After Nongmenford

Chapter 327 Chapter 333

Chapter 327 Chapter 333
The people closest to you are not trustworthy?

What does this mean?
Leng Aoran was thinking secretly.

There was a glint of coldness in Aunt Fang's eyes, and against the backdrop of the night, she looked stern and ghostly.

Immediately after her hand raised the knife, the little palace maid who was following her touched her neck with wide-eyed eyes, before she could even make a sound, she fell down.

"Auntie, you... what are you doing?"

This sudden change made Leng, who had been watching the whole process, ask in surprise.

This little maid has been with Aunt Fang for many years, and has been serving him with all her heart, and there is nothing wrong with her.

Why did the translator kill her when she said she was killed?
"Her death is nothing to be afraid of. My aunt just wants to tell you about her. Even the closest people are not trustworthy, because she heard it just now. You can only blame her for calling me aunt in private. not good."

Aunt Fang's face flashed a coldness that Leng Aoran had never seen before.

Not even a little bit of emotion and reluctance.

He had never seen such a cold and cold Aunt Fang.

The image of her in Leng Aoran's heart has always been tall, gentle, even kind.

He is so kind that when he sees a beggar on the street, he will ask people to stop the sedan chair and give him a steamed bun.

Such an acre, how can you feel sad?
How about killing a little maid who had served him for many years?

Leng proudly felt a little stunned.

It was the first time he had seen his aunt so ruthless.

"But she has served you for many years." There is hard work without credit.

Leng proudly murmured.When he said this, he actually thought of the same thing.

The relative who died under him, the former regent Leng Yi.

A man's resolute face flashed in his heart.

That man, who raised him for many years, finally died under his random arrows.

Although he gained absolute imperial power and sat on that supreme position, no one came to interfere with him and gave him various opinions.

But in the end, the family affection that has been inseparable has been lingering in the depths of his heart, making him feel a deep sense of guilt.

Only when he was alone, would he quietly take out this feeling of guilt from the bottom of his heart.

Secretly hurt.

For this reason, he has always had this sense of guilt in his heart.

His courtiers and even the people of the world didn't say anything about his righteousness to kill relatives.

But there is always a trace of humanity deep in my heart that has not been erased.Tangling him, making him live in deep sin, pretending to be happy.

"What kind of credit can a servant have for his hard work? Proudly, you must always remember that you are the master of this world, and other people's lives are nothing but worthless in front of you."

Aunt Fang said indifferently, and looked at the body of the little maid on the ground with disgust, as if she was looking at a dead dog.


Leng Aoran suddenly wanted to say something, but he held back when the words came to his lips.

He glanced at the aunt in front of him with deep eyes, and suddenly felt that this woman was very strange.

She shouldn't be like this.

Since the death of his mother concubine and father emperor.

The relatives in his life, apart from the former Prince Regent Leng Yi, are only his kind and gentle aunt.

Now the regent is dead, and the aunt seems to be a different person.

No, it should be said that since she went out this trip, she successfully healed her face and came back.

It seems that she is not the aunt she used to be.

In addition to the sense of supremacy that seems to be commonplace, there is also cruelty and cruelty that he is not familiar with.

"Okay, don't worry about that little maid anymore, does Auntie still have something to ask you?"

Aunt Fang finally withdrew her gaze, stared at the tall man's back, and said thoughtfully.

She didn't know anything about that bitch Chen Sisi.

She had nothing to do yesterday, she went to the harem to embarrass that woman, and punished that woman to copy the Diamond Sutra a hundred times.

It turned out that the woman knew how to judge the situation.

Without saying anything, he asked the little maid next to him to bring the Diamond Sutra, and just sat there and copied it.

He had no intention of disobeying her at all.

It can be seen that the city and visibility of this woman are not so deep.

No wonder he was able to stay by Leng Yi's side for so long.

She didn't understand, could it be the king's land in the whole world.

Leng Aorangui has no kind of woman that the parents and children of a country want, but he wants to make Chen Sisi his concubine.

This is the ethics of risking nothing.

Chen Sisi used to be Leng Yi's woman.

Which one of the treacherous ministers, dignitaries and ministers knows?

Leng Yi is now canonizing the city as a concubine, not telling the world clearly.

He wanted to sleep with his uncle's woman justifiably.

As for whether he sleeps or not?That's another matter.

But the facts are right in front of your eyes, and it's impossible to make people want to talk about it.

"Auntie, what do you want to ask?"

Leng Aoran spoke in a calm voice, lowered his head involuntarily, and looked at the dead little maid.

That little maid kept her eyes wide open until she died, probably because she died with regret.

To the end of his life, he didn't know why his master killed her in an instant.

"What about Chen Sisi?"

Aunt Fang didn't hide it, she asked straight to the point.

"That's my nephew's own business. Auntie doesn't have to ask about it."

Unexpectedly, my aunt would suddenly ask about this matter.

In the past, she didn't care about herself, the affairs of the harem.

Who would have thought that she would suddenly become interested in Chen Sisi as his concubine.

"Ao Ran, if there are other women, I won't ask. But she is Chen Sisi."

Aunt Fang looked as if she hated iron for being weak.

"I know, but she is now my concubine, my woman."

Leng Aoran's attitude is a bit tough, as the emperor, he doesn't like others to interfere in his affairs.

Besides, he just canonized a woman as a concubine.

There is no need for others to teach him how to do things.

It was before, and it is now.

Even for a man as unfathomable as Leng Yi, if he touched his imperial prestige, he would still destroy him.

Of course, he eliminated Leng Yi, not all because it hindered his steps to achieve pro-government.

There were other reasons why he had to attack his uncle, who was so kind to him.

He respected his aunt, and this respect was only based on the fact that she raised him and gave him the maternal love that he lacked in those years.

So he respects his aunt like he respects his mother.

If the aunt wants to take advantage of this bit of respect to dictate his affairs.

Then he has to find a way to change her pension place to another place.

In his world, it is not yet the turn of a woman to dictate.

Even if the other party is his aunt.

"Your woman?"

Upon hearing these words, Aunt Fang looked at Leng Aoran as if in a ghost.

He thought that the canonization of Chen Sisi as a concubine was just a cover, but now it seems that this is not the case.

(End of this chapter)

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