deep sin

Chapter 150 1 mountain cannot tolerate 2 tigers

Chapter 150

"Welcome!" The two young girls in uniform at the front desk greeted someone in a well-trained voice when they saw someone entering the door.

One of the receptionists looked up and down Qin Ruonan, who was tall and slender, and An Changpu, who was beside her, and An Changpu, who was beside her. consult for a friend?"

"Police," Qin Ruonan took out his police officer ID and showed it to the two receptionists, "We're here to find out about Song Chengliang's situation."

Obviously, it has been three full days since Song Chengliang was found dead at home. In the slimming center where he worked part-time, almost all the employees from top to bottom were already educated about this matter, so when she explained her intentions, The receptionists were not surprised, and one of them even showed a relieved expression.

"I don't mean anything else, don't get me wrong," she found that Qin Ruonan looked at herself in surprise, and quickly explained, "That's right, we are here as a slimming center, and you all know that it must use the effect to Speaking of which, you are already so slender, if you come here and want to take a weight-loss treatment course, the effect will definitely not be obvious. If we don’t accept it, it will be tantamount to offending the customer. If we accept it, there may not be a trainer willing to take this job, so ..."

"I can understand, so now you don't have to worry about it." Qin Ruonan smiled at the receptionist, expressing that he understood what her previous worry was about.

"Then you two come with me!" An older looking receptionist first whispered a few words to another younger receptionist, let her stand guard at the front desk, and called Slim Body by the way. The director of the center came over, and she herself led An Changpu and Qin Ruonan to a small room enclosed by glass partitions. There were several glass coffee tables and some magazines and newspapers in the small room.

"My surname is Cai. You can call me Xiao Cai. This is the consultation room where we receive customers. There is no one there right now. Just wait here. I'll be back soon." The receptionist left them behind and hurriedly gone.

After a while, she came back again, holding two teacups in her hands, and the tea in the teacups was a light green color.

"You two, please have some tea first. Our supervisor is going to eat and has been contacted by phone. I'll be back soon." With a professional smile on her face, she politely handed the tea to the two policemen.

They thanked Anchangpu and took the tea.

"It's okay, don't worry, if you have nothing to do, can we talk to you first?" An Changpu asked for Xiao Cai's opinion, and after getting the consent, he picked up the cup and took a sip of tea. The taste of the tea was a bit unpleasant. It's the same, "What kind of tea is this? Why does it smell like this?"

"Green tea, lotus leaf, mulberry leaf, jasmine." Xiao Cai pursed her lips and smiled, "We are a women's slimming center here, so all we prepare are slimming teas for detoxification and slimming, sorry!"

The three of them sat in the consulting room, and the atmosphere seemed relatively relaxed. Qin Ruonan first chatted with Xiao Cai about insignificant topics such as how long she had worked in this slimming company, and learned that Xiao Cai was considered a relatively senior employee here. , because the front desk receptionist of the slimming company is a typical image post, so there are relatively strict requirements on the body and appearance of the employees. Those who are out of shape or older often have to leave or transfer to other departments. Cai has been working here for the fifth year. Although there is no advantage in age, her working ability and good appearance have allowed her to occupy her original position and was promoted to the team leader of the front desk.

Talking about her work, Xiao Cai looked radiant, and inadvertently revealed a message between the inside and the outside, that is, despite the superficiality of the front desk work, it is nothing more than receiving people who come to consult or do slimming It is just a customer of the card, but it is actually a very practical position, because the recommendations they give to customers are directly related to the popularity and commission income of those slimming personal trainers and nutrition consultants.

Now that the words are rushing to this point, An Changpu naturally brought the topic to Song Chengliang who had just been murdered and died only three days ago.

"Apart from the reception department, do you have any appearance requirements for employees in other positions?" He asked Xiao Cai.

Xiao Cai thought for a while: "It can't be generalized. Generally speaking, those who don't directly contact customers, such as accounting, cleaning, maintenance, etc., definitely don't need any special appearance requirements, but if it's a personal trainer, then The requirements are definitely stricter, even stricter than ours, think about it, if you are a personal trainer and your body is not up to standard, how can you convince the students he leads!"

"You're right, what about the nutrition consultant? Don't you need to lead by example?" An Changpu continued to ask.

