green star

Chapter 888 Tragedy

Chapter 888 Tragedy

This morning, I woke up with sleepy eyes, the computer was stuck, and after Xiaoqi forced to shut down, a blue screen appeared. I took it for repair and was told that the hard disk was broken.God, the computer has all the ins and outs of the book "Green Superstar" and the last book "Shooting" with a total of nearly 800 million words of saved manuscripts, as well as the saved manuscripts of the new book, just like this, it's gone! !

The saved manuscript is gone, the materials are gone, the accumulation of two years, I feel so distressed.It is said that the hard disk can be repaired, but after asking, it is very difficult, and it will cost at least 500 oceans, which is a scam.

It cost 300 oceans to get a new hard drive. Xiaoqi is downloading things now, and see if he can retrieve the data from his memory.

Try to update a chapter today, if there is no other way, you can only update it tomorrow.

I'm in a terrible mood.

(End of this chapter)

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