deep sin

Chapter 110 Qian Yuling Appears

Chapter 110 Qian Yuling Appears

Faced with Chai Xiu's plea, Qin Ruonan could only answer that solving the case was his own job, and he would do it with all his heart, and then he comforted her a few words, and waited until Chai Xiu's emotions gradually calmed down before finding an opportunity. Ask about her relationship with Zhang Lei on weekdays.

Regarding Zhang Lei, Chai Xiu didn't intentionally say some slanderous words. Although it's not difficult to hear from her words that she also had some disdain for that hot-tempered young man, the words she said were obviously considered and she didn't say anything clearly. , the meaning is quite clear.

According to Chai Xiu, she and Zhang Lei have a big personality gap. I didn't live in C City originally, but because of the marriage change and the children's affairs, I wanted to stay away from the sad place, so I went away and came to Here, after being hired in this fitness center, the word-of-mouth among the members is getting better and better, so he is valued by the boss.It just so happened that Zhang Lei’s ex-girlfriend was also the body coach of this fitness center, and the content of the class was very similar to that of Chai Xiu. Since Chai Xiu came, her popularity has become less and less, and many customers who seek her for personal training have also gone to her. "Going to" Chai Xiu, which made the girl very unhappy. She encouraged Zhang Lei to go to the boss to gossip several times, hoping that the boss would arrange the prime time classes for herself and squeeze Chai Xiu to the marginal time. You can also give the green light and give yourself some care on the recommendation of the personal trainer.

Although she is his nephew's girlfriend, as the owner of the fitness center, he naturally values ​​business more. Seeing that Chai Xiu is very popular, even more popular than that girl, the owner of the fitness center cannot possibly satisfy her. a requirement that would harm interests.This incident made the girl very unhappy. She felt that Zhang Lei was not strong enough, so she left the job and went to another place in a fit of anger. The relationship between the two naturally came to an end.

Since then, Zhang Lei has become more and more disliked by Chai Xiu, feeling that she has ruined his business and affected his feelings, and often ridiculed her, saying that she is fake and noble, pretending to be a good person and so on.

As for whether Chai Xiu's personal emotions are mixed in this narration, it is difficult to define. Qin Ruonan can only make a superficial judgment based on the most intuitive emotions shown by Chai Xiu.

After talking with Chai Xiu, Qin Ruonan also went to the owner of the fitness center, not really like Chai Xiu wanted to interfere with Zhang Lei's physical education for the elementary school students, after all, Zhang Lei did not cause any substantial harm to the children There is no intuitive and necessary connection between this incident and Fang Wan's disappearance. It is not within the jurisdiction of her, Qin Ruonan, a criminal policeman. Do anything irrational next time, whether it is to the child or to Chai Xiu.

Qin Ruonan's reminder, of course the boss doesn't dare to take it seriously, his nephew's fault was the first, and now it's good that he doesn't indiscriminately label him, how dare he quibble when he is wronged, he is very polite She apologized to Qin Ruonan again, and hoped that since Zhang Lei was young and ignorant, she would not make the matter serious.

Qin Ruonan didn't express his opinion on this. Firstly, whether the situation is serious or not is not up to her to decide. Secondly, even if it is a mystery, it can make Zhang Lei tense. It is not a bad thing to be more careful in doing things in the future.

Leaving the fitness center, Qin Ruonan contacted An Changpu, met him, and exchanged the gains of each other. Although there was an episode of Zhang Lei on Qin Ruonan's side, after all, he was always in the fitness center, and An Changpu was relatively hard. Some, he traveled to many places. Regarding the romantic doctor who had conflicts with Qian Yuling, it seemed that he had little to do with Fang Wan's affairs. Before and after Fang Wan's disappearance, his whereabouts were relatively stable. For a while, the hospital where he worked was being inspected by his superiors, and the attendance of medical staff was particularly strict, so it was almost impossible for this person to have time to commit crimes.

Another very important point is that there are more than one or two people of the opposite sex who have an affair with this doctor. This person is famous for being flirtatious in the hospital. He didn't do any real retaliation. It is said that the reason why Qian Yuling chose to leave the job was because of this man's entanglement on the one hand, and the main reason was that the divorce made her physically and mentally exhausted.

In addition, in the process of investigating the romantic doctor, An Changpu also asked Qian Yuling's relatives and friends who had a good relationship on weekdays about the situation of "a face with flesh". After asking several people, one person finally claimed to have seen the portrait The people on the Internet recognized that Qian Yuling had dealt with the slightly fierce-looking man in the portrait, but it was a pity that when they asked the other party's name and what was the relationship with Qian Yuling, they couldn't answer, just said I've seen it, but don't know the details.

