deep sin

Chapter 219 The Black Car Appears

Chapter 219 The Black Car Appears
"Then tell us what happened that day now. You don't need to have too much mental burden." An Changpu still had a kind smile on his face, and motioned Kuangman to tell him what happened that night. After stating it again.

Kuang Man said in a nonchalant tone, laughing: "Actually, it's nothing to say. Didn't you go to the house and ask about the things lost in our house? Other things are not valuable, but that little The girl took away our couple's documents, so I went to her to ask for them that night. People, there is always a time when I am in a hurry. I was anxious to get back my driver's license that day, so maybe my tone and expression were different Great, as soon as I went there, her little friends thought I was going to make trouble, so they stopped me. Before I could ask her for it, the little girl ran away, and I chased after her. She's already in the car."


"After that? After that, I went home. My wife can testify. I accompanied her to watch a family conflict mediation program." Kuang Man flustered his head with some annoyance, and sighed, "I don't know. What's the matter with the woman, that kind of program is obviously very fake, but she still watches it very seriously, very seriously! While watching it, she still doesn't forget to ring the alarm bell for me! Why do you think we men..."

He looked up at Qin Ruonan, and gave An Changpu a helpless smile.

An Changpu nodded in sympathy, and asked with concern, "Then what about your driver's license? Do you need any help?"

"No, no, no! I got my driver's license back!" Kuang Man quickly pulled out a black driver's license from his trouser pocket, "That little girl must have been scared. When I got in the car, I threw my wallet and driver's license through the window. It came out, I quickly picked it up, so everything was resolved, it’s all right!”

With that said, he stuffed the driver's license back into his pocket, patted it, and exhaled lightly with a reassuring look.

An Changpu looked at him silently, thoughtful. If he hadn't been interrupted by the sudden ringtone of his mobile phone, he would have wanted to talk to Kuang Man for a while.

It was Tian Yang who called and told him and Qin Ruonan that they had just been notified that they had found an abandoned black car in the suburbs of the city, which was very similar to the one they were looking for that was ridden by Shao Huiyan that night. , the license plate coincided with the description of the witness who had a vague impression - the first two digits were letters, the last three digits were numbers, and the last digit was "2".

Hearing this discovery, An Changpu temporarily suppressed the matter that he wanted to interrogate Kuang Man. He hung up the phone and nodded to Kuang Man: "Since all the documents are found, that's good. If you have any other difficulties, please feel free to contact us.”

Kuang Man hurriedly nodded along, with an almost flattering smile on his face, combined with his rough appearance, there was an indescribable weirdness.

Qin Ruonan didn't know what An Changpu said in the phone call, but from his expression and his attitude of leaving immediately, it can be judged that what was conveyed on the phone must be more important, so she also After greeting Kuang Man, the two drove away from the neighborhood.

"An abandoned black car was found in the suburbs. Let's go over to check the situation now." After getting in the car, An Changpu told Qin Ruonan what he had just learned.

"It's no wonder you didn't ask Kuangman anything and planned to leave." Qin Ruonan didn't criticize An Changpu's eagerness to leave, but he didn't have a high opinion of Kuangman's performance, "I have a lot of trust in Kuangman Very low, if we hadn't come to the door, he would never have admitted the conflict with Shao Huiyan that night. Although he admitted it now, he said it lightly, and even if Wang Gulan could prove that Kuangman did go home very quickly that night to accompany him She watches TV shows, and I reserve my opinion."

"I think the same way as you do. The credibility of mutual testimony between husband and wife really needs to be considered. I plan to ask others to help us figure out Kuangman's bottom line. Anyway, we don't have enough evidence to prove that he lied. It’s better to know yourself and the enemy first.” An Changpu didn’t intend to let go of Kuangman’s clue, although he and Qin Ruonan had doubts about Shao Huiyan’s source of money and the cause of her skin trauma after analysis, and even doubted her. Whether saving money has been engaged in illegal activities such as skin and meat business, but the fact that can be seen before us is that Shao Huiyan entered Kuangman's house to steal, and Kuangman and his wife had a direct physical conflict with her. This kind of suspicion cannot be easily dismissed Except.

The place where the abandoned black car was found is not close or far from the scene where the female body was found. The reason for saying this is because the black car is also on the same mountain where the female body was abandoned. It's just that it's under the other side of the hillside, and the straight-line distance between the two is very close, but if you walk, you need to turn over a hill.

This is also one of the key points that this car can attract attention and be associated with the case that An Changpu and Qin Ruonan are dealing with.

