After Nongmenford

Chapter 288 Attack 292

Chapter 288 Attack 292
As we walked deeper into the alley, the surroundings were still quiet and cold, but there was a strange atmosphere for no reason.

Su Ling'er couldn't help feeling a little fuzzy in her heart, the more she thought about it, the more weird the atmosphere around her felt.

In other words, don't talk about people during the day, and don't talk about ghosts at night.

Are you talking about Su Linger's current appearance?

Su Ling'er couldn't help but secretly looked down on herself in her heart.

I have profound military power by my side, so I'm afraid of being a hair!

Su Ling'er kept walking, striding towards home.

The surrounding atmosphere was still quiet and quiet, frighteningly depressing.

But the location here is getting darker and the visibility is relatively low.

Even if she has profound military power, the reach of her eyesight is still very limited.

This is also where she desperately wants to leave this environment.

The more you can't control the environment, the more you have to leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there will be a possibility of suffering.

This sentence was taught to her by Leng Yi.

It doesn't seem unreasonable now.


At the same time that Su Ling'er was walking forward quickly, there was a soft sound not far from her.

Although the voice was extremely low and thin, Su Ling'er still heard it clearly.

This voice is not unusual for ordinary people.

But is it normal for someone like Su Linger who possesses profound force?Rather abnormal.

With a whoosh, Su Linger stopped in her tracks.

His eyes looked sharply at the place where the voice came out just now, it was dark there.After the sound, it fell into silence again, but she still keenly smelled an unusual breath.

"Who is there?"

Su Ling'er spoke coldly, raised his inner strength quietly with one hand behind his back, and borrowed the faint light of the moon and stars, a faint light appeared behind him.

At the same time as she turned around, she had already seen clearly that there was a piece of water there.

Is it a piece of water coming out of nowhere?
This water is of little use to ordinary people.

Even for ordinary martial arts people.

Not much use either.

If there are people there, the two sides fight.

The puddle of water might hinder the fight between the two, making their movements inconvenient.

But for Su Ling'er, this piece of water is simply a divine weapon.This is God helping her.

Because she practiced the magic skill of condensing soldiers, which can turn condensed water into ice in a short time, and those soldiers can be turned into sharp ice blades in a very short time in her hands.

When she launches an attack, these ice blades can turn into sharp blades, and attack the opponent at the fastest speed, heading straight for the gate of life.

in other words.

The appearance of this puddle of water was simply a timely solution to Su Ling'er's urgent need for not carrying a weapon.

As long as she grasps the speed well and can condense the water into ice in the fastest time and destroy the opponent, she will not be afraid no matter how powerful the opponent is carrying.

Su Ling'er's cold voice rang out, and the place where the sound came from in the darkness was still quiet.

It seemed that the sound just now was just Su Linger's auditory hallucination, there was nothing there at all, and even the sound was just her own hallucination.

But Su Ling'er clearly realized that there was not only a sound coming from there just now, but also that her guess was correct.

There should be more than one person standing there.

This is not her guesswork and delusion.

Instead, she was keenly aware of the faint murderous intent in the air.Someone is standing there.

The sound just now was made by that person.

And the other party is a person with a strong cultivation base.

As for whether there is any difference in martial arts cultivation compared with her?She couldn't tell the difference yet.

Because her actual combat experience with people is really too little.

So for the time being, I can't sense the strength and weakness of the opponent.

He could only feel the opponent's cultivation level of force through the vague murderous intent revealed in the air.

Thinking of this, Su Ling'er couldn't help feeling remorseful.

Damn, if I knew it, I would have found someone to fight more.

It's all right now, she can't even guess the opponent's strength.

If she meets a high-level expert, then she has to hang up?

"Who is there? If you don't stand up, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless."

Since it is impossible to guess the opponent's strength.

Then the only option is to strike first, injuring and disabling the opponent within a few moves, and then she can escape.

Did this person come after her?She wasn't sure yet.

But right now, the night is dark and the wind is high, and there is no one around, and she is the only one standing here.

It is estimated that it is aimed at her, and there is a high possibility.

After thinking about it, there should be quite a few people who are jealous of a young rich woman like him who has risen rapidly in this small county.

There are even people who hate it.

So there are people following her, people who want to ambush her or people who want to deal with her, there are many people.

These people want to deal with her for the sole purpose.

It's all about money.

But she is not afraid of these.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Fortunately, she has the foresight.

She has learned martial arts for a long time, although she doesn't know how advanced and powerful her martial arts are.

Her father said that he was a master of martial arts.

I think her father Su Dazhuang is also a person who has traveled countless rivers and lakes.


Her father said that she is considered a martial arts master, so she is only three martial arts masters, right?

After asking twice, there was no sound.

Su Ling'er couldn't wait any longer, and procrastinated any longer.

Very bad for her.

Su Ling'er's cold eyes stared closely at the place where the sound came out in the darkness.

Walked over with firm steps.

In the darkness, there was still no sound, but the faint murderous intent was stronger than before.

It can be seen from this that when the other party noticed that Su Ling'er was walking towards him step by step, at the same time, he also raised his combat power to the best state.

The master fights, and the victory or defeat is only overnight.

Su Linger walked over step by step.

Borrowing the faint moonlight, she clearly saw that the place where the sound came from before was a low bush, the trunk of which was only the size of a little finger.

"Huh..., it's okay!"

After seeing the situation in front of her clearly, Su Linger breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

I thought that the person hiding in the dark corner was hiding in a few tall tree trunks.

Although the trunk is not as hard as walls and boulders, it is for someone like her who wants to win within a few moves.

It really adds a lot of difficulty.

The power of the ice blade attack from her ice condensing magic skill will be greatly reduced.

It can't even hurt the other party's slightest.

After being attacked, the other party will definitely attack her immediately.

And she was standing in the open, without any shelter around her.

When the two fight against each other, she is the one who suffers.

She will be the one who gets hurt first.

(End of this chapter)

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