Chapter 346: Strategies (1)

Lin Huai'an's voice caused all the people in the cave to come out, and everyone looked into the darkness. Yan Yuan and the others directly touched the sabers at their waists, and Yingluo's poisonous powder was ready.

The footsteps approached slowly, and everyone held their breaths. A woman came out first. She was stunned when she saw their nervous appearance: "Why are you here?"

Yingluo stuffed the poison powder back into her bag, a little surprised: "Chuwei? Why are you here?"

"I'm uneasy in the mansion, so I followed here."

Because they were two acquaintances, the tense atmosphere outside the cave instantly disintegrated, and a thin man in black appeared from behind Chu Wei holding a sword.

Both Yu Shiqi and Yu Shiba called out in surprise, "Brother Huai, why are you here?"

Only Yanyuan saw that he was a little stiff, damn it, why did he chase him all the way to the mountain!
Yu Huai stared at Chu Wei's back, and said simply: "Protect the maidservant of the princess."

Yu Shiqi, Shiba came to a sudden realization, that's right, after all, how could she, a little girl, walk to almost the middle of Mount Dishan, it had to be Yu Huai who was good at martial arts to open the way.

Lin Huai'an glanced at the two of them: "Come in when you're here."

Everyone entered the cave again, and Yu Shiqi covered the entrance of the cave with vines again. A fire was lit inside, and the whole cave was illuminated very brightly.

Yu Huai found a seat and sat down, while Chu Wei went to Yingluo's side.

Yan Yuan looked at the wall, then at Yu Huai, and asked, "How did you find this place?"

"Follow your footsteps." Yu Huai gave him a look like 'you are an idiot', Yanyuan was so angry that his teeth itch, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

On the contrary, Yu Huai looked around and frowned slightly: "Why are you still here after two days?"

"Ham, don't mention it." Yu Shiba sighed: "There are bone eating insects in the deep forest ahead, we can't get there, we are forced to go back to the original place, otherwise how could you easily find them and join us? "

Bone Eater?Yu Huai has heard more or less that these things live together in groups, and when they are dispatched, almost the whole nest is dispatched, which is very terrifying.

Yu Shiqi immediately said: "If we don't find a solution, we probably won't be able to find the final stronghold of the Ghost Sect if we pass through the bone erosion forest."

And this method is not something that can be found in a day or two.

Only Chu Wei listened, she lowered her eyes and pondered lightly, why did she feel the name of this bone worm so familiar?But she couldn't remember it for a while.

But Lin Huai'an and the others had been running for a day, and they were a little tired, so they all huddled in their respective positions and slept.

The night passed peacefully, and when the morning light broke, several people in the cave woke up.

The few people simply tidied themselves up, and then they were ready to go to the junction of the bone-eating worm.

To their surprise, the bone eater was still running around in the dead leaves, as if it had never left here.

Yanyuan's black face: "This worm is guarding us, right? It's been a day and he's still guarding here."

This is the first time Yu Huai has seen this kind of bug, and he has no feeling except that it is so dense that it seeps into people: "Can it be burned with fire?"

Yingluo walked to his side, shook her head and vetoed: "It's useless, it can't be burned, the number of bone eating insects in such a large forest may be astonishing, you can't burn it for a few days. Worm, maybe even set Mount Di on fire.”

Chu Wei also came to the boundary, she squinted her eyes and took another step forward, in order to see what the bone eating worm was.

Yingluo pulled her hand anxiously: "Why are you going? Be careful not to step on it."

Chu Wei naturally has a sense of proportion. Looking at these black and white beetles, she pondered: "These insects... I seem to have seen them somewhere."

 There are some things recently, the update may not be on time, the first chapter, and the rest will be distributed in the afternoon, if you can’t wait, you can save it and watch it together tomorrow, love you, love.

(End of this chapter)

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