deep sin

Chapter 236 Mushrooms

Chapter 236 Mushrooms
Early the next morning, when An Changpu got up and walked out of the small room, Qin Ruonan had already gotten up early, left a note in the living room saying that he had something to go out, and he left without knowing when.

An Changpu looked at the tidy bedroom and the note in his hand. He felt a little puzzled and wondered what Qin Ruonan was doing when he left so early in the morning. Originally, he thought that under such circumstances, there was a father Looking for troubles for her everywhere, and having been approved for vacation without going to work, Qin Ruonan would choose to stay at home and not go anywhere, but he didn't expect that he would guess wrong.

If Qin Ruonan hadn't taken away the spare key he left in the living room the night before, An Changpu might have thought that she didn't plan to come back. The current situation can be described as "internal and external troubles" for Qin Ruonan. "All together, An Changpu wants to concentrate on investigating the case, but at the same time he is worried about Qin Ruonan. Keeping her in his sight and taking care of her like now is the most satisfying situation for him.

After An Changpu changed his clothes, he went to his room and left a note and some money on the bedside table. He didn't know what time he would finish work today, and he didn't know when Qin Ruonan would come back after finishing his work, so he first Leave some emergency money for her so that she can use it to cover the expenses of some daily necessities first.

Originally, according to An Changpu's plan, when he arrived at the unit, he wanted to ask Tian Mi if he could find some clothes that Qin Ruonan could wear and lend them to Qin Ruonan to wear for a few days, but when he saw Tian Mi, he changed it temporarily. I came up with an idea, first of all, compared with Qin Ruonan, Tian Mi is relatively petite, and her clothes might turn into crop tops if worn on Qin Ruonan's body, and her trousers would also turn into suspenders, which would be worse if she wore them in summer. It's still easy to say, it's only April now, it's obviously not feasible, on the other hand, Tian Mi is Tian Yang's biological sister, both brothers and sisters have gossip burning in their chests, if she hears Qin Ruonan will be living in his own home these days, and when the two of them investigate cases together these days, his ears will never be clean for a moment.

Thinking of this, An Changpu decided not to mention anything about Qin Ruonan staying at his home.

In the afternoon, Qin Ziyang's blood test results came back, and a very small amount of triazolam residue was found in his blood components. Based on Qin Ziyang's own description, after returning to the rental house that night, he and Shao Huiyan once The fact that I have drank alcohol, the reason why I can still have triazolam after a few days is related to the fact that drinking alcohol while taking triazolam reduces the metabolism rate of the liver.

This discovery also confirmed what Qin Ziyang said. He only had a vague impression of what happened that night, but he couldn't recall it clearly. After An Changpu got the test results, he also went to consult with Forensic Zhao carefully. Forensic Zhao said Triazolam, as a kind of nerve medicine, is also commonly known as Mongolian perspiration medicine. If it is used in accordance with the dosage, it can treat insomnia, but if it is used in excess, it can quickly make people fascinated. Among the sequelae that can be caused by overdose afterwards , including the response of impaired memory.

In addition, Qin Ziyang's blood type was also tested, and after comparison, it was found that his blood type did not match the blood type of the remaining sperm spots in Shao Huiyan's body.For this reason, An Changpu went to have a careful conversation with Qin Ziyang again, hoping that he could try harder to recall what happened that night. Qin Ziyang has gradually realized that his situation is not optimistic at this moment, and no longer pins his hopes on his father. Or my sister, she is quite active in cooperating with An Changpu's request, although she is still flustered and nervous, her attitude has finally improved a lot.

After repeatedly recalling the past, Qin Ziyang remembered that on the way he was driving Shao Huiyan back to the rental house, he stopped and went with her to a small supermarket on the side of the road to buy some beer. He also bought a box by the way. condoms.Qin Ziyang can clearly remember that he bought a condom. As for whether he actually used it later, he doesn't remember it very clearly, but this is not important. After finishing the conversation with him, An Changpu went back to check the time Among the evidence collected in the rental house, there was indeed a box of opened condoms. The colleague who collected the evidence carefully counted it, and it was true that one was missing.

Exactly who administered triazolam to Qin Ziyang, apart from himself, probably only the dead Shao Huiyan could answer the question, and combined with Shao Huiyan's usual performance during her lifetime, the person who administered the medicine was probably Shao Huiyan herself.

But in this way, there are still a few questions that cannot be explained clearly.

First of all, why did Shao Huiyan drug Qin Ziyang?What is her purpose?Secondly, since the semen spots left in Shao Huiyan's body were not Qin Ziyang's, who could it be?Apart from Qin Ziyang, she must have met other men that night. Was it before or after Qin Ziyang?
Although the inconsistency of blood types eased Qin Ziyang's suspicion of Shao Huiyan's murder, but because Shao Huiyan's blood appeared in a large number in his rental house and car, and there was also his fruit knife with Shao Huiyan's blood on it. Fingerprints, so Qin Ziyang still has to be treated as a key suspect.

