The Chief Designer of Doting Wife

Chapter 173 The Master of the Castle

Chapter 173 The Master of the Castle (2)
Since she has been a designer for so long, she has always hated clients modifying her design drafts, so Luo Qing was very angry when she said this.Each piece of work is like one's own child, from scratch, and finally handed over to the client. Under the aesthetic view of the client, he wants to change the work that he thinks he is very satisfied with beyond recognition, and finally blame the designer for something wrong.It is precisely because of this that Qin Han has already made a verbal rule that the original copy cannot be given to the client, only revisions are accepted.

It's also my fault that she didn't hand over this well at the beginning, but she thought that such a basic matter didn't need her to remind.

"Mr. Luo, I know I was wrong, and I will take this responsibility." Rong Wei spoke after a while.

Hearing that he admitted his mistakes with a good attitude, and that he didn't explain himself, Luo Qing's anger was mostly relieved. "There is no responsibility or not. I just called the client and they agreed to pay for the printing again. I will write this down for now, and I will talk about it when I go back."

After all, Luo Qing was protecting his weaknesses.Write down this matter for the time being, but if she doesn't report it, she suppresses it. When she goes back a few months later, who will remember this matter?

After talking to him a few words, Luo Qing went back to the bedroom and chatted with Xia Ze a few more words, then turned off the computer and went to sleep.

"Sister, I've started to worship you." As soon as she went to bed, Luo Rui, who had been eavesdropping just now, leaned over and looked at Luo Qing with a smile.Just now the chief was so handsome, he settled the matter with threats and lures, and then convinced his subordinates with righteous words, it was hard not to admire him.

Luo Qing rolled her eyes. "Don't worship sister, sister is just a legend."

"No way, my sister is in front of me now." Luo Rui touched her round belly and smiled even sweeter. "And my nephew." It doesn't matter who the child is, as long as it is born by my sister, as long as his body is bleeding from the Luo family.

At that time, she was ignorant and blamed her sister for not being able to save her father. Later, what she hated even more was that the family was deserted. Now there will be another member of the Luo family, which can be regarded as making up for the vacancy of father. She and her sister also have an unborn nephew. There are three people again.

"Maybe it's my niece." Luo Qing said lightly.

"That's the same." Lori turned to look at the ceiling.If it's a girl, you have to treat her better so that those things don't happen again.

Well, same.Luo Qing yawned and went to sleep.

After that incident, Dongfeng would bring vegetables back every night, or often drive his sister-in-law to the city.

After reading the news, Dongfeng, who knew about his sister-in-law's heroic deeds, was frightened. He hesitated for a while whether to tell the fourth young master about it, but in the end he compromised again because of that genius.He didn't want to hire a bodyguard for his sister-in-law, so he could only do the grocery shopping.

In the early morning, the grass is still covered with crystal clear dew, and the sun shines through the dense maple leaves, making it a bit dreamy.

A piece of red maple whirled, fluttered and fell, and finally landed on Luo Qing's book.

Luo Qing turned his attention away from the text and picked up Hongfeng.Canada is the country of maple leaves. The front and back of this old castle are very empty, but this red maple is big and thick, probably more than ten years old.

Newton was sucked by an apple and discovered gravity.The maple leaf that fell on my book could be considered fate.Luo Qing smiled, clipped it to the front page, closed the book and walked towards the castle.

"Boss, it's time for us to go in." The Rolls Royce was parked in the yard, shining like wax, and a person standing by the car door respectfully reminded the man in front of him.

Hearing what the driver said, the man withdrew his gaze and got out of the car, but instead of going in, he looked at the woman who was walking with her back.

Luo Qing, who was approaching, looked suspiciously at the car from a distance, and then looked at the man in the yard.Rolls-Royce has a saying that overshadows its advertising slogan, that is: the price is too high, and the brand is so powerful.And this phantom, the price is more than 600 million to 1000 million!

Luo Qing looked at the car and wanted to say: Tuhao, let's be friends.

"Hello." Approaching, Luo Qing looked away from the car, looked at the owner of the car, and said hello in a friendly and restrained manner.

The man is so tall. To Luo Qing, who is more than 1.6 meters tall, he is like a giant. A rough estimate is [-] to [-]. This has to lament the height advantage of foreign countries again.His deep blue eyes and high nose make his facial features very three-dimensional, and his moderately thick lips are closed, giving people the illusion that he rarely speaks.

Looking at this handsome man who is as skillful as a god, Luo Qing responds to all changes with the same attitude.This person is unknown, his status is expensive, he must be some important person, she can't afford to offend him.

"Hello." The man stretched out his hand, with proper etiquette and tone.

Luo Qing shook hands with him in fear. "Excuse me, are you..."

"My name is Joss, and I am the owner of this castle." Joss Kreti said in a friendly manner.

Luo Qing was about to speak, but his words were snatched away by him.

"Ms. Luo, please."

Uh... Knowing my name, it should be Dongfeng who said it?Luo Qing glanced at the driver who was standing upright with an expressionless face that had nothing to do with me, and went in with a numb scalp.Ah, Dongfeng didn't say that the owner of the castle is coming back at this time, why the hell is he not at home.

Taking a peek at Joss, who exudes aristocratic aura everywhere, Luo Qing was so worried that he could pinch mosquitoes to death between his brows.

"Mr. Cretti, sit down first, and I'll make tea for you." A rude person like her is most afraid of these etiquettes.Looking at the landlord who looked like a royal son, Luo Qing decided to run away, but was caught by him.

Luo Qing was puzzled, could he not understand the English she spoke?

Joss looked at her for a moment, then turned to the driver behind. "Tom, now you go and bring your luggage up, I want to live here."

"Yes, boss." Tom bowed his head and responded, changing from the address of young master a few days ago to boss.

After talking with the driver, Joss looked at the puzzled Luo Qing. "You are pregnant, and these rough things will be handed over to the servants."

The important thing is that there are no servants.Luo Qing frowned, didn't speak, just pulled out her hand.Now that he is the oldest, he can do whatever he says, so she still calls Dongfeng.

However, when Luo Qing came back from the phone call, he saw that there were many people in the hall. The servants in maid uniforms were busy serving tea and water for Joss. Everything was in order, and Joss just sat there, like the king here.

Luo Qing held the phone in a daze, watching Joss, who went upstairs and changed into home clothes shortly after Tom loaded the luggage, and secretly clicked his tongue.If he didn't do well somewhere, would he just clean himself up?In the end, he said rampantly: I am the law here.

"I heard that you are here to wait for the delivery." Joss, who had changed into black home clothes, said affirmatively when he walked past Luo Qing. "Come and sit, you are Dongfeng's friend and my friend."

Are you really friends with a local tyrant?Luo Qing raised her eyebrows and sat opposite him stiffly. "Why didn't Mr. Cretti call when he came back today? I'll let Dongfeng pick you up."

(End of this chapter)

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