The Chief Designer of Doting Wife

Chapter 386 Designing a Single Wedding

Chapter 386 Designing a Lifetime Wedding (7)
Lu Chi frowned. "But the make-up artist is going to help the chief change his clothes."

"Hmm." "What?" General Lu nodded and remembered that the make-up artist was a man, he rushed in with a big yell, grabbed that make-up artist and threw him out the door, along with some dubious people.

"Sir?" Luo Qing hadn't figured out the situation yet, seeing him driving the make-up artist away, he looked back at General Lu behind him.

General Lu took a deep breath, calmed down and reached out to her calmly.

Luo Qing gently put his hand in his palm.

General Lu pulled her up, and personally helped her change into the grand wedding dress that was thrown on the bed just now.

For my daughter-in-law, of course, I can only put on this dress for her.

"Knock knock..."

Luo Qing had just put on her halter neck and backless wedding dress when there was a hasty knock on the door.

General Lu, who thought it was the make-up artist, was slightly unhappy, and he felt more force when he opened the door.

After thousands of rushes, a certain manager who finally arrived here couldn't help shaking when he saw the murderous look in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Seeing that it wasn't a makeup artist, General Lu softened his tone.

A regional manager in City A tremblingly stretched out his hand. "Hi Director Lu, this is a wedding present from Fu Fu Group."

Doubtfully glanced at a high-end paper bag in his hand, Lu Jiangrang walked away to invite him in.

As soon as a certain manager entered, the onlookers stretched their necks to see the bride, but General Lu slammed the door shut.

"Luo, Miss Luo." Scared by General Lu's closing sound, a certain manager couldn't complete his sentence. "This is a wedding gift from our Fufu Group. Please don't blame it, because some processes have delayed the time, so it was delivered in a hurry at this time."

Rich group?That is Wang Fu is rich.Luo Qing was curious, opened the paper bag with the hot silver logo, and took out blue brocade boxes.

Luo Qing, who probably guessed what Xiao was, opened them all anyway.

It is a set of diamond jewelry with a unique flower design. The thin part of the pendant is only as thick as a piece of paper. It can be seen that the craftsmanship is exquisite, and it is probably a unique jewelry.

"Is this what your chairman means?" Luo Qing frowned.This gift is too big.

A certain manager shook his head again and again. "It's Miss Luo, your membership card." Looking at her frowning, a certain manager who thought she didn't know continued to explain. "It's like this. All the honorable VIP membership cards given by the chairman himself can enjoy a set of accessories from Fufu Group when they get married. They are unique and unique."

that card?Luo Qing thought about it carefully, and then remembered that when he was promoted, he seemed to have given him some kind of card, and now he didn't know where he had thrown it.

"Well, I may not be able to find that card. You should take this thing back." It's so distressing, unique, and it can't be bought with money.

A certain manager waved his hand immediately. "Miss Luo, you don't need to sign for this card, because so far, Miss Luo, you are the first VIP card sent by the chairman."

"Ah?" Luo Qing was surprised and flattered.

"That's it."

"Thank you Mr. Wang for me." If you have time, invite him out for a meal and thank you in person.

"I will." "Miss Naluo, you two are busy, I'll go first, I wish you two grow old together." A certain regional manager said with a smile, and then retired and left.

After he left, Luo Qing stared blankly at the ornaments on the table, then turned to look at General Lu in a daze. "Sir, am I dreaming?"

Lu Jiang picked up the smallest box of earrings and helped her put them on. "You can kiss me to see if it's a dream."

"I can bite you." Luo Qing glared at him, then took his hand and bit him.

General Lu withdrew his hand and let her bite. "Has it been confirmed?"

Silent, warm, feeling?Then it is not a dream.Luo Qing shook his head and looked at the things in the brocade box. "That card is really valuable."

"He can get it for nothing?" Lu Jiang said indifferently and helped her put on the necklace.Fufu Group's stuff is really good, and it just so happened that he bought his stuff there too, but unfortunately, even the best ones are not unique, that stuff depends on fate, and now they sent a set, why doesn't he want it?
My daughter-in-law has to give her the best.

The two people in the room were still dawdling, the people outside couldn't wait, so they knocked on the door to tell them to hurry up, and finally even the second brother Lu Cheng's phone call came, and Lu and Luo hurried out to go to a certain place with them. Take wedding photos in the scenic area.

"You guys are really brides on the bridge, it's the first time." Lu Cheng, who was waiting in the jeep, couldn't help but tease when he saw that they were late.

Luo Qing blushed in embarrassment and apologized softly.

They are so good at procrastinating, it's already nine o'clock now, right?
Seeing that his younger siblings were uncomfortable, Lu Cheng sat up vigorously again, got out of the car, and wanted to bully her, but his wife pinched her thigh, so he had to sit back in the car honestly and smoothly. "Okay, it's getting late, let's all get in the car."

Hearing that it was time to go, Luo Qing heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately boarded another brand new jeep with the officer.

There is a car in front of the road, and the two cars in the middle are beautiful and handsome brides and grooms, followed by a large group of makeup artists, photographers, stylists, etc. There are five or six cars in total. On the street, people are watching.

But fortunately, the venues for their shooting were all booked and all the venues were cleared. Although Lu Jiang and Lu Cheng took wedding photos in a scenic spot on the same day, the scenic spot is so big that they can't finish it in a day, and each has its own Professional photographers, makeup artists, in short, people have double backups.

Who doesn't want their wedding photos to be extra special?How could it be possible to want to shoot the same as others?So these two couples, they just picked the same time.

Lu Cheng and Lu Jiang, they chose the South China Botanical Garden. Its predecessor was the Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Botany, National University of Central China. It was founded in 1929 by the famous botanist Academician Chen Huanyong. It is one of the four major botanical gardens of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.In 1954, it was changed under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became the South China Institute of Botany. In October 2003, it was renamed the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Covering an area of ​​333 hectares, it is the southern subtropical botanical garden with the longest history, the largest variety and the largest area in my country.It is known as the never-ending "Exhibition of Exotic Trees from All Nations" and is known as "Emerald in South China".

There are 6000 species of tropical and subtropical plants introduced in it. At the same time, in the past two years, a total of 99 scientific research projects have been won, with a new scientific research income of 2704 million yuan and a number of books and periodicals. study materials.

The South China Botanical Garden is open to the outside world, but it may be that there are plants in it, not many people like it, and most of them come here to see the scenery, so this place is not as lively as an amusement park or a zoo, only occasionally When students come here to gather and study, there are slightly more talents.

(End of this chapter)

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