President, don't be your woman

Chapter 142 Ruoxi, Don't Cry 2

Chapter 142 Ruoxi, Don't Cry 2
Mo Ran has completely lost the trust of his friends, there is nowhere to avenge his grievances, he said with a wry smile: "I really don't know where she is, not to mention that Ruoxi is also my friend, can I watch her have an accident?"

"Do you remember that she is your friend? You clearly know how soft-hearted she is, and you still ask An Qi to go find her. I really shouldn't let her meet and talk to An Qi, and I really shouldn't let her go Murphy!"

Shen Yumo's eyes were already red with anger, but it was better to blame himself than to blame others. He could no longer sit here and wait for death, so he left this sentence and walked out the door.

Feng Qingyang quickly stopped him: "Where are you going?"

"I'll go find her."

"Where are you going to find her? That psychopath Murphy is not an ordinary person at all. Since she can escape your bodyguards, she won't bring Ruoxi to appear under your nose. You'd better sit down and be quiet, and then After half an hour, it will be the peak period, if Bie Ruoxi hasn't come back, what happened to you. "


"What are you? Ruoxi is still waiting for you to save her!"

Feng Qingyang's words hit the point, but Shen Yumo was thrown back on the sofa without saying a word.

"Now let's analyze, what exactly does Murphy want?" Feng Qingyang said, "According to my estimation, Murphy is ruthless, and her modus operandi is extraordinary. She is not an impulsive person. What does she want now?" It's nothing, killing Ruoxi won't do her any good, if I'm right, she probably wants to use Ruoxi to blackmail you."

"Yes, she won't do anything to Ruoxi, she just uses Ruoxi to blackmail you." Mo Ran also said.

"Then she will come here aboveboard. I'll give her whatever she wants, as long as she doesn't hurt Ruoxi." Shen Yumo has already lost his mind, and dare not think about anything. He only hopes that Ruoxi won't suffer any harm.

Mo Ran and Feng Qingyang looked at each other. Everyone knew exactly what Mo Fei wanted, but neither of them said anything.

Suddenly, someone's cell phone rang, and Shen Yumo went to look at his cell phone immediately, and heard Feng Qingyang's laughing: "Sorry, sorry, it's mine."

"Can you turn off the fucking one?" Shen Yumo swears for the first time in his life.

"It can't be closed, it can't be closed, I have sent my men out to look for it, and I even used the old man's people to help you find Ruoxi, but you can't close it."

Just as he was talking, Shen Yumo's cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar call.

He immediately picked it up, and without waiting for the other side to speak, he hurriedly asked, "Murphy! Is that you?"

"Yo, I never knew, you miss me so much!" Murphy smiled coquettishly on the other end of the phone.

"Stop talking nonsense! Where did you take Ruoxi?"

"Where do you think I'll take her?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, tell me quickly, where is she? What have you done to her?" Shen Yumo yelled into the phone.

Mo Fei was not afraid of him at all, and was still smiling: "Yu Mo, calm down, I know you care about her very much, but I want to know how much you care about her? Don't worry, or you will get more anxious , she will die sooner."

Hearing what she said, Shen Yumo forced himself to calm down, suppressing a wave of anger and asked: "What exactly do you want? Also, I want to hear Ruoxi's voice first."

"Do you think this is acting on TV? Lan Ruoxi is in my hands, you can only choose to trust me, listen, I want you to return all the things of my Mo Group, and prepare for the transfer of your shares Shu, I want all your shares and all your property. Remember, don't call the police, otherwise what you see will be Lan Ruoxi's body. "

"Then you have to talk about a place, right? I have prepared something, where will I send it to you?"

"I'll let you know when the time comes!"

After speaking, Murphy hung up the phone.

Feng Qingyang immediately asked again: "What did she say?"

"She wants all my shares."

"then you……"

What else did Feng Qingyang want to ask, but Shen Yumo had already ignored him, and immediately called a legal consultant of the company to ask him to draft a transfer agreement.

"Are you really going to give her all your shares?" Feng Qingyang was taken aback by his unhesitating behavior.

"I can earn back how much money I lose, but Ruoxi only has one, I can't lose her!"

Feng Qingyang was speechless.

His lawyer drafted an agreement for him as quickly as possible and sent it to his home.

This is all his shares in Shen's Group. Without calculating how much it is, he signed it without hesitation, and then waited for Murphy to call.

During this period of time, Feng Qingyang has been thinking about a problem, "Yu Mo, I think we can't let Mo Fei go on like this, and call the police directly, so that everyone can live in peace!"

"Don't call the police! Ruoxi is still in her hands!"

He would rather choose to be 'blind' once, just for Ruoxi's safety.

Feng Qingyang didn't say anything more.

It took another four or ten minutes before Murphy finally called again.

He picked it up and said: "I've already prepared what you want, don't hurt Ruoxi, where are you now, I'll go right away!"

"You're really fast!" Murphy laughed again.

"Stop talking nonsense! Speak!"

Only then did Murphy say an address.

The three of them hurried out, and while walking towards the parking lot, Shen Yumo said, "A Yang, remember not to call the police!"

"I know!"

"Also, don't talk about it with the members of the Lan family or Sang Yu!"

