
Chapter 411: The Loss Aversion Effect

Chapter 411: The Loss Aversion Effect
With a pure heart, there is a paradise wherever you go.

I heard from Chen Wanli before that this Ruogu Villa may be beautiful, but I didn't expect it to be so amazing.Everyone is deeply impressed by the elegant and chic design of this estate.

Yirui said proudly, "How is it? Isn't it beautiful? The whole manor was designed by my grandfather."

Guo Na: "Your grandfather? What does your grandfather do? It's not easy to buy this manor and manage it so beautifully."

Yirui scratched his head and said: "Actually, I don't know what my grandfather did when he was young. Every time I asked him this question, he said that his job when he was young was to play. My grandfather said he had been to many Many countries. In short, my grandfather is very powerful."

Guo Na gave Yirui a thumbs up and said, "That's awesome."

Yirui took out a coin from his pocket, flicked it up with his thumb, and slapped it on the back of his hand when it fell.front.

Yirui said warmly and cheerfully: "Come on, you can live in the suite on the left. The housekeeper has already cleaned up the room. I will take you there."

Yu Fan and the other five followed Yi Rui, led by this lively little guide.

Wen Xin whispered to Fan: "Mr. Yu, this child's grandfather feels mysterious, and he is so rich. Could it be that he is engaged in some shady business?"

Yu Fan smiled and said: "If it's true what this little brother said, this manor was designed by his grandfather. Then I think the owner of the manor must not be a 'bad person'. In psychology, through the family From the furnishings of the objects, you can roughly infer the master's style of conduct."

Chen Wanli had sharp ears and asked curiously, "Oh? What kind of person is this villa owner?"

Yu Fan: "Look carefully, the ornaments on display in the courtyard are all old-fashioned cultural objects, and each piece has been carefully selected. This requires not only money, but also time and experience. , it can be seen that the owner of the villa is a person who loves literature and play; the garden we passed by just now is planted with plum blossoms, lotus flowers, orchids, chrysanthemums, lilies, and peonies. Self-improvement, nobleness, tenacity, love, and elegance, which also reflect the owner's inner pursuit of these qualities, as well as blessings to family members; It is fresh and elegant, which shows that the owner is a low-key and humble person with an easy-going disposition, maybe an old urchin. People with this kind of personality are full of love for life and are full of interest in everything, and they are probably a chess player. A person who is proficient in calligraphy and painting is also an all-round talent who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. Judging from the enthusiastic and confident style of the owner's grandson just now, his grandfather may be a carefree person who has no airs of elders and can get along with younger generations old man~"

Wen Xin: "Speaking of which, the owner of the villa should be quite easy-going."

Yu Fan: "Well, at least I think so."

"Okay, here we are. Your room is here," Yirui pointed to a room in front, "I'm going to recite poetry, and I'm going to recite all of "Li Sao" before school starts. At noon I Grandpa personally made rice noodles for everyone. Remember to come and eat at twelve o’clock. The restaurant is in your room, turn left and then turn left, and go up the stairs. The big room directly opposite is here. You can go shopping as you like after packing up. Goodbye. See you at noon."

After speaking, Yirui put down the skateboard, and happily slid away while humming the poem.

Cao Ben couldn't help but sighed: "Are all children so 'sexy' now? What are you doing reciting "Li Sao"? And it looks so relaxed. It's amazing."

Chen Wanli looked at the back of Yirui going away, and listened to his fading "mountain light and object state to play with the spring light, don't plan to return just because of the light shade. Even if it is clear and rainless, the clothes will be stained deep in the clouds. "Chen Wanli couldn't help saying: "It's a good material for a programmer."

Everyone laughed.

Walked into the guest room.This is a large suite with four bedrooms, a bathroom, and a spacious living room. There is a large table made of root carvings in the middle, which can seat about seven or eight people.A piece of agarwood was quietly placed on the table, and the smoke slowly fell into the ground and then dispersed.The whole room is quiet and elegant, only the sound of water flowing outside and the singing of birds can be heard.

Guo Na whispered to Fan: "It's so quiet here, I haven't stayed in such a quiet place for a long time." In such a quiet and comfortable environment, people's voices can't help but lower their voices, for fear of destroying the peaceful atmosphere .

Yu Fan: "Yes, Wan Li chose this place well, we can recuperate here for a few days."

Chen Wanli immediately showed a proud and proud face, and said, "That's right, I chose this place carefully. And I still did my homework."

After Chen Wanli finished speaking, he took out three thin laptops, earphones, and a mechanical keyboard from his suitcase...

Yu Fan asked in surprise, "Wan Li, what are you doing?"

Chen Wanli: "In order not to disturb everyone, I brought you a laptop with the least noise, and sound-absorbing headphones. Even the keyboard is lightly rebounded, so that when it is turned on, the noise is small and will not affect others. .”

Yu Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I asked you to come out to let the wind go, but in the end you just changed to a quiet place to play games?"

Chen Wanli said with a serious face: "The seven-day welfare activities during the Spring Festival cannot be missed by one day. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted."

Cao Ben also echoed: "Old Yu, really, you come to play League of Legends too. I'll take you, I'm Yasuo Thief 6."

Yu Fan covered his face and said with a smile: "The 'loss aversion effect' of the game merchants is pinching you to death."

The "loss aversion effect" means that when people face the same amount of gains and losses, the loss is more unacceptable, and the negative effect of the loss is twice that of the positive effect of the same gain.Kahneman, a Nobel laureate and professor at Princeton University, and his collaborator Watsky proposed and demonstrated this classic theory of behavioral finance. is also continuously verified.

Game merchants often use this psychological effect to set up some sign-in and daily tasks.If you don’t check in on a certain day, your previous efforts will be in vain. In order to prevent the loss of missed checks, players will naturally check in every day and enjoy it.It boils down to worrying about "loss".

Just as Yu Fan and the others were chatting, suddenly a few people laughed loudly from outside the house, breaking the peaceful scene.The sound was far away, but loud, and even woke up the birds sleeping peacefully on the branches in the manor.

Who are these people?
 Be like water, act like mountains.As a human being, try to go as low as possible, let others retreat as much as possible when encountering interests and reputation, and leave room for yourself to grow bigger.You must have your own ideas and goals when doing things, and stand upright like a mountain in order to do things well. —— Rhinoceros
(End of this chapter)

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