Chapter 397
"The game has just started, isn't it too early for you to count the points?"

Chen Ge glanced at her speechlessly, "Are you still thinking that we can get off work early today? Dream it!"

"It's really unnecessary to calculate the score difference on the first day of the 24-game schedule. You might as well calculate how far we are from the passing line." Shen Shuxue interjected, "Six out of 7 will pass. The line is about 24 points per game, and the 160 games are [-] points, let’s get this passing line first.”

"What Shuxue said makes sense. Of course, you don't think about messy things when you play games, and you might live a little longer." Zhou Yuqing smiled narrowly and teased Jiang Ran.

"Tch, I'm not a data person. This girl likes the feeling of being crushed by running at the front and the people behind can't even see the taillights. As for the passing mark, you should keep it to yourself." Jiang Ran turned her head arrogantly, too lazy to argue with these overly rational people.

"Okay, let's put aside the issue of scores first, let's discuss some issues in the last round." Shen Shuxue's tone was a little more serious, "Although we were lucky enough to get another round thanks to Quan's care and Chen Ge's performance. Chicken, but the exposed problem is also obvious, that is - we are slow! Or it can be said that other teams are faster, which makes our speed relatively slow."

"It may be because of the relationship between the two consecutive sea circles. From my experience, the overall rhythm of the current game has been advanced by at least 1 minute. I am afraid that the transfer time of many teams has broken through the 4-minute node. This is very important for us. The impact is still relatively large." Shen Shuxue frowned slightly, "Now we may have to choose, whether to continue to maintain our own rhythm, or to keep up with the rhythm of the large army and increase our transfer speed..."

Ye Hao: "Ellenge's first game ended with SGS' shocking reversal of FTG. They also had a good number of eliminations in this round. They got eleven, and G God himself got eight, which is very scary. In addition to the ranking points, SGS scored another 21 points in this round, and they continue to rank first with 57 points. No.2 is still 1124. Although they failed to break out of the swamp in this round, they got a lot of points. Elimination points, total score 41 points, No.3..."

Xiaotong: "Scored 57 points in three rounds, which means an average of 19 points per game. SGS really started the game a bit aggressively. It seems that they are bound to win the summer split. If they can maintain their current state, even if they only have two God, this possibility is still very high, maybe soon our summer split will usher in the first team with female players as the main body, I'm a little excited when I think about it."

Ye Hao: "Judging from their previous performances, the ups and downs of this team are still relatively small, and we saw that God G is in a very brave state today, and the team's command is also online. The performance in the future can still be expected. But this This team is not completely fine, we know that the female players are definitely weaker than the male players, and the schedule of this competition is as long as four days, I don't know if this kind of long-term battle will put pressure on their bodies Woolen cloth."

Xiaotong: "It seems reasonable for you to say that, but this is something that the coaches should worry about. I believe their coaches must have considered and arranged for this before the game, so we don't have to worry too much. Okay, no gossip Said, all the players are ready, let's move on to today's fourth game, the flight route is from Port P in the lower left corner to the holy mountain in the upper right corner, there are already teams jumping as soon as we enter the beginning of the map..."

After Shen Shuxue made plans to increase the speed, the overall speed of SGS was slightly increased. Skydiving, picking up cars, and searching for materials, squeezed as hard as possible wherever time could be spared.

The whole team held back their energy and wanted to play a fast-paced round, but unexpectedly, Quan made a little joke with them!
"Y city circle?! Y city, after jumping for so long, finally let us wait for a destiny circle!" Chen Ge was a little surprised. Brushed for the exact center.

"Yes! Our circle, now we don't have to run around anymore." Jiang Ran said happily, "Shuxue, we don't have to worry about this circle, we can search for a while."

Shen Shuxue was also a little surprised by the sudden destiny, but she was not overly happy. There was still a lot of uncertainty in the center of the circle. At this time, she couldn't sit back and relax. The most important thing to do now was to further expand her advantages.

"No, you still have to move earlier, but since you like searching things so much, I approve that you can stay and search for a while." Shen Shuxue smiled narrowly, "You search for two and a half minutes first, and then you give Chen all the useful materials on your body. Ge, come back and continue to search, Chen Ge, when the time comes, take your things and go directly to step on the wooden houses on the wheat field in front of you. Yuqing, you search for a while, and when you have a gun, go directly to the police station and go there for secondary development. At the same time, be optimistic In the two directions to the southeast, if there is a sound of traffic, we will shoot to drive them away, and we must draw out the sphere of influence as soon as possible.”

"Shuxue, you are too biased, you just ask me to work for the master for nothing? Sure enough, there are opposite sexes and no humanity!" Jiang Ran stared at Shen Shuxue with dissatisfaction and protested.

"Stop talking nonsense, how about if I give you something, you step on that point in the past, and if you lose it, you can ask me to deduct your 100 yuan bonus?" Chen Ge didn't care about the little girl's dissatisfaction at all. , glanced at her without smoke and said.

"No way! Don't even think about deducting bonuses! Huh, just give it. I've seen through it. Master, you also have the opposite sex and no apprentices. It's very bad! Yuqing, we will be on the same front in the future, we have to work together Fight against these two husband and wife teams!" Poor...

Ye Hao: "It's actually a Y city circle. After SGS changed their fate against the sky in the last round, it seems that even the circle luck has begun to take care of them. They are definitely the first pick in this circle. Then they will jump to the school's CBT team. In the COG of R City, there are several points in this circle that are almost must-step, such as Mickey Mouse Wonderful House, Wheat Field Bungalow, Police Station, Feitian Building, and the big factory on the mountainside of the Holy Mountain, etc. Let’s see it now Who will move one step faster."

Xiaotong: "After the fast-paced baptism of the previous round, everyone's speed was a bit unstoppable in this round. The two people on the CBT side searched for more than a minute and drove directly to the center of the circle. Step on the spot The method is a bit similar to 4AM. The first step is to directly step on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and after observing no one from a distance, they directly jump in and step on it. But they seem to be not only satisfied with this, but after putting down a person, they have to go to the wheat field to grab the wood Bungalows? But SGS is also moving very fast here, God G has reached this point at this moment! Is there going to be some conflict between the two teams at the beginning?"

(End of this chapter)

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