Different from the site where the corpse was abandoned, the hillside on this side of the black car was found to be relatively gentle, and there was a small road with the width of a car halfway up the mountain, which meandered and went straight down the mountain. It is obviously much sparser, and at the foot of the mountain is an abandoned river embankment with almost no guardrails. After the winter snow melts, the water level of the river obviously has a tendency to rise, and it flows swiftly through the foot of the mountain.

The black car was near the river embankment.

Normally, the winding road is enough to drive a car up, but after getting off the car and looking at the road conditions, An Changpu found that if he drove up, it might be more difficult to find a suitable place when he went down the mountain. Turning the car around, he and Qin Ruonan parked the car at the foot of the mountain, and the two walked around along the path.

Sure enough, turning around the side of the hillside near the river embankment, a black car was parked crookedly at the bottom of the slope, and there were two traffic policemen standing beside the car, one was looking at the condition of the car, and the other was looking left and right, waiting for someone to come .

Since An Changpu and Qin Ruonan were not wearing uniforms, when the other party first saw them walking towards the car, they still had doubts in their eyes. It wasn't until An Changpu opened his mouth to explain their identities that they knew that someone from the Serious Crime Squad had arrived.

"Let's take a look. Is it the black car you've been looking for? Anyway, the license plate is very similar to the one you asked us to pay attention to." The traffic policeman said to An Changpu, "We only received the police this afternoon. , said a young couple who were in love came here to have a love affair, but found a car parked on the hillside, no one was there, and the car was unlocked. I thought it was strange, so I called the police .”

Qin Ruonan saw obvious dents on the front of the black car at a glance, and both sides of the front bumper of the car were raised. He couldn't help but wonder: "Is this a scrap car? Why is the front of the car deformed so badly?"

Another traffic policeman who had been observing the condition of the car heard her question and immediately explained it professionally for her: "It's not a scrapped car. I just checked the surrounding situation and the damage to the front of the car. This car should be from It slid down the hill and hit the front of the car here, causing the wheels to veer and the body to twist."

He motioned Qin Ruonan to go around to the other side of the front of the car, pointed to a tree stump on the ground about 25 centimeters high and more than [-] centimeters in diameter, and told her that this was the one that caused the deformation of the front of the car: "If it wasn't for the impact to change the car body, It is estimated that this car is soaked in the river now."

"Is the car good?" Qin Ruonan looked into the cab through the front windshield of the car covered with a thin layer of dust.

"I'm not sure about this. The car keys haven't been removed." The traffic policeman's attitude was very strict. He paused for a while before saying to Qin Ruonan: "I just opened the door to see if the car can still start. At that time, I smelled a fishy smell in the car, and there was a large black stain on the back seat of the car, so I didn't dare to move, so I quickly closed the car door tightly. I haven’t opened it again. When I drove the door to check, I was wearing gloves all the time, so you can rest assured.”

As he spoke, he raised his hand to show Qin Ruonan the white gloves on his hand.

Qin Ruonan smiled at him, thanked him, and called An Changpu over. The two put on gloves and carefully opened the car door. Sure enough, a faint fishy smell immediately penetrated into the nostrils. , and indeed, as the traffic policeman said, there was a large irregular stain, and the sponge seat cover in the car itself was red, so the stain seemed to be black, but it seemed to be a deep dark stain upon closer inspection. Red, there is not only one stain, except for the larger one, there are a total of six stains of different sizes and shapes on the rear seats, some of which are relatively deep, as if they were stained with something. When it arrived, some were lighter, more like colors that were rubbed on accidentally.

"Call back to the bureau and ask them to come and collect evidence." An Changpu nodded to Qin Ruonan with a serious expression.

Qin Ruonan also sounded the alarm in his heart because of the peculiar smell in the car. Hearing An Changpu's words, he hurried to the side and called back to the Public Security Bureau. The two traffic policemen who arrived at the scene first also realized the seriousness of the matter. Half nervous and half curious watching from the sidelines.

Four people stood guard next to the black car. After a while, forensic doctors and criminal technicians rushed over. An Changpu and the others hurriedly backed away from the car to make room for on-site investigation and evidence collection.

Afterwards, the technicians and the forensic doctor began a meticulous and serious investigation. The forensic doctor conducted a pre-test of blood stains on suspicious stains that were suspected to be blood. At first, the two traffic policemen stayed there with them. Before the investigation was over, they left first to get busy with their own work.

After more than an hour of busy work, the forensic doctor finally came to a preliminary conclusion that the dark stain on the back seat of the car was indeed blood.

Whether these bloodstains were human blood, and whether they belonged to Shao Huiyan, who was murdered and died as they expected, still needs to be confirmed by further and more thorough inspections.

(End of this chapter)

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