first class maid

Chapter 797 Who is planning who

Chapter 797 Who is planning who (2)
"It's your Yelu family who want to go. In the past, you all competed for places with good water and grass. Now that the country is in trouble, shouldn't you make more efforts? Could it be that you are holding back now..."

"Okay, you said that I took the place with good water and grass? What about the places with minerals? Why don't you tell me how much profit you have made in the hands of the Chinese people by relying on this mine? Who doesn't know about your family? The weapons of the Xun family are the best, what kind of weapons are used by the Xun family army? How can our rags and rags be able to defeat others? I will not retreat? I think you are deliberately avoiding battles to preserve your strength, and your purpose is ulterior motives..."

"The Tong family..."


Fang Jin couldn't help but stare dumbfounded. This is the status quo of Hu's high-level executives at this critical moment. There are endless swear words, and he didn't see that the old Shanyu's face was getting worse and worse. Who is qualified to inherit the position of Shan Yu?Blatantly ignoring the prairie king who hadn't died of old age.

Huyanbo's blue eyes were full of disappointment, how could such a group of people expect them to protect the royal court, and the two who fought the most fiercely did not say a word, and then shouted loudly: "What's your arguing?" Shan Yu is not dead yet, and now the Hua people have broken through several of our defense lines, maybe they will be able to kill the king's court tomorrow, but you are here to quarrel endlessly over that petty profit, and the foundation of your ancestors may be lost here In your hands." His eyes were full of accusations, and he looked at the group of people who calmed down and looked at him.

When the two clans who quarreled the most heard this voice, their breaths darkened, and their faces were slightly embarrassed, but seeing that the one who taught them was Hu Yanbo whose bloodline was questioned, they immediately turned stern and stared at the young man , and someone even snorted slightly, "When is it your turn to speak here? What kind of thing are you?"

Hu Yanbo's face was flushed red, this was what he heard the most in the royal court, and he tried to restrain his dissatisfaction, "Even if I am not a thing, I know that when the country is in danger, we should put down the past grudges and work together to repel the Hua Kingdom. The soldiers are right, but you are doing the opposite. What effective strategy have you come up with during these days when you are huddled in the royal court? There is nothing, just watch our people being killed by the Chinese people, and the tents are burned , cattle, sheep and other property were robbed, and the land rich in water and grass became someone else's land, how can your current behavior be worthy of being called the Eight Great Tribes?"

The rhetorical question made the group of people speechless. How could they not know that the current situation is critical?But thinking that the benefits are being taken by others, I have long been unwilling to do so. It just so happens that this time I can use the problem to make use of it, so everyone doesn't want to express their opinions easily, and they only want to get more benefits.

But Hu Yanbo's words made them think deeply, and they couldn't help but feel ashamed. Those who wanted to call him a bastard swallowed their curses when they saw his serious face...

Fang Jin knew right away that Hu Yanbo was trying to integrate these people who are now in disarray. If he succeeded, Fang Jin would not only make wedding dresses for others, but also cause her own death here. Absolutely not, now even Hu Yanzan and An Huyan dare not talk nonsense. In the face of national righteousness, no one dares to show their innocence.

"It's a big talk, but it's an affair with the Yan family behind the scenes..." This is what she whispered in Old Shanyu's ear while pinching her nose. She approached him quietly just for this moment. It's ridiculous that No one could prevent her from harming the old man. If she pulled out her dagger and killed the old man now, no one would be able to stop her, but she knew that she could not be buried with the old man. Once he died, she would be finished too.

It's just that the young wife and beloved son didn't care about him, how pitiful, she looked at Old Shanyu with sympathy in her eyes, at this moment the old man couldn't care less about who was by his side, He just looked at Hu Yanbo angrily, and wanted to wait for him to take over everything after his death, which was a bad idea, and now he deeply loathes this son in his heart.

The golden scepter in his hand immediately flew towards Hu Yanbo, it was not powerful, but it successfully stopped Hu Yanbo's plan to let the eight major tribes open their hearts to fight against the enemy.

Being hit by the sudden golden battle of power, Hu Yanbo immediately turned his attention to the face of Lao Shanyu who wanted to eat him alive. How could his father listen to other people's words at this juncture, "Father, what's wrong with your son?" His hands were clenched into fists, and he looked at the old father with restraint.

"You..." Lao Shanyu wanted to accuse him of seducing his stepmother, but thinking that it would hurt his reputation, he turned his cold, muddy eyes on the group of dazed people, including his young wife and beloved son, and said angrily: "You all think I'm dead? Huh? Are you ashamed to be shocked by the words of a lowly thing? He is really worried about the safety of the royal court, and he will argue with his brother tonight because of a female slave? Sinister beast , You are not wrong..." The more angry he was, the half of his body became rigid, and his face twisted.

Hu Yanzan was moved by Hu Yanbo's words for a moment, but now that his father interrupted him, his rationality quickly returned, and his selfish and cold personality took the upper hand again. Seeing his father's distorted face, he hurried forward to help his half Lying father, at this time, Shanyu's body twitched, his hands and feet kept moving, and his facial features were crooked.

The people from the other seven major tribes and the An Huyan family also called out in shock, "Shanyu..." What's more, they stared at Huyanbo viciously, it was him who made the old Shanyu's condition worse.

Hu Yanbo's mood is very complicated, his father's prejudice against him is so deep that he is not even allowed to find a chance to jointly deal with Huaguo here. Now he was lying half-dead on the bed, his heart was gripping fiercely, as uncomfortable as a person who behaved in the scorching Gobi desert, being exposed to the scorching sun without even a chance to breathe.

An Huyan was so anxious that she wanted to comfort the old Shanyu's chest, but his trembling hand waved her away. This made her rude in front of the patriarchs of the other seven tribes, and she was naturally very annoyed, and she dared not show it When she came out, she was afraid that people would know how much she hated this old man in her heart.

Fang Jin stretched out her hands and watched quietly, her beautiful eyes saw the so-called healers from the Hu country coming in, she had also learned from these people, they have certain skills in treating trauma, but they are not as capable as the doctors in the Central Plains, and the treatment is more complicated Now they all have different opinions on Lao Shanyu's illness, without a unified caliber, the corners of their mouths hooked.

(End of this chapter)

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