The Chief Designer of Doting Wife

Chapter 215 The Brain-Dead Customer

Chapter 215 The Brain-Dead Customer (1)
"No way, Director Luo came back from overseas, and he must have more knowledge than I do. How dare I play a big knife in front of you." Xiao Can said with a smile, turned the computer [-] degrees, and plugged in her USB flash drive.

Luo Qing's smile remained undiminished, and she flirted with her for a while, and the two of them pursued each other for a while before they got to the point.

"Well, Director Luo's idea is really unique. You combined the ancient and the modern in this way, which is perfect." After watching for a while, Xiao Can praised her after she finished explaining. "I basically have no opinion, but I think this place can be modified in the end."

"I also thought it was inappropriate at the time, but I couldn't figure it out. I don't know if Director Xiao has any ideas?"

Xiao Can chuckled, implying that some things had nothing to do with him. "You don't even know Director Luo, and I don't even know."

"Is that so? Then I'll think about it when I go back. After I'm done, I'll send them to Director Xiao." Luo Qing nodded, picked up his things and got up to leave.

"Director Luo, don't worry, good things take time to make." Xiao Can sent her to the door, speaking in the tone of someone who has been here.

She spent three days thinking about this task when she went back at night. She didn't just make it up for business, but she really didn't finish the last point. "Well, thank Director Xiao for teaching me, I will remember it."

I hope you can remember well.Looking at her back, Xiao Can's smile gradually disappeared from his lips.

The subsequent revisions were even more difficult than the early ones. Luo Qing not only changed the ending, but also changed the areas that he picked out to be faulty.

When the manuscript was formally discussed at the meeting, most of the people passed it, and it was handed over to Xiao Can to start production, it was already a week.During Xiao Can's production, except for Luo Qing who would go up to follow up in the early stage, he didn't go up to watch later.

Xiao Can is a better designer than herself, she has no right to tell her what to do, she just needs to make sure that what she makes corresponds to her plan, and she doesn't really have the intention of stealing from her teacher.

"You haven't been in the mood recently, what happened?" On this day, Lu Jiang sent her home as usual, looking at the restless Luo Qing and asked worriedly.

Luo Qing shook his head and opened the door to get out of the car.

Lu Jiang grabbed her and put her in his arms. "Let's talk about anything, at least I won't be your opponent or enemy."

It's a hot day now, Luo Qing thinks it's too hot, so she breaks out of his feverish embrace. "I just think Xiao Can is a little abnormal."

"She's a good designer and manager, maybe she's not as difficult as you think."

Luo Qing grinned. "Maybe I'm difficult to get along with." "It's so hot, I'll go back first."

Difficult indeed.Lu Jiang looked at her flying long hair and sighed.From the time she was 20 until now, he still hasn't been able to get along well with her.Luo Qing has been worrying about rectification for the past few days, even the young master at home is rarely hugged, and now for her, waiting for a day is a torment.

It has been more than half a month now, and there is not much time until the fifth anniversary, but Xiao Can has no news at all. She sometimes mentions it from the side, and she also mentions it in a good way. It takes time.

But after careful calculation of this task, she is responsible for it, and if there is nothing to come out by then, she will still have to bear this responsibility.

But her torment didn't last long. Two weeks before the fifth anniversary, Xiao Can said that she had already done it, which made Luo Qing feel relieved, thinking that she really was narrow-minded.

So the management held another meeting to watch her design masterpiece together.

There is a projector in the meeting room on the 35th floor. Zhao Yue put Xiao Can's things into the computer, and within a minute a picture appeared on the projection cloth.

The conference room is very large, so the projector is very large so that the people at the back can see it clearly, and the picture is even more shocking.

Xiao Can is worthy of being the design director of the 32nd floor. He has nothing to say about what he has done.Luo Qing is the one on the silent side.

how come?Luo Qing stared blankly at the design drawing on the projection cloth.

No, it shouldn't be like this.

After the picture was shown once, Xiao Can went up to explain with the remote control pen.

"My design idea may be a bit different from Director Luo's. Here I explain that Director Luo is inheriting the company's philosophy and combining fashion, but when I did it later, I felt that since we are doing avant-garde design, we should not stick to the company name. In terms of design, we should innovate and imagine boldly, so that customers can understand us better, and instill in them that we are designers with ideas, novelty and talent." Xiao Can said, looking at General Lu who was at the front . "In this way, we can be more in the same industry, charge higher fees, and be unique."

"Papa..." As soon as Xiao Can finished speaking, the people in the management burst into applause.

Luo Qing could only applaud accordingly.What she said just now is correct. As a designer, one must abandon the restraint, boldly innovate and innovate again, instead of sticking to the past or small details.

General Lu looked at the design drawing and didn't speak, and waited for the applause to subside for a while before opening his mouth.

Zhou Yan looked at it noncommittally.

Yi Shui touched his chin and didn't speak, it was hard to express his opinion.

Xiao Can's wonderful speech and her blueprints were convincing enough, and Luo Qing couldn't find a reason to refute.But she made such a decision on her own without asking her. She obviously didn't pay attention to her, and she used her planning words to create her own style and philosophy, which is equivalent to being in front of them, the management. Man, slapped himself.

"Director Lu, what do you think?" After Xiao Can finished speaking, he looked directly at General Lu who was only a few steps away from him.Give her some more time, she will definitely prove her ability, stand in front of him more confidently and proudly, and make herself qualified enough to stand beside him.

General Lu turned his chair and looked at the management below. "what do y'all think?"

"I think Director Xiao is right. Since it is a rectification, it should give people unexpected changes. Moreover, among our peers, the design fee charged is indeed much higher than that of other companies, and we should show our uniqueness. , let customers use our design products, feel that it is fashionable and high-end, low-key and luxurious."

"I think so too. Director Luo's proposal is very good, but since Director Xiao has made such a great design work, why not use this? It's almost the anniversary, and it's too late to make changes."

There was a lot of approval from below, but there was no need to guess anymore. Under the time limit, and Xiao Can had already made such a perfect design draft, Luo Qing was slapped hard by Xiao Can.

"Then I'll use Director Xiao's." General Lu announced flatly, glancing at Luo Qing, who was crumpled all over.

Hearing General Lu's words, Xiao Can raised his chin even higher, looked at Luo Qing and said apologetically with a smile: "Director Luo, I'm really sorry I didn't inform you in advance. But I think your previous words are not suitable for me. Design drawing, can you please take a moment to modify it?"

(End of this chapter)

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