
Chapter 365 Extra Story: 2 Manganese Oxide Love

Chapter 365 Extra Story: Manganese Dioxide Love
"Manganese dioxide is a kind of catalyst. Physical properties: black amorphous powder, or black orthorhombic crystal. Solubility: insoluble in water, weak acid, weak base, nitric acid, cold sulfuric acid..." DY City No. [-] Middle School In a chemistry class, the chemistry teacher from Class [-] talked about today's knowledge points.

It was a scorching summer afternoon, and the fans in the classroom didn't work at all. They just stirred the hot air in the classroom, making it restless. It was a difficult afternoon.

Dai Yongbing didn't care about listening to the class. He was only looking forward to the last physical education class in the afternoon. He stood up the chemistry book, and put a slam dunk cartoon on the inside of the book, watching it quietly.

Dai Yongbing is a basketball fan. He regards basketball as his other half of life. On the way to school, he walks while dribbling.

Whoops, Dai Yongbing felt that he was kicked by someone, he turned around cursingly, it turned out that it was Zhang Rui who was sitting in the back row of him.Zhang Rui is Dai Yongbing's best buddy. Although Zhang Rui likes to play games, which is completely different from Dai Yongbing's hobbies, the relationship between the two is very close. It can be said that they are difficult brothers, because they often form a team together every time they are punished. Fate.

Zhang Rui said in a low voice: "Orangutan (Dai Yongbing's nickname), make your book stand taller, I also want to watch "Slam Dunk."

Dai Yongbing cocked his eyebrows triumphantly, and said, "I want to see that you can rent my books for money. Want to prostitute for nothing? No way!"

Zhang Rui quietly kicked Dai Yongbing's stool again, and said, "I don't think you want chrysanthemums anymore!"

Dai Yongbing was forced to hold up the book under "threat" so that Zhang Rui could also see it.

But this action was immediately spotted by the experienced chemistry teacher. He approached Dai Yongbing calmly while continuing to pretend to be lecturing.

While Dai Yongbing and Zhang Rui were enjoying reading, the chemistry teacher had already lurked beside them, pulled out Dai Yongbing's chemistry book, and took away the "Slam Dunk" with him.

Dai Yongbing was concentrating on watching the tense plot, but the book was snatched away. His first reaction was to get furious and curse: "Which wise man is that..."

Before the second word "obstacle" was uttered, Dai Yongbing looked up and saw that it was the teacher, and quickly changed his words: "Smart...a man with both wisdom and courage took my book."

The chemistry teacher said impatiently: "Go out for me, so stay where it's cool!"

Where to stay cool and where to stay.This sentence is simply a very conscientious sentence in the scorching heat.

Dai Yongbing got up dejectedly, and walked outside the classroom.

Zhang Rui also got up, ready to go out of the classroom.

The chemistry teacher stopped Zhang Rui, what are you doing with him?
Zhang Rui said righteously: "I was the one who caused him to be punished to stand, I have to go out to accompany him."

The chemistry teacher laughed angrily, and said sarcastically: "Then you go too, get out and stand outside with him."

Zhang Rui nodded: "Thank you teacher."

When the students in the class saw this scene, they couldn't help laughing, and some people said, "The standing duo is out again", "Good gay friends for life", "666".

Zhang Rui and Dai Yongbing stood outside the classroom.

The chemistry teacher coughed twice severely, and the laughter of the students stopped, and the teacher continued the class: "Don't pay attention to those two idiots, students, turn the book to the next page, and let's continue talking. This catalyst, after In a chemical reaction, the chemical reaction rate (increase or decrease) of the reactant can be changed without changing the chemical balance, and its quality and chemical properties have not changed before and after the chemical reaction. Among them, the solid catalyst is also called a catalyst. According to statistics, there are about 90 Catalysts are used in more than [-]% of industrial processes, such as chemical, petrochemical, biochemical, environmental protection, etc.

The wind in the aisle outside the classroom is very strong due to the strong airflow pressure.

Dai Yongbing: "It's still cool outside the classroom, hehe. By the way, you don't need to come out with me for punishment. I will be a sports student in the future. I will practice basketball and then play in the NBA. You should study hard and take the test in the future." A good university, a good job."

Zhang Rui said nonchalantly: "The classroom is so hot, so I couldn't listen to anything at first. It's better to stand outside to get some ventilation, and I'm still in a daze inside. By the way, did Xiangbei win in the "Slam Dunk" just now?"

Dai Yongbing also seemed very excited and said: "Damn, I don't know, the book was taken away, it's just..."

"You two don't stand at the door of the classroom if you want to chat outside! Don't make such a loud voice! If you can't control it, stand to the side!" The chemistry teacher's roar came from the classroom, followed by hearty laughter from the students Voice.

The chemistry teacher shouted angrily: "Whoever laughs again will be like them, get out!" The classroom was quiet again.

Dai Yongbing and Zhang Rui were forced to stand aside again, and stood at the back door of the classroom of Class [-] next door.

Cicadas in the afternoon were screeching hot, bringing impetuousness to the campus, and everyone's youthful feelings began to spread in this impetuous air...

Besides, whose youth is not restless?

"Huh? Who is that girl?" Dai Yongbing seemed to have discovered a new world, and he quietly pointed to the girl sitting in the sixth row of the eighth class.

This girl has short fluffy hair, a small round face, exquisite facial features, crescent eyebrows, a cherry mouth, and a pair of big ethereal eyes. This girl is not tall and looks very cute.

Zhang Rui took a breath, supported his chin and said: "Hiss... This girl is so beautiful, but I have never seen it before. We are actually quite familiar with Class [-] and Class [-], but why do I have no impression of this girl? Huh? Orangutan, you have sharp eyes, did you like it?"

Dai Yongbing defended again and again, saying: "No, no, I won't fall in love, it will affect my playing."

Zhang Rui: "But we still need to find out, what is the background of this beautiful woman? Intelligence work should be done or done."

Dai Yongbing: "That's simple. You see that beautiful girl at your desk is the man with glasses who looks dead. His name is Ding Fan. He is the chemistry class representative of Class [-]. He often plays ball with me. I'm going to beat Ding Fan up this afternoon." After a while, get a little information out of his mouth."

Zhang Rui admired: "Yes, orangutan, are all golfers in the world one family?"

That afternoon, under Dai Yongbing's coercion and lure, Ding Fan from Class [-] finally revealed the information about that beautiful woman.

It turned out that she was a transfer student who just transferred from other places last week. She was a strange girl. Sometimes she was cheerful, but sometimes she was indifferent. She was very popular when she first came to the class. After all, she is cute. , Many boys came to show their courtesy, and the "auction price" of Ding Fan's seat also increased. Everyone wanted to change seats with Ding Fan, just to be able to chat with this beauty.

This girl's name is - Huang Tingting.

 When everyone cares about flying high, only a few people care about whether you are tired or not.When people are most moved, they expect to be remembered by their brothers, and when they are most beautiful, they are due to thinking of brothers.There is no agreement, no tacit understanding, no matter how many years, no matter where, what cannot be touched is the mutual concern between brothers!This is brother! ——Zhang Rui

(End of this chapter)

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