Chapter 362
"Because we didn't meet the right person at the right time."

"Just because General Lu knew you a few years earlier than me?" Zhuang Xiao was not satisfied with this statement. "I really like you, it's love at first sight."

"It's not a question of who knew who first." Luo Qing smiled and shook his head, looking out the window and recalling, "I met him as early as 20 years ago." "Right time, wrong identity."

"Is that so? It seems that I am not only a few years late, but 20 years late." "Luo Qing, as a loser, can I hear the reason why I lost? And I lost so badly. "

Luo Qing looked away and looked at Zhuang Xiao opposite. "Why is it impossible?" He was his friend, and if he was willing to listen, of course he was willing to talk.

"Brother Xiong, that bitch is going to City A tomorrow, we can't turn back, right?" Across the road, a muscular man with a swollen face asked the smoking boss next to him.

Brother Xiong took a deep breath of the last cigarette, pressed the cigarette butt to the ground hard, and looked fiercely at the woman who was smiling happily behind the glass.

"Of course it's impossible. She finally got an order today, how can I let her go for a walk?" "Just in case, go and recruit more people."

"Hey." The muscular man left, and another person said worriedly. "Brother Xiong, the person opposite that girl seems to be the president of DJ. The dealer used to be a well-known gangster boss. Should we wait?"

"Wait? Wait until the ducks fly away, and the elder brother will not take revenge? The young master is still squatting in prison."


"Don't be but, who told you to touch the dealer's people? The rule in the road is that you will not offend me, and I will not offend you. We will leave after kidnapping, and return to the lair after we have avenged the elder brother. What will the dealer do with us then? ?”

"Yes, Brother Xiong said yes."

Brother Xiong had a sullen expression on his face, even after hearing the compliments from his subordinates, he didn't get better, until the muscular man who had gone back and forth appeared and told everyone that they were all here, he got up and looked at the dozen or so people standing behind him.

These people all look like you owe me 500 million, and their ferocious faces make people feel that they are not kind, especially when they all hold newspapers in their hands.

The newspaper was opened and folded in half, and it was more than half a meter long. Looking at the weight they carried, it was obvious that it was not an ordinary newspaper.

"Brothers, it's up to the sky to see if Big Brother can take revenge." Brother Xiong watched them lecture and said a lot of moving words, leaving them with only one thought, and that was to avenge Big Brother!

The place where they were located was under a quite high-end coffee shop, there were not many pedestrians, even if there were a few who walked over there, seeing their posture, they all avoided it.

After finishing speaking, Luo Qing had no intention of seeing this scene, thinking which gang of older children was going to gather a crowd to make trouble.

" that's how it is." After hearing this story, Zhuang Xiao felt lost and speechless. "Luo Qing, come, let me toast you, I wish you and General Lu a happy life together." It is immoral to destroy other people's happiness, and they will get married soon. As the president of the law firm, he knows his own How to do it is the best result.

Luo Qing smiled with narrowed eyes, clinked glasses with him, and took a sip of the wine.

At the same time, more than a dozen thugs on the street approached them aggressively, crossed the wide road, and threw newspapers one after another when they reached the gate of the restaurant, revealing a pair of machetes and rushing in quickly under the screams of the crowd.

Luo Qing, who hadn't put down his wine glass, felt movement behind him, and before turning his head, he heard Zhuang Xiao yelling to be careful, and immediately dodged to avoid a big knife cut from the left.

Seeing the gleaming knife, Luo Qing reacted, jumped up and smashed the wine glass, took the sharp leg of the glass and stabbed it into the neck of the attacker.

The man couldn't move on the spot, and couldn't help twitching.

Seeing the cruel state of their companions, more than a dozen people were furious. They took a [-]cm long machete and slashed at Luo Qing, completely forgetting that they were here to kidnap people, not to kill them.

Their knives are not fun, Luo Qing and Zhuang Xiao can only retreat.

Suddenly the whole restaurant turned upside down, the diners ran for their lives screaming, and some called the police.

Luo Qing didn't dare to resist with bare hands. When he knocked down the table and fell, he saw the machete slashing towards him with the sound of wind, so he immediately picked up the European-style iron chair at hand and smacked it, knocked out the knife in his hand, and quickly gave it to him. Twice.

These people are here to kill themselves, if they are not cruel to them, they are cruel to themselves.

The ruthless Luo Qing took the chair and beat him down again, and slowly approached the scattered Zhuang Xiao.

"Luo Qing, let's go!" Zhuang Xiao thought at first that these people were thugs brought by someone else, but when he saw that brother Xiong, he knew something was wrong, and immediately yelled at Luo Qing, who was already approaching him, to run first.

Although the banker has been whitewashing for a long time, and he himself has never participated in it, but the underworld circle is so big, and occasionally he will hear the old man mention it, have seen some photos and things, and this brother Xiong is No. [-] in the city A Characters are notorious for not dying.

"Together!" Luo Qing kicked off the table next to him, knocked another person who rushed up to the ground, and fought back with Zhuang Xiao.

Look at the thugs who are about to run, chase them, block them, surround them and pounce on them.

Luo Qing and Zhuang Xiao struggled to block, gradually, Zhuang Xiao found that they seldom cut themselves, and most of these knives fell on Luo Qing.

Luo Qing, who was under siege, could only care about the top, but not the bottom. When the knife came from the front, Luo Qing opened his eyes wide and had no time to block it.

"Be careful." Zhuang Xiao quickly pulled her over, and when he turned around, the knife grazed his arm.

Fortunately, it was just a bump, otherwise the bone would have been broken.But even if it was just a rub, a big cut was made, and the blood flowed instantly.

Seeing the rushing blood, Luo Qing's fingers felt cold and her heart trembled. Until now, she still couldn't believe that someone dared to hurt someone with a knife in broad daylight.

But for these thugs, it's like a hungry vampire seeing blood, getting more excited and excited, all of them are like beating chicken blood.

When they rushed up again, Luo Qing pulled the injured Zhuang Xiao behind, picked up the iron chair in his hand and swung it violently. When he swung them away, he smacked the chair on the face of the thug closest to him, and threw his fist again. Down two, see Zhuang Xiao when they are free, and run outside.

The two ran wildly out of the restaurant all the way, running desperately, not daring to look behind.

Those thugs behind seemed to be confused by something, and they didn't catch up immediately.

When Brother Xiong saw the sniper, he had expected that there were bodyguards around this girl, so he immediately waved a few people to deal with them, and let others chase after them.

Being dragged by her to run, Zhuang Xiao felt as if he was about to fly. He had never seen a person who could run so fast.

(End of this chapter)

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