card vary. Some have more than 10,000+, and some have less. Some people have saved tens of thousands of yuan, and several cards together, there are hundreds of thousands of deposits.

A man came to City C with a fake ID and bought an unremarkable illegal construction house in a remote suburb. He didn't find any formal job, but he had many bank accounts from different places and under different names. All these made Shen Danian more mysterious and suspicious.

What's more noteworthy is that, although two of these bank cards are not opened in the province, they have many bank records such as deposits and withdrawals in City B in the past year or so.

City B?It's City B again!There were postcards from City B before, and now most of the recent transaction records of the bank cards held by Shen Danian are concentrated in City B. It seems that City B is a place they have to pay attention to.

Calculating forward according to the time of the bank card's transaction records, those bank cards were superimposed together, An Changpu and Qin Ruonan discovered that Shen Danian did not stay in City B for a short time, but lived there for more than four years. .

So after seeking advice from Cheng Feng, they decided to go to City B to investigate Shen Danian's situation.

Cheng Feng still had concerns about sending Qin Ruonan to City B for this business trip. Although it had been a while since Qin Ruonan's father came here to pester his daughter to resign, he still remembered it fresh. Going to City B was tantamount to pushing Qin Ruonan back to his doorstep, and he was also afraid that it would cause any adverse impact on Qin Ruonan.

Qin Ruonan didn't really care. What she thought was that she was an out-and-out citizen of City B and was familiar with the environment there. If she went there by herself, she could save a lot of time wasted due to the unfamiliar environment. Including the linking work with the Public Security Bureau of City B, after all, I have worked there for a while, so it is relatively easier.

Regarding Qin Ruonan's choice, An Changpu also agreed. Seeing that their attitudes were the same, Cheng Feng also agreed. He just reminded him not to involve his personal affairs in the work. If there is any resistance , just come back, and arrange someone else to go over here.

City B is relatively close to City C, so An Changpu and Qin Ruonan were planning to drive there. It was already evening when they decided to go to City B. Qin Ruonan intended to go there the next morning, but who knew that An Changpu would pull She went straight to the supermarket to buy things.

"What are you going to buy? City B is not a small mountain village. There are nine out of ten things in City C that are sold there, and we are going on a business trip, so what do we need to buy?" Qin Ruonan was arrested by An Changpu Pulled through the rows of shelves, and then watched in surprise as he took a box of beautifully packaged middle-aged and elderly health care products from a shelf, "Why are you buying this?"

"What do you think?" An Changpu smiled at Qin Ruonan, "Since we are both planning to go to City B, wouldn't it be rude if I didn't visit your house?"

(End of this chapter)

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