Chapter 362

Ye Hao: "There are three teams crowded in the boxing gym at this time, and it is surprisingly quiet. Everyone does not interfere with each other. It seems that this posture is waiting for the final time to shrink the circle, and then decide the winner."

Xiaotong: "The two teams on the top of the mountain are also in a similar situation. The SGS team has given up on the team below. Both of them retreated and pulled away from the left and right at the same time. The arrows were all looking at the direction of the CBT team, because they Due to the relatively small number of people here, we can see that they are putting on an obvious defensive position. On the other hand, the CBT team is playing more proactively. I am going to go around and attack the opponent, but SGS seems to have noticed it, and has completely blocked this corner!"

Ye Hao: "Now the choice of the team in the housing area at the foot of the mountain is more critical. Whether to focus on blocking the two teams on the opposite side of the road or the two teams going up and down the mountain. Both sides are a huge threat to them."

Xiaotong: "Children make choices. Of course, adults want them all. These six people are divided into one point. Three look at the mountains, and three look at the road. After all the teams outside are stuck, there will be an internal duel. See Whoever eats chicken is not happy. Well, I was just joking, but I think that as long as the team is not alone, it should choose to go to both sides at the same time. Now there are less than 20 seconds before the blue circle shrinks, and the SGS team is the first to block Smoked."

Chen Ge and Jiang Ran each left a life-saving cigarette, and threw the rest in the direction of the downhill route. Jiang Ran was in front and Chen Ge was behind.

The first shot to hit them was actually from the third floor of the boxing gym. This made Chen, who had been focusing on marking the CBT team, a little unprepared. He was shot first, but his counterattack was equally sharp, and he threw a sniper with his backhand. The headshot directly put the opponent down, and the opponent stopped immediately.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Ran's gunshots also started to sound, and the collision between the two teams on the mountain officially began.

The opposite side is also sealed with smoke, either blocking the front or blocking the side, and at the same time relying on the terrain and mountains to pull out the formation, the gun line has a slight advantage over SGS.

"The people they got stuck on the edge of the blue circle haven't moved yet. Be careful that he sneaks up on you from behind the high point." Shen Shuxue and Zhou Yuqing put all their attention on dealing with the CBT team coming down the mountain. Also always convey the opponent's movements to Chen Ge and Jiang Ran to help them figure out the situation on the opposite side.

"Got it, since you want to be the sixth child so much, then why don't you come down!"

A teammate reported to set up a gun. Chen Ge seized the opportunity to quickly cut the ring and move forward while counting the seconds, and then threw a high throw. The timing of the grenade throw was very good, just crossing the mountain barrier between the two of them. , and exploded in the air above the head of the buried player on the opposite side, instantly blowing up two-thirds of the opponent's HP.

The opponent's original plan was to walk on the edge of the blue circle and always occupy the highest point. If they seized the opportunity, even if they suffered some damage from the power grid, they would have to catch a back body. This is a typical way of sacrificing and swapping numbers after the break. At the same time, the threat to SGS is also great. maximum.

But this blind throwing grenade directly crippled most of this dark one. Not to mention the exposed position, one-third of the blood volume is basically equal to free in a master battle. A lot of tasteless.

Or: "G's blind throw of a grenade directly blasted the CBT team's back position to a bloody skin, what a pity, if this point can be buried, it is very likely to cause serious damage to the SGS team after the separation Is there still time to spray medicine at this time? He tried it and it didn’t seem to work. The blue circle was behind him, so he didn’t dare to force him. But fortunately, G was also suppressed by the other players of the CBT team. He got into the smoke and couldn’t counter him. , there is still a chance to run away!"

Xiaotong: "But SGS also has a brother, no, it's a sister. It's still not easy for him to leave. Sure enough, Xue from SGS made a move. The moment she left the bunker on the opposite side and wanted to jump down the stone steps, she shot her body directly. No need to make up, and the speed at which the blue circle shrinks will definitely take him away."

Ye Hao: "Both sides have started a grenade offensive, but the SGS grenade reserve is obviously not much, but fortunately, the terrain has a great impact on the power of the grenade. There are many rocks and ditches. It is not easy to blow up people. G forcibly picks through the smoke Blind scan, actually hit! The CBT player who wanted to throw mines took a few steps and was shot back. This prediction is a bit silly. The three CBT players are now suppressed behind the same rock, and the gun line cannot be pulled away for the time being. , it seems that I can afford the second wave of smoke."

Xiaotong: "At this time, meat grinding started in the boxing gym. The two three-person teams of ANS and KL started a fierce confrontation around the ownership of the front door. The two members of the KOD team were more clever. They knew that they had few people, so Instead of participating in the frontal battle, they went around the boxing gym ahead of time, trying to sneak across the road from the east side. Not to mention the timing was very clever. The two teams that threatened them the most on the mountain had no time to control them. Now as long as After crossing the gun line of the player who is looking at the back of the COG, it is entirely possible to enter the housing area across the road and come to the white circle."

Or: "Shoot from the sky! The stars of the CBT team wanted to use the smoke bombs to jump directly behind the stone bunker on the next floor, but they were shot three times in a row by G volley, one shot to the head and two shots to the body in an instant. The gun monster. But the good news is that even though he fell, he fell behind a rock. G can't make up for his head—err, but at this time, the lone wolf of the R7G team, who had been hiding for a long time, suddenly made a move and grabbed it directly. This head!"

"Damn, it's Lao Tzu's head again!"

When Chen Ge saw the kill information in the upper right corner, he was immediately depressed, but he didn't have time to worry about it at this time. He quickly fired his gun and suppressed the opponent. He also jumped and continued to move down the slope.

Jiang Ran at the back took a step slowly, and immediately fell into bad luck. The two of KOD crossed the road without any risk, looked up at the top of the hill, and just saw Jiang Ran's shadow half hidden in the smoke, and the two gun lines swept across , I was really fooled, and the confrontation between the two sides was unexpectedly taken advantage of by a third party.

As soon as his teammates fell, Chen Ge immediately realized that there was a new enemy behind him. The first time he stepped into the circle, he quickly found a small pit and lay down on the spot. At this time, the surrounding situation is too chaotic, he urgently needs to know the distribution of the gun lines, otherwise if he continues to shoot rashly, he may die suddenly like Jiang Ran...

Or: "The center of the last safe area is brushed to the center of the room area and the slope. The second floor where the SGS team's Xue is located can completely overlook this point. This advantage is too great. They don't need to go to the center of the slope at all. When others are facing a gun, as long as you hold this point, you will basically be stable when the safe zone shrinks and eats chicken."

Xiaotong: "However, the current situation on the field seems to be beyond the reach of the plum blossom pile. Except for the two people from SGS, everyone is not in the white circle. If the seventh circle shrinks, I am afraid that it will be divided into life and death."

(End of this chapter)

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