Although it was somewhat disappointing, at least it was certain that "Flesh Face" was indeed a real person, not a fictional character invented by Fang Da in order to discredit Qian Yuling.

With such further gains, the specific investigation of the "face of meat" can be carried out more confidently and boldly.

After Qin Ruonan told An Changpu about Zhang Lei's situation, An Changpu also thought for a while with a stern expression, and finally gave his personal suggestion to pay attention to Zhang Lei, but not to shift the focus of the investigation to him.This point coincides with Qin Ruonan.

Therefore, the main task of the investigation is still Qian Yuling's whereabouts and the identity of the "flesh-faced".

This search lasted for two full days. Qin Ruonan and An Changpu almost searched through Qian Yuling's network in City C. They almost broke their legs, but Qian Yuling was still nowhere to be found. Few of the people here have seen "a face full of flesh", let alone know anything about it.

On the third day, when the two of them became more and more worried about Qian Yuling's situation, a turning point appeared. Qian Yuling, who had been missing for a long time, showed up on her own initiative. First, she called Qin Ruonan and made an appointment. And he went to the appointment on time and appeared in the office of the serious crime team of the Public Security Bureau.

And what was even more surprising was that there was another person who appeared with her, a person who surprised both Qin Ruonan and An Changpu.

"A face full of meat", this mysterious man who seemed to exist but could not be found out, appeared in the serious crime team with Qian Yuling. Neither Ruonan nor An Changpu spoke for a moment, wondering whether they should marvel at the portrait expert's miraculous skills, or speculate on the person's purpose and identity.

"Flesh face" looks exactly like in the portrait, with a natural face of fierceness, two eyebrows are tall, dark and thick, and the obvious Sichuan-shaped bulge between the two eyebrows makes him look like he has a bad temper, plus He had a stocky figure, and the sleeves of his coat were bulging with his thick arms, which added to his fierceness.

In contrast, Qian Yuling standing beside him was like a sickly thin cat next to a Tibetan mastiff, listless and haggard.

It hadn't been a long time since the last time they met, but the huge difference in Qian Yuling's complexion surprised Qin Ruonan. The woman in front of her seemed to have aged ten years in a few days.

Originally, she was not a plump woman, but she was not as skinny as she is now. It seemed that most of the fat had been removed from her body overnight, leaving only a layer of skin covering the underdeveloped muscles and bones.

Qian Yuling looked very listless. When she first saw her, her hair was a little messy, but now it is even more neglected. It is loosely tied behind her head with clips, and her cheeks are pale due to rapid weight loss. Her skin looked a little slack, and her dark circles seemed to be painted on purpose. Her lips were dry and cracked, and bright red blood was exposed at the cleft, which formed a sharp contrast with the pale lip color. Her neck was also thinner because of her thinness. , looking almost unable to support his head.

And the clothes Qian Yuling is wearing at the moment look a little dirty, the wind and rain jacket on the upper body is wrinkled, and the trousers on the lower body are the same, the trousers are still stained with dried mud spots, and there are many stains on the uppers of the shoes . In the past two days, City C has ushered in another big drop in temperature after winter. People on the street have already taken off their thin coats and put on thick and warm winter coats. Some don't quite fit together.

Qin Ruonan looked at the clothes on Qian Yuling's body, which looked familiar, and recalled them vigorously, and found that she was wearing the same clothes that he and An Changpu were invited to her home to listen to her talk about the collection of Xia Ying's criminal evidence. From head to toe, nothing has been replaced.

And judging from the dirty state of the folds of the clothes, it seems that not only has it not been changed, it can even be said that it has not been taken off.

Qian Yuling didn't respond to Qin Ruonan's scrutiny. On the phone before, she looked weak when speaking, but now she was completely lost, standing in the middle of the office, staring blankly at the ground in front of her. , No one paid attention, and kept silent.

"Are you okay?" Qin Ruonan walked over and asked Qian Yuling.

Qian Yuling was still in a daze, but when Qin Ruonan approached her and asked her, she suddenly covered her face with her hands, fell to her knees with a plop, and began to cry loudly, Qin Ruonan was startled by this sudden reaction, and quickly squatted down He got down and tried to help Qian Yuling who was kneeling on the ground, but she refused to get up no matter how hard she tried, so she had to give up.

Looking at all this with a "face full of flesh", he also sighed at this time, stepped forward and lifted Qian Yuling from the ground with all his strength, raised his head and said helplessly to An Changpu and Qin Ruonan: "It's still me Well, we came over and surrendered."

(End of this chapter)

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