When he was about to get off work, he also had a rough guess about the mushroom that Qin Ziyang mentioned before, after consulting professionals in related fields.Although he has not personally seen the magic mushroom that Qin Ziyang was talking about, judging from the color, shape, size, and the strange excitement and joy after eating it, the botanical expert who specializes in fungi believes that it is This kind of mushroom is very likely to be a kind of mushroom that grows in the area called the orange-yellow naked umbrella. This kind of mushroom has been proved to have hallucinogenic effects long ago, and it has a wide distribution in China. Because this kind of mushroom is eaten by people It can cause mental abnormalities in people, and the reactions include unsteady movement, excited laughter, dancing, etc., so it is also commonly known as laughing bacteria.

"There are orange naked umbrellas and triazolam. Shao Huiyan carries a variety of these things!" Tian Mi said after listening to An Changpu when everyone met before the end of the day to exchange the results of the day's investigation. After the incident about triazolam and the orange-yellow naked umbrella, I couldn’t help but sigh, “If you ask me, this Shao Huiyan is really not a fuel-efficient lamp! Lu Xiangdong told me before that the more you engage in illegal occupations or implement illegal The perpetrators are more vulnerable to crimes than ordinary people. Now Shao Huiyan is really a typical example. Although the information we have now cannot prove that she has engaged in any serious illegal and criminal acts, she hangs out in places such as Internet cafes and billiard halls all day long. , and can sneak into other people's homes and burglary, she is definitely not a model citizen who abides by the law, but I don't know if there is any causal connection between her current fate and her own behavior."

"Didn't you go to Ran Hongda today and ask him to help you contact Qin Ziyang's other friends and learn about his daily performance? How is it? Did you gain anything?" An Changpu asked.

Tian Mi curled her lips and spread her hands: "It can be said that there is or there is no. Ran Hongda helped me find three other friends who I knew with Qin Ziyang when I was studying. I have communicated with each other, generally speaking, their impression of Qin Ziyang is not bad, but I don’t know if it’s because they are afraid of getting into trouble, they always pull back when they say something, it took me a lot of effort to get them into trouble. The central idea of ​​so many words is summed up. Basically, the four of them have the same impression of Qin Ziyang. They all say that he is the kind of person who has a childish temper and sometimes is more emotional. When he is with friends and buddies, he is not bad. I don't care too much about righteousness, but if it's someone who doesn't have a good relationship, and it happens to be the kind of person who is not as good as him in fighting power, he can be quite a bully sometimes. If he meets someone who is not easy to mess with, Qin Ziyang will usually choose Tighten your tail and be a human being, and dare not confront the other party at all, at worst, you will get angry on this matter, and use other reasons to find fault with others to vent."

An Changpu listened to Tian Mi's statement, and nodded silently. When he and Qin Ruonan asked about Qin Ziyang's personality the night before, Qin Ruonan's description was exactly the same as Tian Mi's. Someone who knows his brother's personality.

"Oh, by the way, didn't you ask us to investigate his details before Kuangman? We really learned something." Tian Yang waited for An Changpu and Tian Mi to finish talking about Qin Ziyang, and then put himself and Tian Mi together. Mo Dou's harvest today also told them, "Kuangman really had a bit of a dirty foundation before."

"How do you say it?" Although Kuangman didn't make any big moves after Qin Ziyang came into view, the investigation of Kuangman has never been interrupted. Now that Tian Yang and Mo Dou have gained something, An Changpu also feels a little excited .

Under Tian Yang's hint, Mo Dou told An Changpu and Tian Mi what they had learned: "That's the thing, Kuang Man was almost sued for deliberately hurting him back then. It's been many years since the incident. Otherwise, the two of us would not have worked so hard to dig it out. According to the police from the police station who accepted the report, someone accompanied by his family members went to the Public Security Bureau to report the case, saying that he had been beaten by Kuang Man. It was true that the whole body was injured, and one of the legs was fixed with a plaster cast because of a fracture. At that time, the police from the police station made notes to the reporter and his family members, and planned to arrange time to take the reporter to the injury examination and forensic appraisal. At this time, the family members of the reporter suddenly When I found the police station and wanted to cancel the report, the policeman in charge at the time thought it was very strange, and asked the reason. The family all agreed that the reporter had actually fallen and injured himself, because he had a personal grievance with Kuang Man, so he wanted to borrow money at the time. The machine framed him, but later he realized he was wrong, so he came to request that the case be withdrawn."

"Then what happened?"

Tian Yang shook his head helplessly: "It was nothing after that. The family insisted on rescission. The injured person refused to accept the medical examination. Kuang Man also said that he would not hold the other party accountable. The police station had nothing to do with them. I agreed, but the policeman in charge at the time recalled that in all likelihood, the two parties reached a private agreement in private, and the party who was beaten got the benefit of Kuangman."

(End of this chapter)

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