Chapter 175
Seeing this circle, Chen Ge was a little depressed, and it was the opposite direction. He finally made a big circle and came in from the north. This circle seemed to be against him, heading south all the way without looking back.

After entering the circle in the first safe area, he found that the poisonous side was relatively safe, so he was not in a hurry to go deeper. He always followed up when the poisonous side shrunk a little. Coupled with his super investigative ability, he could say all the way. It was safe and sound, and he stole a head with a silencer on the top of Longji Mountain.

However, once you swipe this attrition circle, it will be a bit difficult to slowly enter the circle and get stuck in the poisonous side.

He is currently in the house at the foot of Longji Mountain. If he goes directly to the south, there will be a large wheat field. Dense, not suitable for blind driving.

After thinking about it, he decided to take a detour and enter the circle from the swamp area in the northwest of the safety zone. The terrain there is complex, there are many bunkers, and the probability of being trapped is relatively small, which is a very suitable breakthrough point.

He drove west along the edge of the blue circle, keeping as far away from the building as possible to avoid being swept. The first half of the journey went smoothly, but when he bypassed the radar station and went straight to Nanzha, he still encountered an unexpected situation—the car was swept!
A person suddenly appeared under the concave slope at the edge of the swamp, and slammed his white car. The distance was about 100 meters. of blood.

Chen Ge is very experienced in dealing with this kind of situation. He never thought of relying on luck to drive out the opponent's range. Instead, he quickly judged the opponent's shooting point, adjusted the angle of the vehicle body, and reduced the probability of being hit. Then, he slowed down and cut his seat. , directly hit the haystack and jump off the car, a set of operations is smooth and smooth.

Although jumping off the car caused him to lose another quarter of his blood volume, he also resolved the immediate crisis in the shortest time and in the safest way. He quickly lay down behind the car and the haystack and opened the medical box.

Xie Yan: "God G's idea of ​​going around the edge is right. It's a pity that he encountered a CGW player who didn't have a vehicle and hadn't had time to transfer. Now he's being held by the opponent on the wheat field, so let's move on. There is almost no cover, and the tires have been unloaded again, which is very troublesome, and his current position is still outside the safety zone, and the grid will soon shrink. If he wants to enter the circle, he must clear the obstacles in front of him as soon as possible.”

Haitao: "It's a little unwise for him to choose to park in this place. I think it's better to continue to take the risk and drive forward. It should be better than standing in this place where there is no village in front and no shops in the back..."

Before Haitao could finish his sentence, Chen Ge opened the medical kit, cut the M24 into his hand, and probed from the right side of the haystack. The sight of the M24 was instantly and precisely positioned at the point where the gunshot came from just now.

CGW's Kuard shrank back to change a magazine, just got up to look again, a dull M24 gunshot sounded - a headshot!Seconds!

"Uh, this..." Haitao choked on what he said next, the turning point was too fast.

Xie Yan: "Beautiful! A neat headshot! God G's judgment on the point position is very precise, and he found the position of the Japanese player at the first time. He directly took the opponent's headshot away the moment the opponent appeared. Sure enough, the sniper rifle has a terrifying effect in the solo competition."

Haitao: "G God's gun M24 is really more accurate than I expected. I have heard the cheers from the audience just now. This gun has boosted the morale of the Chinese audience at the scene. Everyone! It was a bit depressing to be overwhelmed by the Korean audience just now."

After knocking down the opponent, Chen Ge pressed forward quickly, the electric coil was about to shrink, and the tire was blown out. Time was a bit tight for him.

After simply licking a few medicines and drinks, he immediately set off to press into the depths of the swamp. The fourth circle is a very dangerous attrition circle, which must be dealt with carefully. Chen Ge has heard the dense gunshots ahead, and with the contraction of the power grid, , the number of people in the upper right corner is also decreasing crazily, and it seems that there are less than 30 people, which shows the intensity of the battle.

The direction Chen Ge chose was not a 'safe zone' where there were no gunshots, but the place in the swamp that was closest to him and sounded like a battle was still erupting.

In such an area with complex terrain, the exposed enemies are not scary. What is scary are those guys who hide in the dark and wait for you to pass by, and then suddenly come out to bite you. one.

Before he had gone far, he found a battlefield. Two people, one in the wooden house and the other in the toilet, each hid in the bunker and fought happily. Trying to completely jam the guy in the toilet.

Chen Ge's position is still behind the toilet man. If he wants to enter the circle, these two are his obstacles.

Now the toilet is facing away from him, and the people inside are basically focused on the front. The probability of finding him is very low, but if he continues to press forward, the people in the wooden house have a high probability of seeing him.

So although the electric circle behind him was slowly approaching, he did not choose to trade in. Instead, he lay behind a pile of wooden bunkers, replaced the AK with an M24, and opened the mirror to aim in the direction of the wooden house.

Judging from his position, the wooden house is relatively easier to hit, and it is also a more threatening target. There is nothing wrong with cleaning it first.

Haitao: "It's difficult for TAT to enter the circle. After getting out of the toilet, you have to wade in the water, which will slow down your speed. The Korean players on the opposite side are very cautious. If you get shot, you will shrink back and spray medicine immediately. It is absolutely not risky. , the TAT of the card is completely immobile."

Xie Yan: "And there is another bad news at this time. Behind TAT, God G has already touched him with his big sniper. The two people fighting in front of him don't know this information at all. God G is likely to fight one Cold shot, now it depends on who his target will choose."

Haitao: "God G, the camera is on. Very good. He is aiming in the direction of the wooden house. However, the Korean players are very vigilant and have been moving in a small range. It is difficult for God G to aim at his head. At this time, there must be no rush. Because it is very likely that he only has one chance, and once he misses, the opponent may not easily show up when he hears that there is a big sniper, and it will be really dangerous for him to be stuck outside the electric circle by the two parties."

The cross of Chen Ge's crosshair had been closely following the opponent's head, and the hit perception was constantly being triggered, but it disappeared in a flash, which made him a little anxious.

This kind of motionless aiming method is easy to be detected by the opponent, and the power grid is getting closer and closer, so there is not much time left for him, except that he still has an enemy in the toilet to deal with, so it is impossible to delay it forever.

After another long ten seconds, the opportunity finally appeared. TAT suddenly sealed three or four smoke bombs in front of the toilet door, as if planning to rush forward. Seeing the smoke bombs scattered on the other side, he finally stood still and frantically Shoot through the smoke into the smoke.

The pause Chen Ge had been waiting for also appeared at this moment, and he saw his crosshair instantly positioned on the opponent's head, raised it slightly, and pulled the trigger!
The muffler made a dull mid-tone like a staple, and the other side fell to the ground without any accidents!

"You headshot KDR-Vekey with an M24."

(End of this chapter)

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