"Yeah, our nutrition consultant here is actually similar to a personal trainer in terms of responsibilities and roles, because not everyone is willing to lose weight by exercising and sweating. If they are tired, or are afraid of becoming King Kong Barbie after exercising, they will choose to entrust a nutrition consultant to make a diet plan for them and conduct regular testing, so if the nutrition consultant is too thin or overweight, it is tantamount to slapping themselves in the face." Xiao Cai He replied with a smile.

The topic has been led to this level by An Changpu, and Qin Ruonan's next question seemed very natural: "Then, can Song Chengliang's appearance be qualified for you?"

When Qin Ruonan asked such a question, Xiao Cai's expression instantly became a little subtle. She considered her words and said carefully: "How should I put it, if Song Chengliang is purely in terms of appearance, he must not be qualified. Unfortunately, I shouldn’t have said that. Some people are disrespectful to the dead. Others are nice. We usually get along well. But if you judge by appearance alone, it’s impossible to be hired. You can go and see our other Although he looks like a personal trainer and nutrition consultant, Song Chengliang is still of a very high level, he is very popular with customers, and his qualifications are very good, which is one of the reasons why we regard him as a golden sign here."

"Qualifications? What qualifications does he have?" Qin Ruonan looked at Xiao Cai suspiciously. As far as she knew, Song Chengliang was just an ordinary employee working in a food company. Looking back at his educational background, he was only a nutritionist in an ordinary second-rate university. Graduated from a major with a bachelor's degree, with neither high nor low academic qualifications hanging in the middle, and there is nothing particularly outstanding.

"Don't you know?" Xiao Cai looked at Qin Ruonan and An Changpu in surprise, "I thought you should know about his situation! Song Chengliang was originally a nutritionist next to a star!"

"A nutritionist next to a celebrity? Which celebrity?" An Changpu was a little skeptical. Although the entertainment industry was far away from him, he instinctively felt that a nutritionist next to a celebrity would be reduced to working in a small food company. The degree to which salary income is guaranteed by completing performance.

Xiao Cai glanced outside the door, lowered his voice a few degrees, and whispered a name that even an insulator in the entertainment industry like An Changpu was familiar with.

"Really?" He still couldn't believe it.

"It should be true. It is impossible for any of us to go to other celebrities to verify this matter. Even the celebrity's brokerage company can't pay attention to us. Song Chengliang was interviewed by our boss in person, so we shouldn't misunderstand the person, right? And when he was working here, he told us a lot about the entertainment company, he was very familiar with those people and things, if he hadn't been in the circle, how could he know such details." Xiao Cai is convinced that Song Chengliang used to be a nutritionist next to a star.

Qin Ruonan wrote down this matter, and drew a question mark behind it.

While speaking, a tall young man came in from the door, dressed in casual clothes, with a very burly and strong figure. An Changpu and Qin Ruonan thought it was the supervisor Xiao Cai mentioned, and immediately set their eyes on him.

"Why are you here? Where's Xiao Li?" The young man walked in, glanced at An Changpu and the others, and asked Xiao Cai calmly.

Xiao Cai still had a faint smile on her face, but the smile was a bit perfunctory, she shook her head: "Not here, I'm going home, she and Xiao Zhao changed shifts."

"Oh, I see." The man nodded, raised his chin at the other two people present with some impoliteness, and asked Xiao Cai, "What are you doing?"

"The police from the Public Security Bureau are here to investigate the matter of Song Chengliang." Xiao Cai's face was a little more unhappy, but his tone was as calm as ever.

The man pulled the corner of his mouth, showing a half-smile expression, ignored him, turned around and left alone, Xiao Cai watched his leaving back, and let out a soft snort from his nose.

"Who is this?" An Changpu asked Xiao Cai, looking at the man walking away.

"He's also our nutrition consultant here, named Ji Lu. Before Song Chengliang came to our place, he was the most popular nutrition consultant here." Xiao Cai replied, his tone not eager.

Although she didn't say it clearly, her words have already revealed the competitive relationship between this person named Ji Lu and Song Chengliang, who is the loser and who is the winner, and she has already made it clear. Without further questioning, Qin Ruonan could already draw a conclusion: "The relationship between him and Song Chengliang is very bad, right?"

Xiao Cai smiled, with a noncommittal expression, but said: "Since ancient times, one mountain has never been unable to accommodate two tigers."

(End of this chapter)

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