The Chief Designer of Doting Wife

Chapter 146 Competition

Chapter 146 Competition (3)
"Then I'll thank you on behalf of the old man." Parking downstairs in the community, General Lu looked at her and smiled inexplicably.In this way, there will be an aboveboard reason to enter and exit here.

Looking at the shallow dimples on his face, Luo Qing didn't notice how shocked the officer was when he smiled, but an inexplicable panic of being calculated.

Are you really busy?How can the chief need to calculate himself?Luo Qing went back to her room and went to bed early.Fortunately, tomorrow is Saturday, so I may have a good rest for two days...

Early the next morning, Luo Qing was still rolling on the bed, enjoying the leisure time in the morning, when he heard the doorbell, he had no choice but to put on his slippers to open the door.

"Director Lu, it's so early?" It's only after seven o'clock, right?Well, she admitted that she became lazy, if she used to get up early.

General Lu hummed, and the fifth young master broke free from the rope and ran in.

"This is something Wu Shao has. He has already had breakfast." Lu Jiang gave Luo Qing a bag of things, telling her that Wu Shao had some habits and had no intention of going in.

Luo Qing took the things and blinked her eyes. "Won't Director Lu come in and sit down?"

"No, I have something else to do." After looking at Fifth Young Master who turned to look at him, General Lu left after speaking.

"Woof..." Seeing that the master was about to leave, Wu Shao yelled and rushed out, but Luo Qing stopped him and grabbed the collar around his neck.

As for the dog who was thinking about it, General Lu just took a look at it and pressed the elevator.

"Aww..." The master disappeared, and the five young masters wailed and lay on the ground.

Luo Qing tapped its head. "Aww, you're not a wolf, get up." Pushing it inside the door, Luo Qing closed the door with a "touch" and started her journey of raising a dog.

So she spent her wonderful weekend with Fifth Young Master, but it also enhanced her relationship with him, which was a major gain.

A few days later, Luo Qing met Chuzhou who was coming to work at the door, greeted him friendly, and walked into his office area.

"Morning, deputy group." The neat greetings from the members of the eighth city made Luo Qing feel a little strange.

"Leader inspection?"


"I look fierce?"


why?Luo Qing frowned, looking at a group of comrades who shared weal and woe with him, wondering why they suddenly became so behaved.

Xia Ze leaned on the office partition and looked in the direction of Chuzhou. "Deputy regiment, come on!"

Luo Qing: ...

"Must be Director Chu!"

"Deputy regiment, leave us alone, as long as you go up, we will be honored."

Hearing this, Luo Qing knew what they were talking about. "There is no shadow, don't think about these things."

That's what he said, but Luo Qing was still vaguely looking forward to it.If you can get promoted, it means getting rich!

However, this matter was very subtle in Qin and Han Dynasties. On the surface, no one said anything about it, but the atmosphere was like that in a martial arts novel, with swords drawn and bows drawn, dignified, making people tremble at work, fearing that the HR department would be airborne to notify them, which caught them off guard.

But now that Su Yang has left, the position of director on the 31st floor has been vacant for several days, and the decision makers seem to have no intention of transferring orders immediately. Even Su Yang's original subordinates have been gradually incorporated into other departments of the planning department, and some have not been incorporated. then work normally.

In short, this meant that there was a vacancy for the director's department, and this move aroused suspicion among others.Could it be that the BOSS wants to make a big change?Adding a whole new department?

Impossible, this department has a clear hierarchy and divisions, and it is impossible for the chief to break the original policy if the competition is to be made stricter.Luo Qing didn't bother to guess what the upper management meant, so she went back to take care of the fifth young master after get off work, but she kept her ears to the outside world and let those designers who wanted to be promoted to the management and performed well think about it.

To use Luo Qing's words, it is: Is it easy for us to understand the thoughts of decision makers?One of us doesn't have such a brain, and the second officer doesn't act according to common sense, trying to figure it out?Go dreaming.

"5000 years ago..." A heavy voice came from the TV with very good sound effects. Luo Qing, who was bored watching TV with the fifth young master, was shocked when he heard the voice, his pores were angrily opened, and his hairs stood on end.

On the station that was just switched to, there was the public service advertisement that Luo Qing was in charge of, the slowly fading ink, and the sage note that witnessed the thousand-year history, all of which stimulated people's pores.

"It's showing so soon..." Luo Qing was a little shocked, after watching the ad that lasted exactly 5 minutes, he went back to his room and turned on his computer.

She had been waiting for Wang Yong's result, but the result was delayed. She thought that something was wrong, but she didn't expect it to be released now.To be honest, Luo Qing is very excited now, and the sense of accomplishment is beyond words.

If Wang Fu's case propelled her to the heights of print design, the TV release will be another pinnacle for her.Design works on paper can only be seen by one person, but on TV, many times more people can watch them.

Now is not the time to be happy.Enter a few keywords with trembling hands, and successfully find news and comments about this advertisement.

Whether it will be successful or not, and whether Wang Yong will be promoted, all depends on the market reaction.Luo Qing read the comments under the advertisement one by one.

So-and-so Jun A: Fuck, finally a GY movie that you can watch.

Mr. B: Agree with the one above, those brain-damaged people in the past have lowered our IQ after seeing it.

A certain Jun C: Hey, you two upstairs are enough, you are so stupid, at least my baby likes it, giggles watching those cartoons.

Mr. B: How old is your baby?

Mr. C: Three years old...

Mr. AB: Fuck me!
Excluding these tourists who spoke a little extreme, Luo Qing also saw some comments with more watery comments.

Female A: Look at the producer behind, Yi Shui is involved, it's Yi Shui!
Female B: Ah, I saw it too. Yishui’s soda advertisement last year was so popular, and the effect was amazing. It’s not surprising that Qin Han’s advertisement this time has him participate in it, so it can achieve such results.

A certain woman C: Heart, oh, when will Mr. Yi Shui show up and let us be wretched for a while, please take a photo of Yi Shui!

A certain woman A/B: Go, Yishui is something you can get your hands on, get the hell out of here, shit!

Luo Qing: ...

Uh, people on the internet seem to be... a little casual.Seeing them saying fuck and shit, Luo Qing wiped off his sweat and continued to watch.

Judging from the evaluations on the Internet, the overall situation is still good. Now it depends on whether the people from the government are satisfied and the degree of ethics of the people behind it.

But these are beyond Luo Qing's control, and there is no need to worry about them.

"Luo Qing." Yi Shui made a special trip down to block people, and when he saw Luo Qing coming out of the tea room, he stretched out his hand to the edge of the door, blocking her way.

Luo Qing was not in a hurry to go in, and took a sip leisurely while holding the cup. "Director Yi, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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