"I see!"

"Then you go back first, I'll save Ruoxi!"

"Yu Mo, I'll go with you!" Mo Ran said.

"Do you think you still have the ability to persuade your sister to turn around?" Shen Yumo snorted coldly.

Now that he knew where Ruoxi was, he had calmed down a lot, and without wasting a second, he immediately started the car and drove away.

Feng Qingyang patted Mo Ran's shoulder sympathetically: "Brother, don't take it to heart, he's just worried about Ruoxi, he doesn't dare to try anything that would harm Ruoxi, he didn't mean to target you."

"If I don't even have this measure, I'm not a man anymore, and I'm just worried about Ruoxi." Mo Ran said with a wry smile.

"Then pray for them!"

After they finished speaking, they got into their own cars and parted ways.

So none of them noticed that there was a small fuchsia sports car parked beside it, with the windows rolled down, revealing Lianxin's delicate face.

Originally, she heard the news of Yu Mo's return and was going to look for him early in the morning, but she didn't expect to meet the three of them here.She was about to call him, but when she saw them hurrying, she didn't call, and she heard their conversation clearly.

She also wildly guessed in her mind, could it be that something happened to Ruoxi?
Was it something that Murphy woman did?

Listen to their conversation, it seems like this!
Seeing Yu Mo's car going away, she almost didn't think about it, and started the car to follow...

When Ruoxi woke up, it was in darkness.

It's cold underneath.

She moved her hands and feet, her hands were tied, but her feet were free.

She got up from the ground and groped cautiously in the darkness. When she finally reached the door, she heard a creak and a ray of dawn shone in.

Is it already a night?
She thought it was in the dark night, but her eyes were shaken suddenly, she closed them subconsciously, and when she opened them again, she saw that the door was opened, and a woman was standing in the twilight.

Although the family's defeat made her no longer the original her, she still had that fiery red color, who else could it be if it wasn't Murphy?

Ruoxi was stunned at first, but soon, the blood in her body turned cold, condensed coldly, and looked at this woman coldly.

"Why, I didn't expect that I could escape from the mental institution, did you?" Murphy walked in.

"Aren't you crazy?"

"Of course, I don't pretend to be crazy, how can I fool Mo Ran and An Qi? How can I escape Yu Mo's surveillance?"

Mo Fei smiled coldly, threw the food aside, and sat down on the bed.

In fact, it can't be called a bed, it's just built with a few bricks and a few planks, and a thin layer of bedding is spread on it.

Ruoxi observed the surrounding environment again, it seems to be an abandoned warehouse, but there are quilts and pillows on the bed, does anyone live here?

"What? It's hard to imagine that I would live in this kind of place?" Murphy sneered again.

"What exactly do you want to bring me here?" Ruoxi asked calmly.

"What do you say?"

Ruoxi groaned, thinking about Mo Fei's purpose. This woman never plays her cards out of the box. There must be some purpose for bringing herself here. As long as it is not to threaten Yu Mo and her family, she is not good. scared.

But now that she is here, she is not the main prosecutor, and she is not allowed to decide the matter. She raised her head and looked straight at Murphy: "This is the end of the matter, we have nothing to hide, say Well, what exactly do you want?"

"What do I want, don't you know?" Murphy asked back.

"I'm really sorry for you, Mo Fei. Back then, the three major families were neck and neck. Now that the Mo clan was defeated by you, and your parents were forced to cross the ocean, you still don't know how to repent? You still want Yu Mo? Proud as you , how could you want a man who doesn't love you?" Ruoxi's words were sharp, and she wasn't afraid of her at all.

She laughed loudly: "It's rare to see Miss Lan's strength, I think, you are not like this when you moaned under Yu Mo's body, right? Otherwise, how could he fall in love with you?"

"People like you don't understand love at all. When you fall in love with someone, no matter what the other person becomes, he will love you the same. On the contrary, if he doesn't love someone, no matter what you do, he won't love. Mo Fei, wake up, Yu Mo doesn't love you at all, the reason why he shows mercy to you is because you have a good brother, if you continue to be stubborn, no one will dare to say what Yu Mo can do." At this point, Ruoxi is no longer afraid of angering Mo Fei.

Mo Fei's hand that made instant noodles froze for a moment, then he forked down the fork fiercely, and faced Ruoxi viciously: "Stop showing a victorious attitude, Lan Ruoxi, think about it, you really Did you win? So many people died in your family, did you really win me?"

Ruoxi was speechless for a moment.

"Let me tell you, from the time I started planning all this, I don't expect him to love me anymore. My only belief is that what I can't get, I won't let you have, I want you to die You can’t be together. If you tell those things in court, I know you will collapse. My goal has been achieved. But I didn’t expect that he would hold a press conference to incite your fans. Saved you, but also let me suffer a crushing defeat, so ruthless, so ruthless!"

As Mo Fei said, he stood up suddenly, kicked the only chair in the warehouse to Ruoxi, picked up Ruoxi and let her sit on it, "Since I tied you here today, I won't If you plan to get out alive, you just sit here and watch Shen Yumo cry in front of me, anyway, I can't separate you, so it's better for the three of you to perish together."

(End of this chapter)

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