Chapter 152 Burning the granary.

The cliff in front of me is like a chisel and an axe. The whole cliff is almost at a right angle of ninety degrees, and there is only a slight inclination.

The only places on the entire cliff where you can stay are some uneven stone walls and some tenacious vines growing on the cliff.

"Damn it, who can climb this cliff?" Lu Zhishen said cursingly while standing at the bottom of the cliff.

Yan Qing reached out and tugged at the vines hanging on the cliff, then turned her head and said, "It's still strong, let me try."

After all, Yan Qing dragged the vines and climbed up to the top of the cliff.After climbing more than ten feet, Yan Qing slid down the vine like an ape.

"The vines are strong enough, and I can barely fall off the cliff. However, judging from the current physical exertion, I may only be able to climb to half the height at most, and my physical strength has already been exhausted!" Yan Qing said to everyone. Said.

On such a cliff, the price of physical exhaustion is undoubtedly life.

There really isn't any difference between climbing halfway to a cliff and not being able to climb it.

The height of the cliff in front of him is much higher than the height of Shanziying's usual rock climbing training.This seems to have exceeded the limit that human beings can climb.

"Let me do it!"

"I will go up with the rope, and then throw the rope down. You tie the hanging basket below, and I will pull the brothers up!" Wu Song said in a deep voice.

In the entire Shanzi camp, Wu Song is the most powerful when it comes to rock climbing, followed by Yan Qing.

In fact, Yan Qing is more flexible than Wu Song.However, Wu Song's physical strength and endurance are much stronger than Yan Qing's.

Therefore, if Yan Qing couldn't climb this cliff, then only Wu Song had the possibility.

"Brother Wu Song, do you want to try?" Lu Junyi said from the side.

You know, this cliff is hundreds of feet high, and Wu Song is about to go up without trying. If he can't go up, it will be troublesome.

Wu Song looked at the cliff so high that its top could not be seen, and said in a deep voice: "Whether the Xiongnu royal court can be taken down depends on whether our army can be effective."

"Today, those who go up can go up, and those who don't go up also have to go up!"

After saying this, Wu Song picked up the ropes prepared in advance, carried them on his back, and began to climb up the rock with his bare hands.

Although there are many rock climbing masters now, they can climb hundreds of meters to thousands of meters of cliffs.

However, you must know that they have all kinds of professional rock climbing equipment to challenge this height.Now, Wu Song is a real free-handed rock climber.

Where Wu Song is so great is where he is so great. He doesn't even know where his limit is.

Especially after drinking, Wu Song can be said to have unlimited potential after drinking.

After climbing about two-thirds of the distance, Wu Song felt a little tired.At this time, Wu Song looked for a foothold, then firmly kicked on the raised rock, and grabbed the vine with one hand.

The other hand touched his waist.A skin pouch hung from Wu Song's waist, and what was contained in this pouch was not water, but spirits.

"Google, gurgle.

Wu Song grabbed the wine bag, and after taking a few mouthfuls of strong wine, he immediately felt full of strength all over his body.

At this time, I saw Wu Song using both hands and feet, quickly climbing towards the top of the cliff, this speed was a bit faster than at the beginning.

under the cliff.

The brothers of Shanziying were looking up at the cliff, for fear that Wu Song would accidentally fall off the cliff.

As Wu Song climbed higher and higher, the vines became denser as he went up, and it was gradually difficult to distinguish Wu Song's figure.

"I don't know, did Brother Wu Song go up there!" Lu Zhishen said worriedly.

Among them, Wu Song and Lu Zhishen are monks and Toutuo, so the relationship between them is naturally the best.

"Brother Lu, as long as nothing falls, it means Brother Wu is fine!" Yan Qing said to Lu Zhishen.

Lu Zhi thought deeply, what Yan Qing said made sense.As long as Wu Song didn't fall off the cliff, he must have gone up.

However, as soon as Yan Qing finished speaking, he saw a black mass falling from above the cliff.

"Oh my god!"

"Brother Wu Song from the Sa family!" Lu Zhishen cried.

"Stop howling, it's the rope!" Lu Junyi said with a dark face.

During the time of speaking, the black thing has fallen, and it is the rope that Wu Song brought up.

"Rope, what a rope!"

"Brother Wu Song is fine, I'm going up, I'm going up!" Lu Zhishen shouted excitedly.

"Quickly, tie up the hanging basket." Lu Junyi ordered.

Soon, the people around him tied the basket to the rope.The hanging basket was just finished, Lu Zhishen was the first to run into the hanging basket.

Lu Zhishen was a big man, once he squatted into the hanging basket, the hanging basket was packed to the brim.

"Lu Zhishen, come out!"

"You are so big. Brother Wu Song has just climbed up, and his physical strength must be very exhausting. You will be on top later, go up with a smaller one first!" Lu Junyi said with a black face.

Lu Zhi thought deeply, what Lu Junyi said was also reasonable, so he reluctantly got out of the hanging basket.

"I'll go!"

"After I go up, I can help Brother Wu Song." Yan Qing said, and got into the hanging basket.

Yan Qing has a small head, and the weight and height of a normal adult man is at least half lighter than that of Lu Zhishen.

Not long after, the hanging basket began to rise slowly. At this moment, Wu Song on the top was drinking vigorously, and at a time when his potential was unlimited, it would naturally not take much effort to pull Yan Qing up.

Not long after, Yan Qing was pulled to the top of the cliff by Wu Song.After Yan Qing came up, he helped Wu Song and the two began to pull people up the cliff.

Soon, as more and more people went up to the top of the cliff.At the same time, there are naturally more and more hanging baskets that start to pull people up.

The brother who got to the top of the cliff threw the new rope down and began to pull the brother from the bottom of the cliff up.As more and more brothers climbed to the top of the cliff, it was as if ants were moving on the cliff.

After about two or three hours, all the brothers in the Shanzi Camp went up to the cliff.

At this time, it was the early morning hours.

Standing on the top of the cliff and looking into the distance, you can see the outline of the Huns' court from a distance.At this time, they were not far from the court of the Huns.

"Everyone repair in situ, act at midnight!"

"Brother Lin Chong, grab some tongues!" Lu Junyi ordered Lin Chong.

Their task was to set fire to the Xiongnu's granaries, causing riots in the Huns' royal court.However, they didn't know where the granary was located in the court of the Huns.

But fortunately, the court of the Huns is now a mixed bag, and it is not difficult to catch a few tongues.

(End of this chapter)

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